Courses by Ease
Sr. No. | Lesson Title | Course | Chapter |
218 | Avenues to Illumination | XXI Personal Alchemy | 3 |
216 | Three Things Every Neophyte Should Know | XXI Personal Alchemy | 1 |
217 | The First Three Habits A Neophyte Should Adopt | XXI Personal Alchemy | 2 |
220 | Spiritual Trends in Personal Conduct | XXI Personal Alchemy | 5 |
219 | Spiritual Hindrance by Family and Friends | XXI Personal Alchemy | 4 |
56 | Doctrine of Esoteric Psychology | V Esoteric Psychology | 1 |
57 | Reason and Intuition | V Esoteric Psychology | 2 |
58 | Language and the Value of Dreams | V Esoteric Psychology | 3 |
59 | Desire and How to Use It | V Esoteric Psychology | 4 |
60 | Why Repression Is Not Morality | V Esoteric Psychology | 5 |
61 | How to Rule the Stars | V Esoteric Psychology | 6 |
62 | How to Apply Suggestion | V Esoteric Psychology | 7 |
63 | The Correct Use of Affirmations | V Esoteric Psychology | 8 |
64 | How to Think Constructively | V Esoteric Psychology | 9 |
65 | How to Cultivate Subliminal Thinking | V Esoteric Psychology | 10 |
66 | How to Develop Creative Imagination | V Esoteric Psychology | 11 |
67 | How to Demonstrate Success | V Esoteric Psychology | 12 |
95 | The Inner Nature of Poverty Failure and Disease | IX Mental Alchemy | 1 |
96 | Just How to Find the Thought Cause of Any Condition | IX Mental Alchemy | 2 |
97 | How to Find a Mental Antidote | IX Mental Alchemy | 3 |
98 | How to Apply a Mental Antidote | IX Mental Alchemy | 4 |
99 | Just How to Heal Yourself | IX Mental Alchemy | 5 |
100 | Just How to Attain Realization | IX Mental Alchemy | 6 |
101 | Just How to Give Absent Treatments | IX Mental Alchemy | 7 |
151 | Finding One’s Cosmic Work | XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life | 1 |
152 | Living the Completely Constructive Life | XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life | 2 |
153 | Diet and Breathing | XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life | 3 |
154 | How To Keep Young | XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life | 4 |
155 | How To Be Attractive | XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life | 5 |
156 | How To Have Friends | XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life | 6 |
157 | How To Get Employment | XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life | 7 |
158 | How To Make Money | XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life | 8 |
159 | How To Achieve Honors | XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life | 9 |
160 | How To Be Successful In Marriage | XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life | 10 |
161 | How To Have A Pleasant Home | XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life | 11 |
162 | How To Be Happy | XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life | 12 |
164 | Conquest of War | XVII Cosmic Alchemy | 1 |
165 | Abolition of Poverty | XVII Cosmic Alchemy | 2 |
166 | Cosmic Politics | XVII Cosmic Alchemy | 3 |
167 | Heredity and Environment | XVII Cosmic Alchemy | 4 |
168 | How To Be Spiritual | XVII Cosmic Alchemy | 5 |
169 | Spiritual Value of Education | XVII Cosmic Alchemy | 6 |
170 | How To Appraise Spiritual Values | XVII Cosmic Alchemy | 7 |
171 | Minor Aids to Spiritual Advancement | XVII Cosmic Alchemy | 8 |
172 | Major Aids to Spiritual Advancement | XVII Cosmic Alchemy | 9 |
4 | The Mission of the Soul | II Astrological Signatures | 4 |
39 | Occult Data | I Laws Of Occultism | 1 |
40 | Astral Substance | I Laws Of Occultism | 2 |
41 | Astral Vibrations | I Laws Of Occultism | 3 |
42 | Doctrine of Nativities | I Laws Of Occultism | 4 |
43 | Doctrine of Mediumship | I Laws Of Occultism | 5 |
44 | Spiritism | I Laws Of Occultism | 6 |
45 | Phenomenal Spiritism | I Laws Of Occultism | 7 |
173 | Turning the Dial to Inner Planes | XX The Next Life | 1 |
174 | Properties of Life on the Inner Plane | XX The Next Life | 2 |
175 | Birth Into the Next Life | XX The Next Life | 3 |
176 | Astrological Influences in the Next Life | XX The Next Life | 4 |
177 | Occupations of the Next Life | XX The Next Life | 5 |
178 | Education and Progress in the Next Life | XX The Next Life | 6 |
179 | Earth-Bound Souls and the Astral Hells | XX The Next Life | 7 |
180 | Domestic Relations of the Next Life | XX The Next Life | 8 |
