Astrological Weather Predicting
- loe_siteadmin
- on Jun, 29, 2018
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WEATHER predicting according to the Hermetic System here set forth is
exclusively astrological. Variations in solar radiation as affecting the
temperature and consequent weather changes are not considered, nor are
sun-spot periods which undoubtedly have much influence upon theweather, nor volcanic eruptions which shut heat from the earth by extensive blankets
of dust. The electromagnetic and physical conditions which influence the weather
are ignored, and instead the attention is directed exclusively to the manner in which
the inner-plane weather tends to change the physical weather from its normal trend
during the season at any place selected.
The inner-plane weather mapped by astrological positions has an influence on all
earthly things and enterprises. In Evolution of Life, Section 1 of Course 12, it is
pointed out how the inner-plane weather influenced both inorganic and organic
evolution. Even though they are not aware it is influencing them, Church of Light
research has proved that inanimate objects and other life-forms as well as man are
powerfully influenced by the inner-plane weather. It is pointed out in Chapter 03 (Course XII-1)
that a machine built at one time will not last as long as a machine built at a more
favorable time. Many farmers have learned that crops planted at a time when the
outer-plane weather seems favorable do not do so well as when planted when the
inner-plane weather is favorable. Our research has proved that animals respond to
progressed aspects in the same manner as do men, due allowance being made for the
evolutionary level of the animal. As one illustration, in Chapter 03 (Course XII-1), the precise
birth chart and the picture of a dog, together with the progressed aspects coincident
with fourteen different events in his life are given.
If, as demonstrated, the inner-plane weather profoundly influences all other things
on earth it would indeed be strange if it did not also profoundly influence the
outer-plane weather. That it does do so has been verified by a great many Church of
Light and other students who have tested out the system of astrological weather
predicting here set forth since its principles were published sixteen years ago.
There are seven different branches of astrology, the facts about which so far verified
being set forth in seven different Brotherhood of Light courses. There is no
implication that we know all there is to know about any branch of astrology. And The
Church of Light maintains an active Astrological Research Department which works
hard to acquire new and important information about astrology. But relative to each
of the seven branches we believe, in addition to considerable detail, we are in
possession of knowledge of its fundamental principles.
In a broad sense all seven branches of astrology operate on the same general
principle, the principle that the inner-plane weather mapped by astrological positions
has a profound influence on what happens here below. But in the detail of how
knowledge may be gained of just what inner-plane weather is being brought to bear
on physical conditions or life-forms there is some variation.
Astrological Signatures
–This branch of astrology is based upon painstaking observation of the parallels
which exist between the heavenly positions and worldly affairs. It is the application
of this branch of astrology which indicates the relation between astrological factors
and spiritual ideas, and the relation between astrological factors and religious or
other periodical observances on earth, such as are explained in Course VII, Spiritual
Astrology. And it is its function to determine the kind of a chart and the type of
progressed aspects used in natal astrology, horary astrology, mundane astrology,
stellar diagnosis and weather predicting. Astrological signatures determines the
relation between astrological positions and mental and physical conditions and the
chart and progressions to use to gain the desired information.
Natal Astrology
–This branch of astrology deals with the character of people, groups of people under
a single governing authority, enterprises, life-forms other than man, and other things
which have a definite moment of birth. And with the manner they are apt to react to
inner-plane weather subsequent to birth.
The principle involved is that a person or other thing is born only at the time when the
astrological weather is similar to its inner-plane organization. It is not born at other
times because the pressure of the inner-plane weather is too strongly opposed then to
its birth. But when the inner-plane weather is similar to its inner-plane organization
this pressure opposing birth is no longer present, and a pressure favoring birth is
This inner-plane organization may represent any variety of evolutionary levels from
that of bacteria, protozoa, a fruit fly, or a mammal, to a man of genius. But whatever
the evolutionary level, the astrological chart at birth maps the relations of the various
inner-plane factors with much consistency.
After birth, the life-form is influenced by subsequent inner-plane weather. And the
astrological factors mapping the energies of the inner-plane weather brought to bear
upon the inner-plane organization of the individual are those of major progressions,
minor progressions and transit progressions. From observing how people
customarily react to inner-plane weather mapped by certain progressed aspects,
much can be foretold as to the thoughts, behavior and the events that will enter the
individual’s life unless, aware of these progressed aspects, he takes precautionary
actions to change what otherwise would happen.
