Sciatica – Yellow Fever
- loe_siteadmin
- on Jun, 29, 2018
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Birth-chart constants: Mercury or Uranus severely afflicted, and a planet afflicted
in Sagittarius or less commonly Jupiter afflicted.
Progressed constants: An affliction involving Mercury or Uranus, or an aspect
involving Mercury or Uranus at the same time there are severe rallying forces, and an
aspect involving a planet in Sagittarius, or less commonly involving Jupiter.
Stellar Treatment: Sciatica is neuralgia, or if Uranus or Mercury is afflicted by
Mars in the birthchart and there is a progressed aspect involving Mars, it may be
neuritis, affecting the sciatic nerve. The treatment, therefore, should be the same as
for neuralgia or neuritis except that the thought-cells mapped by any planet in
Sagittarius should be given the planetary energy of their antidote, and the zone
occupied by Jupiter should be given Mercury planetary energy. Effort should be
made to relieve any strain or pressure on the sciatic nerve. Sitting a long time on a
hard chair, prolapsed abdominal viscera, enlargement of the prostate gland, standing
too long at a time, or any other condition which brings pressure on the nerve may be a
contributing cause. Rest in bed for a few days is helpful when strain due to working
conditions is a contributing factor. Electromagnetic energy applied to the nerve is
Example: Chart 7285. Female, December 3, 1916, noon. 74W. 40:43N. Uranus
semi-square Moon, Sun in Sagittarius sesqui-square Jupiter. In September, 1940,
with Mercury parallel Mars p, Uranus semi-square Mars r and Moon r, and Asc. trine
Mercury r in Sagittarius, developed sciatica.
Birth-chart constants: An upper-octave planet prominent and afflicted, Venus
afflicted and Mercury afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving an upper-octave planet, an aspect
involving Venus, and an aspect involving Mercury, at the same time there are severe
rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: The blisters form along the course of a sensory nerve. Nervous
tension should be avoided, and calm, peaceful and optimistic thinking of the Jupiter
type cultivated. The diet should contain calcium, vitamin B-1, vitamin D, vitamin A
and vitamin E, iodine and copper. Wheat germ meal is a good source of vitamin E.
Electromagnetic passes may be used to soothe the pain, which may continue after the
blisters have disappeared. Saturn planetary energy should be applied to the zone
occupied by Venus, the planetary energy of its antidote should be applied to the zone
occupied by the afflicted upper-octave planet, and Jupiter planetary energy should be
given the zone occupied by Mercury. If the blisters form on the eyelids or eyeball, the
pupil should be kept dilated with atrophine and the eye bathed with boracic lotion
under competent medical supervision.
Example: Chart 7286. Female, February 9,1906, 4:00 a.m. 121:14W. 50:42N.
Uranus in an angle opposition Neptune, Venus and Mercury opposition Moon. In
April, 1923, as progressed, with Mercury parallel Venus p, Sun sextile Uranus p and
trine Neptune r, Uranus opposition Neptune p, Neptune semi-square Moon r, and
Uranus sesqui-square Moon r, had shingles.
Birth-chart constants: An upper-octave planet prominent, Saturn or Jupiter
afflicted, and commonly a planet in either Aries or Scorpio.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving an upper-octave planet, an aspect
involving Jupiter or Saturn, and an aspect involving the planet in Scorpio or Aries, at
the same time there are severe rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: In addition to applying the planetary energy of its antidote to the
zone occupied by the upper-octave planet, and to the zone occupied by Jupiter or
Saturn and the planet in Scorpio or Aries, the diet should be such as to alkalize the
blood stream and to correct the hypersensitivity. To do the latter it should contain
calcium, vitamin B-1, and vitamin D. If Saturn is prominent and afflicted, the diet
should contain variety in mineral salts. vitamins and proteins. If Jupiter is prominent
and afflicted, care should be taken with sugar and fat. and the diet should contain
sulphur. Nervous tension should be avoided, and calm and harmonious thinking
Example: Chart 307. Male, June 7, 1903, 4:43 p.m. 87:50W. 42N. Sun conjunction
Pluto and opposition Uranus, Moon in Scorpio, Jupiter square Sun. May 8, 1929, as
progressed, with Mercury conjunction Pluto p, M.C. sextile Moon r in Scorpio and
opposition Jupiter r, and Saturn semi-square Uranus p, developed sinus trouble.
Birth-chart constants: Neptune prominent and afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Neptune and an aspect involving Mars.
Stellar Treatment: This unusual malady should not be confused with the sleeping
sickness of Africa which is due to the parasite trypanosome. Yet that the sleeping
sickness of America is induced by the invasion of some micro-organism is indicated
by the fact that when it occurs a progressed aspect involving Mars is present. This
aspect also reduces the efficiency of the human chemical fighting apparatus. The diet
should contain calcium, vitamin B-1, vitamin A, vitamin C, variety of mineral salts,
especially iron, and variety of, but not too much, protein. Sun planetary energy
should be applied to the zone occupied by Neptune, and solar electromagnetism
should be applied to the patient to increase the vitality.