181 | Social Contacts and Amusements in the Next Life | XX The Next Life | 9 |
182 | Through Astral and Spiritual to Celestial | XX The Next Life | 10 |
20 | Facts and Fancies About Reincarnation I | II Astrological Signatures | 7 |
21 | Facts and Fancies About Reincarnation II | II Astrological Signatures | 8 |
49 | Doctrine of Spiritual Alchemy | III Spiritual Alchemy | 1 |
50 | Seven Spiritual Metals | III Spiritual Alchemy | 2 |
51 | Purifying the Metals | III Spiritual Alchemy | 3 |
52 | Transmutation | III Spiritual Alchemy | 4 |
53 | Higher Consciousness | III Spiritual Alchemy | 5 |
184 | Sympathies and Antipathies | XVIII Imponderable Forces | 2 |
185 | Ceremonial Magic | XVIII Imponderable Forces | 3 |
186 | Sorcery and Witchcraft | XVIII Imponderable Forces | 4 |
187 | Ritual and Religion | XVIII Imponderable Forces | 5 |
188 | Press, Radio and Billboard | XVIII Imponderable Forces | 6 |
189 | The Wholesome Pathway | XVIII Imponderable Forces | 7 |
209 | The Ceaseless Surge of Life | XIX Organic Alchemy | 1 |
210 | Every Life-Form Manifests a Soul | XIX Organic Alchemy | 2 |
211 | The Universal Law of Soul Progression | XIX Organic Alchemy | 3 |
203 | Abdominal Troubles Bleeding | XVI Stellar Healing | 7 |
213 | The Universal Law of Compensation | XIX Organic Alchemy | 5 |
214 | The Universal Moral Code | XIX Organic Alchemy | 6 |
215 | Discerning God’s Great Plan | XIX Organic Alchemy | 7 |
133 | The Foundation of Religion | XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion | 1 |
134 | Early Religions of the World | XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion | 2 |
135 | Religion In Historic Times | XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion | 3 |
136 | Tao, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, and Mohammedanism | XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion | 4 |
137 | Hinduism and Buddhism | XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion | 5 |
138 | Judaism and Christianity | XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion | 6 |
139 | The Stellarian Religion | XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion | 7 |
140 | Astrology is Religion’s Road Map | XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion | 8 |
125 | Origin of the Earth | XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life | 1 |
126 | Origin and Development of Plants | XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life | 2 |
127 | Progress of Invertebrate Life | XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life | 3 |
128 | Fishes and Amphibians | XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life | 4 |
129 | Reptiles and Birds | XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life | 5 |
130 | Development Among Mammals | XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life | 6 |
131 | Development of Man | XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life | 7 |
132 | Development of Knowledge | XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life | 8 |
1 | The Ritual of Egyptian Initiation | II Astrological Signatures | 9 |
6 | Ancient Masonry Introduction | IV Ancient Masonry | 1 |
7 | Entered Apprentice and the Planets | IV Ancient Masonry | 2 |
8 | Entered Apprentice and the Signs | IV Ancient Masonry | 3 |
9 | Numbers and Opening the Lodge | IV Ancient Masonry | 4 |
10 | Initiating a Member | IV Ancient Masonry | 5 |
11 | Fellowcraft | IV Ancient Masonry | 6 |
12 | Lodge Emblems | IV Ancient Masonry | 7 |
13 | Master Mason | IV Ancient Masonry | 8 |
14 | Mark Master Mason | IV Ancient Masonry | 9 |
15 | Royal Arch | IV Ancient Masonry | 10 |
16 | Degrees of the Cross | IV Ancient Masonry | 11 |
17 | Ineffable Degrees | IV Ancient Masonry | 12 |
18 | Historical Degrees | IV Ancient Masonry | 13 |
2 | The Two Keys | II Astrological Signatures | 1 |
48 | Doctrine of Kabalism | VI The Sacred Tarot | 1 |
22 | Foundation of the Science | VI The Sacred Tarot | 2 |
23 | Scope and Use of Tarot | VI The Sacred Tarot | 3 |
24 | Involution and Evolution of Numbers | VI The Sacred Tarot | 4 |
25 | Reading the Meaning of Numbers | VI The Sacred Tarot | 5 |
26 | Making an Astrological Chart of a Name | VI The Sacred Tarot | 6 |
27 | Influence of Changing the Name | VI The Sacred Tarot | 7 |
28 | Reading Names in Detail | VI The Sacred Tarot | 8 |