Horary Astrology
–Enterprises may be mental as well as physical. Thoughts are inner-plane energies,
and may be inner-plane organizations. When some question undergoes formulation
in the mind, a mental offspring is in process of gestation. And when the question
becomes clear and is expressed verbally or in writing the mental offspring at that
moment has its birth. A birth chart erected for the place and the precise moment
where the question is given birth will reveal as much about its possibilities, and what
will transpire relative to it in the future, as the birth chart of an individual will reveal
his possibilities and what is likely to transpire to him in the future.
Furthermore, our Research Department has found, through checking a vast number
of charts thus erected relative to which events have later transpired, that major, minor
and transit progressions work as effectively, and in the same way, with horary charts
as they do with natal charts.
If the chart as a whole indicates that the question asked about will not take place, no
progressed aspect will cause it to happen. But if the chart as a whole indicates the
question asked about will take place, the time it will take place is indicated by a
progressed aspect which at that time must be within the one effective degree of orb. If
the event–or a series of them relative to the question–is a major event, there must at
the time it happens be a major progressed aspect involving a planet characteristic of
the event and a major progressed aspect involving the ruler of the house which rules
the department of life relating to the event. If the event is a minor one, a minor
progressed aspect involving a planet characteristic of the event and a minor
progressed aspect involving the ruler of the house which governs the department of
life relating to the event may be sufficient, although customarily there is a major
progressed aspect also indicating it. And if the event is an inconsequential one, a
transit progressed aspect involving a planet characteristic of the event and a transit
progressed aspect involving the ruler of the house which governs the department of
life relating to the event may be sufficient, although customarily there is also either a
major or a minor progressed aspect also indicating it.
Furthermore, in horary charts, for a major event to happen, the major progressed
aspect must be reinforced by a minor progressed aspect and released by a transit
progressed aspect, and for a minor event to happen, the minor progressed aspect must
be released by a transit progressed aspect precisely as in natal astrology. The
astrological factors indicating what will happen and when, relative to a mental birth
are closely similar to those indicating what will happen and when, to that which is
physically born.
Stellar Diagnosis
This is a specialized section of natal astrology. The birth chart constants and the
–progressed constants for 160 different diseases are given in Course XVI, Stellar
Healing. The birth chart constants indicate toward what diseases the individual is
predisposed. The progressed constants indicate those periods of the life when, due to
the progressed aspects that will be present, there will be likelihood that a disease
toward which there is a predisposition will develop. The indicated disease will not
develop unless the progressed aspects are present which are the constants of the
These constants not only indicate that precautionary actions should be taken against
certain diseases, and that special precautionary actions should be taken during those
periods when the progressed constants make it possible for a disease toward which
there is a predisposition to develop, but they also indicate the nature of the
precautionary actions that should be taken.
Mundane Astrology
–This is the science of the influence of the heavenly bodies as they affect the world,
nations, cities, communities and other groups of people. Any organization of
individuals functioning under a common governing authority constitutes an entity.
As such it attracts to itself fortunate and unfortunate events in a manner quite similar
to that in which like events are attracted into the life of man. Both have birth charts
which if known correctly map their characters; and both are influenced by picking
up, radio fashion, inner-plane vibrations through changes in their finer structures
which are mapped by progressed aspects.
When the birth chart of a nation, city or other group is known, the influence of the
inner-plane weather on it, and its probable response to the inner-plane weather in
thought, behavior and the events which come into its life, are handled in the manner
charts and progressed aspects are handled in natal astrology, horary astrology and
stellar diagnosis.
But supplementing such knowledge, and giving quite a clear picture of the
inner-plane weather affecting such groups, are cycle charts erected for the
headquarters of the group, or the capital of the nation, at the precise moment a planet
moves from south to north declination, or in the case of the Moon, at the moment of
its conjunction with the Sun, using the Local Mean Time at the indicated place.