29 | The Color of a Name | VI The Sacred Tarot | 9 |
30 | Natural Talismans and Artificial Charms | VI The Sacred Tarot | 10 |
31 | Chronology of the Tarot | VI The Sacred Tarot | 11 |
32 | Solution of Ancient Cycles | VI The Sacred Tarot | 12 |
33 | How to read the Tarot | VI The Sacred Tarot | 13 |
118 | Doctrine of Divination | XI Divination and Character Reading | 1 |
119 | Tea-cup and Coffee-cup Divination | XI Divination and Character Reading | 2 |
120 | Divining Rod and Other Divination | XI Divination and Character Reading | 3 |
121 | Instantaneous Character Reading | XI Divination and Character Reading | 4 |
122 | Significance of Body and Head | XI Divination and Character Reading | 5 |
123 | Instantaneous Reading from Profile | XI Divination and Character Reading | 6 |
71 | Our Spiritual Legacy | VII Spiritual Astrology | 1 |
72 | The Fountain of Youth | VII Spiritual Astrology | 2 |
73 | Knights of King Arthur | VII Spiritual Astrology | 3 |
74 | Story of the Three Bears | VII Spiritual Astrology | 4 |
75 | The Ladder to Heaven | VII Spiritual Astrology | 5 |
76 | Is There a Santa Claus | VII Spiritual Astrology | 6 |
77 | Why Eve Was Tempted | VII Spiritual Astrology | 7 |
78 | The Marriage in Heaven | VII Spiritual Astrology | 8 |
79 | The Scorpion and the Eagle | VII Spiritual Astrology | 9 |
80 | The Bow of Bright Promise | VII Spiritual Astrology | 10 |
81 | News From the Summerland | VII Spiritual Astrology | 11 |
82 | In the Reign of Aquarius | VII Spiritual Astrology | 12 |
83 | The Tree of Life | VII Spiritual Astrology | 13 |
46 | The Zodiac | II Astrological Signatures | 2 |
47 | Mundane Houses | II Astrological Signatures | 3 |
3 | Physiology and Correspondence | II Astrological Signatures | 5 |
5 | Doctrine of Signatures | II Astrological Signatures | 6 |
86 | How to Erect a Horoscope | VIII Horary Astrology | 1 |
87 | Strength and Aspects of the Planets | VIII Horary Astrology | 2 |
88 | First Seven Steps in Judging Any Horoscope | VIII Horary Astrology | 3 |
89 | The Doctrine of Horary Astrology | VIII Horary Astrology | 4 |
90 | Questions Relating to the First Six Houses | VIII Horary Astrology | 5 |
92 | How to Select the Best Time for Any Undertaking | VIII Horary Astrology | 7 |
36 | Chart Erection Shortcuts and Examples | VIII Horary Astrology | 8 |
103 | First Eighteen Decanates Analyzed | X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope | 1 |
104 | Last Eighteen Decanates Analyzed | X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope | 2 |
105 | Stature, Temperament, Disposition and Mental Ability | X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope | 3 |
106 | Vitality, Health and Disease | X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope | 4 |
107 | Business, Finances and Vocational Selection | X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope | 5 |
108 | Friends, Enemies and Associates | X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope | 6 |
109 | Love, Marriage and Partnership | X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope | 7 |
110 | How to Delineate a Horoscope | X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope | 8 |
141 | Doctrine of Mundane Astrology | XIII Mundane Astrology | 1 |
142 | Cycles of Pluto and Neptune | XIII Mundane Astrology | 2 |
143 | Cycles of Uranus | XIII Mundane Astrology | 3 |
144 | Cycles of Saturn | XIII Mundane Astrology | 4 |
145 | Cycles of Jupiter | XIII Mundane Astrology | 5 |
146 | Cycles of Mars | XIII Mundane Astrology | 6 |
147 | Major Conjunctions of Planets | XIII Mundane Astrology | 7 |
148 | Cycles of the Sun | XIII Mundane Astrology | 8 |
149 | Cycles of the Moon | XIII Mundane Astrology | 9 |
150 | Precise Predicting: Eclipses | XIII Mundane Astrology | 10 |
190 | Astrological Weather Predicting | XV Weather Predicting | 1 |
191 | Reading Astrological Weather Charts | XV Weather Predicting | 2 |
192 | Astrological Temperature Charts | XV Weather Predicting | 3 |
91 | Questions Relating to the Last Six Houses | VIII Horary Astrology | 6 |
193 | Astrological Air Movement Charts | XV Weather Predicting | 4 |
194 | Astrological Moisture Charts | XV Weather Predicting | 5 |
124 | Instantaneous Vocational Analysis | XI Divination and Character Reading | 7 |