This is the birth chart of the cycle of the planet involved, and indicates the fortune of
affairs under the rulership of, or influenced by, the particular planet. Such cycle
charts used in Mundane astrology also are progressed. But the only planet thus
progressed is the planet for which the cycle chart was erected. This planet is
progressed only by its transit movement as shown in the ephemeris for that calendar
period. The aspects this planet makes with the positions of the planets in its cycle
birth chart indicate when each event indicated by the cycle birth chart will happen.
Spiritual Astrology
–Birth charts are not erected in spiritual astrology. Spiritual astrology relates to the
pressure of astrological influences as affecting the moral conceptions of groups of
people, and the pressure exerted by astrological energies to make ceremonies and
customs conform to inner-plane weather mapped by astrological positions. In
Course VII, Spiritual Astrology, the spiritual conception and the traditional story
illustrating it, are given for each of the 48 ancient constellations. And in the reference
book, Star Lore of All Ages, the astrological significance of 30 different holidays is
given. These holidays are observed only at the particular time of year when the
astrological positions correspond to the significance of the holiday. If the attempt is
made to hold them at some other time of year, either the holiday reverts to its original
day, or its observance soon ceases.
As an example of this, during the period when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was
president of the United States for the third time, influential business men presented
the idea to him that the two holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, were too close
together. They held, and most business men concurred, that there would be more
sales if Thanksgiving were held earlier in the autumn, so that people could recoup
financially from the spending at this holiday before the time to spend Christmas
money. It was a period when increasing business was a main objective of the
government, and Roosevelt announced that henceforth Thanksgiving would be held
earlier. And for a year or two he made the presidential announcement of the day on
which Thanksgiving was to be celebrated earlier in the month of November.
But even though Thanksgiving is established each year by presidential
announcement, and the President proclaimed the day on which it was to be held
several weeks earlier, the attempt to hold the festival on an inappropriate astrological
day–for the Sun was then in Scorpio instead of the Jupiter thanksgiving sign
Sagittarius–failed. In some states two Thanksgivings were held, one on the day
proclaimed by the President, and one on the accustomed day which was thus
designated by the Governor of the state. In other states people were indifferent to a
Thanksgiving which they felt somehow was not right. To be normal, as explained in
Astrological Lore of All Ages, Thanksgiving must take place during the time the Sun
is in the Sagittarius decanate of the sign of religion, Sagittarius, the decanate the
key-word of which is Devotion. Prayer is an essential part of the Thanksgiving
ceremony, as is Jupiter abundance. Therefore, in spite of the merchants, supported by
the President of the U.S., the people drifted back to the appropriate astrological day.
Weather Predicting
–To determine the influence of the inner-plane weather on the outer-plane weather
there is no birth chart of weather as a whole that can be ascertained, for the weather
has been in existence as long as there has been a planet earth. However, there are
definite periods during which the weather normally functions. The three significant
factors of the weather are the temperature, the air movement, and the precipitation of
moisture. Therefore, what we need is the birth chart of each period affecting the
temperature, the birth chart of each period affecting the movement of the air, and the
birth chart of each period affecting the precipitation of moisture. And as in natal
astrology, horary astrology, mundane astrology and stellar diagnosis, we also need to
know the method of progressions which indicate when the weather changes
indicated by each of these weather charts will take place, and the nature of the
indicated change at that particular time.
Temperature Charts
–Because the weather is so variable and unstable we should not expect the birth
charts of weather periods to be of long duration. We cannot consider that a given
weather period has a long span of life compared to the life of man, or even compared
with political, financial and such affairs as are considered in mundane astrology. The
life of a weather period is of comparatively short duration.
In determining the life-span of weather periods, as so often happens, tradition came
to our rescue. From most ancient times, as symbolized by the four different suits of
the tarot, the weather has been divided into four different seasons. We have spring,
summer, autumn and winter; each long recognized as a separate, distinct, and well
defined weather period. And the checking done by a great many students in various
parts of the world in the 16 years since the charts here presented were published has
well verified that each of these quadrants of the year is the natural life span of a major
weather period.
Our first step in weather predicting, therefore, consists in erecting a weather birth
chart for the moment the Sun enters each of the movable signs at the place where the
weather is to be considered. To make the erection of such charts both easy and
accurate The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac issued annually by the
Government Printing Office a year in advance, under the heading, Phenomena, gives
the Greenwich Civil Time when the Sun enters Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
And in the back of other ephemerides issued annually this data is given as Greenwich
A.M. or P.M. time.
If the place where the weather is to be considered is west of Greenwich, subtract the
number of hours, minutes and seconds the place is west of Greenwich from the
Greenwich time to find the Local Mean Time at that place. If the place is east of
Greenwich add the number of hours, minutes and seconds the place is east of
Greenwich to the Greenwich time to find the Local Mean Time at that place. The
number of hours, minutes and seconds a place is from Greenwich may be found by
multiplying the distance in °s of longitude by 4 and calling the product minutes of
time, and multiplying the remaining ‘s of longitude by 4 and calling the product
seconds of time, then converting into hours, minutes and seconds of time. Thus
adding or subtracting the difference in time to or from the Greenwich time to get the
Local Mean Time must be done for all weather charts after the Greenwich time has
been ascertained; for all weather charts must be erected for the Local Mean Time of
the place for which the weather is to be ascertained.
I think, either from astrologers or physicists, there would arise no dispute over the
statement that the Sun is the heavenly body which chiefly influences the temperature
on the face of the earth. I suppose, also, it would quite as readily be admitted that
variations in temperature are the most important cause of weather changes. Wind, for
instance, chiefly results because of the difference in temperature between adjacent
regions which causes warm air to rise and cold air to flow in to take its place. That is,
differences in atmospheric pressure, and the air movements consequently, arise
chiefly from variations in temperature.
Temperature also determines in great degree the amount of moisture the air can
absorb, and whether or not moisture held in the air will be precipitated. Warm air can
hold much moisture before the saturation point is reached. When the saturation point
is reached, however, any lowering of the temperature will cause precipitation,
because cold air cannot hold so much moisture.
These are very elementary principles relating to weather variations. But a more
technical discussion would not be appropriate to our purpose, which is to afford a
decidedly popular, and so far as possible non-technical, method of astrological
weather forecasting. Consequently, I shall avoid references to areas of high
barometric pressure and areas of low barometric pressure. These highs and lows do
influence wind currents and the precipitation of rain and snow and the formation of
storms. But they are chiefly due to temperature changes
After all, what the ordinary individual wishes to know about the weather is not
whether the barometer shows him to be in a high or low pressure area. He wants to
know if the weather is going to be cool, warm, hot, or cold; he wants to know if it is
going to be windy or calm, stormy or pleasant; he wants to know if it is going to be
cloudy, if the sun will shine, or if it will rain. That is, his chief concern is in
temperature, in air movement, and in moisture precipitation. These things he wants
to know in advance, because extreme weather conditions of any kind may cause him
financial loss, discomfort, or even loss of life, if he is unwarned of their approach and
consequently unable to take proper precautionary actions to meet them.
The Sun, chief ruler of temperature, changes polarity four times a year in its influence
on the weather. When it enters the sign Aries at the commencement of spring the
hours of daylight become longer than the hours of darkness. From this time on until
the Sun enters the sign Cancer, the days continue to get longer; but so soon as the Sun
crosses the solstice into Cancer at the commencement of summer the days start to
shorten. Then when the Sun crosses the equinox into Libra at the commencement of
autumn the nights become longer than the days, again changing polarity as it did
when it entered Aries and Cancer. The nights continue to get longer until the Sun
moves into Capricorn at the winter solstice and again changes polarity. From that
time on until it once more reaches Aries the days get longer until when it enters Aries
nights and days are once more of equal duration.
The most significant weather charts we call temperature charts. They have to do with
the commencement of each new season of the year by the Sun moving into a movable
sign. A temperature chart is erected for the moment the Sun enters Aries, Cancer,
Libra or Capricorn, as the case may be, using the Local Mean Time of the place
where the weather is to be thus foreshown. The temperature chart for the Sun’s entry
into Aries lasts until the Sun enters Cancer three months later. The temperature chart
for the Sun’s entry into Cancer lasts until the Sun moves into Libra. The temperature
chart for the Sun’s entry into Libra lasts until the Sun moves into Capricorn. And the
temperature chart for the Sun’s entry into Capricorn lasts until the Sun moves into
Aries. Thus we have a distinct temperature chart for each of the four seasons; spring,
summer, autumn and winter.