195 | Unusual Weather | XV Weather Predicting | 6 |
196 | Tornadoes and Hurricanes | XV Weather Predicting | 7 |
19 | Hermetic System of Progressions | X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope | 1 |
111 | Major Progressions of Sun and Angles | X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope | 2 |
112 | Major Progressions of the Moon | X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope | 3 |
113 | Major Progressions of the Planets | X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope | 4 |
114 | Minor Progressions of Sun and Angles | X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope | 5 |
115 | Minor Progressions of Moon and Planets | X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope | 6 |
116 | Transits, Revolutions and Cycles | X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope | 7 |
117 | Rectifying the Horoscope | X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope | 8 |
183 | How to Act Under Adverse Progressed Aspects | XVIII Imponderable Forces | 1 |
221 | How to Keep Mentally and Physically Fit | XXI Personal Alchemy | 6 |
222 | What to Eat When Mercury or Uranus is Afflicted | XXI Personal Alchemy | 7 |
223 | What to Eat When Sun, Moon or Pluto is Afflicted | XXI Personal Alchemy | 8 |
224 | What to Eat When Saturn, Jupiter or Neptune is Afflicted | XXI Personal Alchemy | 9 |
197 | Stellar Anatomy | XVI Stellar Healing | 1 |
204 | Blindness – Coronary Thrombosis | XVI Stellar Healing | 8 |
198 | Basis of Stellar Diagnosis | XVI Stellar Healing | 2 |
199 | Principles of Stellar Healing | XVI Stellar Healing | 3 |
200 | Technique of Stellar Healing | XVI Stellar Healing | 4 |
225 | What to Eat When Venus or Mars is Afflicted | XXI Personal Alchemy | 10 |
202 | Diagnosis and Treatment | XVI Stellar Healing | 6 |
205 | Cyst – Hay Fever | XVI Stellar Healing | 9 |
201 | Stellar Healing in Practice | XVI Stellar Healing | 5 |
212 | The Uses of Pleasure and Pain | XIX Organic Alchemy | 4 |
206 | Headache – Mumps | XVI Stellar Healing | 10 |
207 | Nervous Breakdown – Scarlet Fever | XVI Stellar Healing | 11 |
208 | Sciatica – Yellow Fever | XVI Stellar Healing | 12 |
These Award Manuscripts CANNOT be purchased. They are only awarded after passing a written examination on one of the regular courses. They are awarded in the sequence shown.
Sr. No. | Subject | Awarding Sequence |
226 | The Safe and Most Effective Method of Psychic Development | 1 |
227 | How to Become Conscious on the Inner Plane | 2 |
228 | How to Contact Desired Information on the Inner Plane | 3 |
229 | How to Hold the Consciousness on the Selected Level of the Inner Plane | 4 |
54 | Breathing to Acquire Proper Electrification | 5 |
230 | How to Become Objectively Aware of Information Acquired from the Inner Plane | 6 |
231 | How to Use the Transition Technique of ESP | 7 |
232 | How to Control Inner Plane Activities | 8 |
34 | How to Develop Soul Activity | 9 |
35 | How to Direct Soul Activity | 10 |
94 | How to Travel in the Astral | 11 |
69 | Soul Mates | 12 |
93 | How to Use Personal Cycles For Soul Unfoldment | 13 |
84 | How to Use Talismans for Special Purposes | 14 |
68 | Customs and Habits of Elementals | 15 |
85 | Value of Totems | 16 |
163 | Contacting the Masters | 17 |
55 | Great Pyramid Interpreted | 18 |
70 | Symbol Reading Made Easy | 19 |
38 | Initiation | 20 |
37 | Practice of White Magic | 21 |
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Quote of the Light
I have pierced the illusion of matter and seen that I am Divine. — Zanoni
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- I Laws Of Occultism
- II Astrological Signatures
- III Spiritual Alchemy
- IV Ancient Masonry
- IX Mental Alchemy
- V Esoteric Psychology
- VI The Sacred Tarot
- VII Spiritual Astrology
- VIII Horary Astrology
- X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope
- X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope
- XI Divination and Character Reading
- XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life
- XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion
- XIII Mundane Astrology
- XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life
- XIX Organic Alchemy
- XV Weather Predicting
- XVI Stellar Healing
- XVII Cosmic Alchemy
- XVIII Imponderable Forces
- XX The Next Life
- XXI Personal Alchemy