Air Movement Charts
–Yet temperature is not the only thing of importance in connection with the
weather. Next in importance are air movements; because the air movements, largely
resulting from temperature changes, are so influential in causing precipitation of
moisture. Our next interest, therefore, is with air movement charts.
I suppose no astrologer would dispute that the planet Mercury rules the winds.
Mercury is pictured as traveling with wings on his feet, and he is as changeable as
thought itself. And because, like the wind, he is so changeable, more readily than any
other planet taking on the condition of that with which he is temporarily associated, it
requires no vast change in his environment to cause him to start a new and distinct
period of endeavor. That is, a rather slight change in his environment is enough to
give him a distinctly different trend than he had before.
The change of influence a planet has when it moves from one sign into another is not
a marked change of polarity such as takes place at the commencement of its cyclic
journey when it moves from south to north declination; nor is it so pronounced as the
change of polarity experienced by the Sun at the commencement of each of the four
seasons of the year. Yet much observation and checking indicates that it is quite
enough to cause the volatile and fickle Mercury to take on new and distinctive
characteristics in its influence on movements of the air.
Every planet has a different resonance in each of the different signs; and the air is so
susceptible of being influenced by slight changes, and Mercury so readily changes to
the quality of the sign into which it moves, that this entering a new sign of the zodiac
is sufficient change of polarity to warrant the erection of a new air movement chart.
Both the air movement charts and the moisture charts are subsidiary to the
temperature chart of the Sun during the same period. But a new air movement chart is
erected whenever Mercury, either by direct motion or by retrograde motion, enters a
new zodiacal sign. Unfortunately the ordinary ephemeris does not give the exact time
when Mercury enters each zodiacal sign. The time, therefore, must in each instance
be calculated. How to make the calculation is given in Chapter 04, Astrological
Air Movement Charts.
The air movement chart erected for the moment Mercury enters a new sign of the
zodiac at the place for which it is desired to forecast air movements is not of regular
duration; for it lasts only until Mercury enters some other zodiacal sign. It may last
merely a matter of eighteen days, for instance, or on another occasion it may last
more than sixty days, depending on how quickly Mercury moves through the sign it
enters. In other words, it is as variable as the winds of heaven. Its influence always
terminates, however, when Mercury leaves the sign which it entered at the time the
chart was erected.
Moisture Charts
–We still have to consider the element of moisture. And I feel confident that any
astrologer will agree with me that the Moon rules moisture. It is the traditional ruler
of liquids of all kinds. Yet because the precipitation of moisture, such as fog, rain,
snow and hail is so dependent upon temperature changes, the moisture charts must
always be considered subsidiary and subservient to the temperature chart operative
at the same time.
Moisture charts, as indicated, are dependent upon the changes in polarity of the
Moon. And because weather is so variable a condition, it is not merely the cyclic
chart commencing at New Moon which has its outer-plane weather parallels, but also
the charts erected for the other phases of the Moon. Just as tradition points to their
being four seasons of the year, each denoting a distinct weather period, so tradition
also points out that there are four distinctive periods of the lunar month. Calendars,
almanacs, and other astronomical guides at the present day, as throughout the past,
take pains to note the days on which the Moon enters each of its quarters.
Even as the Sun, the major weather influence, in its movement around the zodiac sets
off four distinctive periods, so also the Moon in its movement around the zodiac sets
off four distinctive periods. The New Moon starts the first period, which lasts until
the Moon makes the square aspect to the Sun; and this period, because it is one-fourth
of the travel of the Moon from one conjunction with the Sun to the next conjunction
with the Sun is traditionally called the First Quarter. The second period lasts from the
first quarter, which ends when the Moon is square the Sun, to Full Moon, when the
Moon makes the opposition to the Sun. This opposition ends the Second Quarter.
The third period lasts from Full Moon, when the Moon is opposition Sun, until the
Moon once again makes the square aspect to the Sun. The Third Quarter ends when
this square aspect is made. The fourth period, commencing when the Third Quarter
ends, lasts until the Moon once more makes the conjunction of the Sun, which marks
New Moon. From New Moon, when the Moon is conjunction the Sun, until Full
Moon, when the Moon is opposition the Sun, the Moon increases in light. From Full
Moon, when the Moon is opposition the Sun, until New Moon, when the Moon is
conjunction the Sun, the Moon is decreasing in light. The fourth period ending at
New Moon completes the circle.
For moisture charts we erect a chart for the exact moment of Local Mean Time at the
place where it is desired to forecast the weather that the Moon makes the conjunction
with the Sun, that the Moon makes the first square aspect to the Sun, that the Moon
makes the opposition to the Sun, and that the Moon makes the last square aspect to
the Sun. We thus, following this plan, have a new moisture chart for each seven day
Fortunately for ease and accuracy in calculating these moisture charts, The
American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac issued annually by the Government
Printing Office a year in advance, under the heading, Phases of the Moon, gives the
Greenwich Civil Time for New Moon, for the first square which it calls First Quarter,
for Full Moon, and for the last square, which it calls Last Quarter. And most
ephemerides which are published annually have an aspectarian in the back which
gives, along with the time of other aspects, the time when the Moon makes the
conjunction with the Sun, the first square aspect with the Sun, the opposition with the
Sun, and the last square with the Sun. As the time given is for Greenwich, the Local
Mean Time at the place for which it is desired to forecast the weather must be
ascertained by subtracting or adding the difference in time, as explained when
considering temperature charts. The chart must be erected by using the Local Mean
Time so found, and the latitude of the place for which it is desired the weather should
be foreknown.
The Degree on the Ascendant of a Weather Chart is of
Paramount Importance
–We have now indicated the three types of charts used in weather predicting: a
temperature chart based on the position of the Sun, an air movement chart based on
the position of Mercury, and a moisture chart based on the position of the Moon. In
any of these charts the sign position of the planets, and the aspects made between
planets, are identical the world over. Each chart, though erected for a different station
in the world, is erected for the same moment of Greenwich time. The sign positions
of the planets, and the aspects between the planets for the commencement of any
particular weather period are the same throughout the world, and have an influence
on the weather, not merely in some one spot, but all over the world. They are world
weather influences.
But the chart erected at a given spot on the earth’s surface gives its own house
positions of the planets and its own rising sign degree. Either a difference in
geographical longitude or in geographical latitude will give a variation in house
positions and in the degree upon the Ascendant. It is the house positions of the planets
that must be given consideration in judging the type of weather that will follow
during the weather chart’s period in a given locality.
Such weather charts as we have been considering, erected for the same Greenwich
time, each governs the general weather for the locality where erected, over a definite
period of time. The three charts, in combination with each other, and subject to the
normal conditions at that time of year in the given locality for which erected, give an
astrological picture of the weather conditions that may be expected during the
indicated period.
But even as in a human birth chart something more is needed than a map of the
general trend of the character, aptitudes and fortune, so also in weather charts
something more is needed than maps of the general weather conditions during the
week, during the month more or less, and during the three month season. Even as in
natal astrology, to time the events shown as probable by the birth chart it is necessary
to calculate and judge progressed aspects, so also in weather predicting, to determine
when indicated weather changes will occur we must have recourse to progressed
Unlike natal astrology in which major progressed aspects are most significant, and
unlike mundane cycles in which the transit progression of only the planet for which
the chart was erected is found significant, in weather predicting the transit progressed
aspects–as shown by the positions of the planets in the ephemeris on the calendar
date under consideration–of all the planets are significant. Their aspects formed in
the sky have significance over world weather conditions in general; but it has been
found that for a given locality only the aspects of the planets to the Ascendant of a
weather chart is indicative of a weather change.
The transit progressed aspects to the Ascendant, which to be effective must be within
the customary one degree of perfect, of the chart are only of local significance and
serve as pointers indicating the time when weather changes affecting the specific
locality will take place. These aspects to the Ascendant cannot cause weather
conditions not indicated by the chart; no more than in natal astrology a progressed
aspect can indicate an event which the birth chart does not indicate as probable. But
they do indicate when such changes as are shown by the chart will transpire.
The correct reading of these transit progressed aspects to the Ascendant is the most
difficult factor with which we have to deal in weather predicting, because of the
tendency to attribute an influence to an aspect made to the Ascendant which the
weather birth chart as a whole does not substantiate. Their correct reading requires
both experience and much refinement of judgment.
In all three types of weather charts the method employed is the same. It consists of
considering the °s and ‘s on the Ascendant of the chart as the polarizing point for
atmospheric conditions for the given locality. Every aspect formed, therefore, by the
movements of the planets as shown daily in the ephemeris, not neglecting parallel
aspects, to the degree on the Ascendant, indicates some weather variation. The kind
of variation depends upon whether the aspect is to the Ascendant of the temperature
chart, to the Ascendant of the air movement chart, or to the Ascendant of the moisture
chart, upon the nature of the planet making the aspect, and upon the general weather
indications of the chart as a whole.
If it is the temperature chart which is being considered, it is to be considered the most
important chart of all, not merely in regard to temperature, but also in regard to
indicating the general conditions of the weather for the three month period that it
covers; because temperature is so important in influencing both rain and wind. Thus
the chart erected for the time the Sun enters each movable sign is to be taken as the
general indicator of what may be expected during the season. But when such wind,
and such rain as is indicated will occur is not to be determined from the temperature
chart, but solely from the air movement chart and the moisture chart respectively.
The time, however, when temperature changes will occur is to be ascertained solely
from the temperature chart. Inspection of the ephemeris will indicate the daily
positions of the planets, and reveal those days when any planet makes an aspect to the
° and ‘ on the Ascendant of the temperature chart. Every such aspect indicates some
variation of temperature, having an influence over the period during which the aspect
is within the customary effective one degree of perfect.
The heavier aspects, such as conjunction, opposition, parallel, square and trine,
indicate more pronounced temperature fluctuations than do sextiles, semi-squares,
sesqui-squares, inconjunctions and semi-sextiles. Because they move so slowly and
the influence is effective during the time the aspect is within the effective one degree
of perfect, the aspects of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter indicate longer
periods of influence, in which the drop or rise on the exact day the aspect is perfect
may not be so pronounced. The Sun and Mars in their aspects to the Ascendant are
more precise in influence, and have stronger effects than Venus and Mercury. The
aspects made to the Ascendant by the Moon last so short a time that, except when
made in the moisture charts, their influence is not pronounced.
The air movement chart determines the wind during the period it covers, subject, of
course, to the chart of the season. An air movement chart showing much wind may
not indicate wind storms, but only that it will be a windy time in comparison with the
balance of the season. And the time when wind may be expected is determined by the
aspects, as they are made, of the planets to the Ascendant of the air movement chart.
A moisture chart lasts only a little over seven days. It indicates how much
precipitation there will be during the seven days covered, in comparison with other
seven day periods during the season. When such moisture as is indicated will fall is
shown by the aspects of the planets, as revealed by their positions in the ephemeris
for the current year, to the Ascendant of the moisture chart. Even though the aspects
formed by the Moon last but a few hours, because the Moon rules these moisture
charts, even those days when the Moon makes heavy aspects to the Ascendant of a
moisture chart may be important.
Seasonal and Geographical Considerations
–On the average, in natal astrology, in horary astrology, in stellar diagnosis, and in
mundane astrology, it is found that the outer-plane environment and the inner-plane
environment have about an equal amount of influence over conditions and what
happens. And this principle is equally valid in weather predicting. Inner-plane
weather has a profound influence over outer-plane weather. But the resistance of a
particular environment to inner-plane weather of a certain kind must always be taken
into consideration. That is a difficult factor successfully to handle in astrological
weather predicting.
Each locality on the earth, due to many variable factors, has its own particular
weather conditions which vary with the seasons of the year. Just as in the other
mentioned branches of astrology, we have a norm that always must be considered.
Variations of the inner-plane weather mapped by astrology do not during the
ordinary life time of man radically change the weather of a certain area. It only
indicates variations from the normal weather at a certain place during a certain
period. Therefore, before an individual can successfully predict what the weather
will be during a given period at a certain place, he must become familiar with the
normal weather conditions at that place during that time of year. With this
information, the aspects made to the Ascendants of the weather charts will indicate
when the variations from this normal, as shown by the weather charts, will take place.
In the Death Valley region of the United States, for instance, the average
precipitation is but a few inches, and these few inches commonly fall during the
winter. The exception to this is that during the hotter period of the year a cloudburst
may occur in the neighboring mountains and a vast amount of water, precipitated in a
small area, may rush down some canyon carrying boulders, sand and gravel out upon
the valley floor.
In addition to this lack of moisture, during the summer there frequently are periods
when for days hot, dust laden winds blow violently along this baked depression in the
surface of the earth.
It will be seen, therefore, that the astrological conditions which would indicate wet
weather in Death Valley, even in winter, would be unusually pronounced, but that the
astrological conditions indicating violent winds in summer would be exceedingly
slight. It requires very wet aspects forming to the degree on the Ascendant of the
moisture chart to give rain, even in winter; and no matter how wet the chart, or how
wet the planet making an exact and powerful aspect to the degree on the Ascendant, it
would be hazardous to predict wet weather on the floor of the valley in summer.
But in the same state of California, in Humboldt County on the coast, a day in winter
when it does not rain is a decided rarity. It is normal for it to rain nearly every day in
winter. A wet moisture chart, and aspects from wet planets to the degree on the
Ascendant, would indicate not merely rain in this region, but more rain than usual.
No matter what the weather charts, nor how the Ascendants were aspected, you
should not expect a tornado in California. And even in the northern part of the U. S. it
would be unwise to predict, no matter at the weather charts might show, there would
be a tornado in January.
Before there can be success in using astrological methods in weather predicting there
must be thorough familiarity with the weather conditions that normally occur in the
particular region. And it must be taken into account what kind of weather may be
expected in this region normally at the particular time of year for which the weather
charts are erected.
Having made himself thoroughly familiar with the normal weather, the student of
astrological weather predicting will be in a position to judge, and with practice quite
precisely, how the weather in the vicinity will be affected by unusual conditions
shown in the weather charts.
Certain signs are dry and other signs are wet. Certain planets are dry, and certain
planets are wet. When wet influences occur in the season temperature chart or the
moisture chart in those positions that have an influence over the weather, he may
know that weather which is wetter than the normal for the season is at hand.
Certain signs and certain planets are hot, and other signs and other planets are cold.
When hot planets and hot signs are in the positions in the temperature chart for the
season that affect the weather, he knows it is going to be a season hotter than normal.
Certain signs and certain planets are windy, and other signs and other planets are
calm. When in the temperature chart and the air movement chart the windy signs and
planets are in those positions affecting the weather in his vicinity, he knows that a
windy period is at hand.
Certain planets are violent, and certain aspects are violent. And when there are
violent planets making violent aspects to each other in the sky there is always violent
weather on the earth, of a nature corresponding to the planets and their aspects. And if
such violent planets occur prominently in the weather charts erected for a certain
vicinity, he knows that violent weather there may be expected.
If the chief afflicting planet is Saturn, it may be a freeze, a flood, a blizzard, or a
drought; but it will be destructive. If Uranus is the chief afflicting planet, electrical
disturbances, or at least some sudden violence may be expected. If Neptune is the
chief afflicting planet, the weather will be quite out of the ordinary. Thus each planet
has its own significance where weather is concerned. And if a storm is indicated, it
will break when there is a characteristic aspect to the Ascendant of the weather chart
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Quote of the Light
I have pierced the illusion of matter and seen that I am Divine. — Zanoni
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- I Laws Of Occultism
- II Astrological Signatures
- III Spiritual Alchemy
- IV Ancient Masonry
- IX Mental Alchemy
- V Esoteric Psychology
- VI The Sacred Tarot
- VII Spiritual Astrology
- VIII Horary Astrology
- X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope
- X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope
- XI Divination and Character Reading
- XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life
- XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion
- XIII Mundane Astrology
- XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life
- XIX Organic Alchemy
- XV Weather Predicting
- XVI Stellar Healing
- XVII Cosmic Alchemy
- XVIII Imponderable Forces
- XX The Next Life
- XXI Personal Alchemy