Example: Chart 308. Male, May 17, 1913, 9:00 p.m. 98:30W. 45:30N. Neptune in
an angle opposition Jupiter and square Venus. February 1, 1925, as progressed, with
Mercury parallel Neptune p, Mars conjunction Jupiter p, and Sun conjunction Saturn
p, became ill; went to sleep February 7, and slept 21 days.
Birth-chart constants: Mars and Venus prominent and afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars and an aspect involving Venus at
the same time there are severe rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: This highly contagious disease is typical of Mars, and the more
prominent Mars is the more likelihood of contracting it. Unsanitary conditions
contribute to its power to afflict. To the extent the blood stream contains toxins, and
there is too little adrenalin and cortin is it easy for the invading forces to gain a
foothold. Few have a blood stream sufficiently pure, and the adrenal glands vigorous
enough, to be free from risk through exposure to the disease. The food should not be
stimulating, but productive of an alkaline reaction. Proteins and rich foods should be
avoided. Fruit juices and vegetable juices are recommended. Moon planetary energy
should be applied to the zone occupied by Mars, and Saturn planetary energy to the
zone mapped by Venus. Lunar electromagnetic energy may be used to reduce the
fever. As excitement and activity increase the toxic condition of the blood stream,
and thus give adrenalin and cortin additional work, they should be avoided. Good
nursing is unusually important.
Example: Chart 7287. Male, October 19, 1914 6:20 a.m. 117W. 47N. Mars in an
angle conjunction Moon and Mercury. Venus semi-square Sun. In October, 1925, as
progressed, with Mercury conjunction Mars p, M.C. square Mars r, Sun semi-sextile
Venus r, and Venus semi-square Sun r, had small pox.
Birth-chart constants: The Sun afflicted by Saturn or a planet in Leo afflicted by
Progressed constants: An affliction involving the Sun or an affliction involving a
planet in Leo.
Stellar Treatment: Treatment depends on the cause. When the back is very weak a
support may be needed part of the day. In some forms much may be done by
lengthening a leg by a high-heeled boot, or by similar corrective measures. If the
curvature is due to rickets, the treatment should include that for rickets, if due to
tuberculosis or cancer, the treatment should include treatment of such disease. But in
addition, the zone occupied by Saturn should be given Venus planetary energy, the
Sun if afflicted by Saturn should be given Jupiter planetary energy and if there is a
planet in Leo afflicted by Saturn, the zone it occupies should be given the appropriate
planetary antidote. The diet should contain ample variety of vitamins, mineral salts
and proteins.
Example: Chart 7288. Female, December 15, 1920, 2:00 p.m. 118:15W. 34N.
Neptune in Leo opposition Moon and Mars. Sun square Saturn. At, or soon after
birth, as progressed, with Saturn square Sun r, and Mars opposition Neptune r in Leo,
had spinal curvature; grew up to be a hunchback.
Birth-chart constants: An upper-octave planet prominent, Sun afflicted, and Mars
afflicted or a planet in Aries afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving an upper-octave planet, an aspect
involving the Sun, and an aspect involving Mars or a planet in Aries, at the same time
there are severe rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: Meningitis may follow infectious fever, blood poisoning, or
injuries to the skull which become infected. The ear in particular is a common site of
its origin following its inflammation or the decay of the adjacent bone. From the
brain the infection may spread to the meninges of the spinal cord. Rest and
confinement to bed are essential. An ice bag on the head and tepid baths may be used
to reduce the fever, together with lunar electromagnetic energy. Penicillin may be
used by a doctor to destroy the infection. Diet should be fruit juices and vegetable
juices to alkalize the blood stream. Vitamin B-1, vitamin D and calcium are needed in
the diet. The zone occupied by Mars should be given this planet’s antidote planetary
energy, and its antidote planetary energy should be applied to the zone occupied by
the significant upper-octave planet.
Example: Chart 310. Male, June 6, 1898, 5:15 p.m. 94:40W. 39N. Pluto and Uranus
in angles, Mars in Aries square Moon and semi-square Sun. In December, 1900, as
progressed, with M.C. trine Mars r in Aries, Mars inconjunct Uranus r and
semi-square Sun r, had spinal meningitis.
Birth-chart constants: An affliction to either Sun or Saturn, often Sun afflicting
Progressed constants: An affliction involving Sun or Saturn, or afflictions
involving both.
Stellar Treatment: The zone occupied by Saturn should be given the planetary
energy of Venus and the zone occupied by the Sun should be given the planetary
energy of Jupiter. The spleen should be thoroughly and repeatedly charged with solar
electromagnetic energy, taking pains to seal it in with a motion of the hand to prevent
it oozing out before used. As there is usually a contributing disease of some
recognized type, this should receive the treatment advocated for it.
Example: Chart 313. Female, January 23, 1891, 9:00 p.m. 17E. 49N. Sun
sesqui-square Saturn, square Uranus, and semi-square Venus. Saturn conjunction
Asc. and opposition Mars. In April, 1921, as progressed, with Mars parallel Saturn p,
Asc. semi-sextile Saturn r, and Sun square Neptune r, developed hardening of the
Birth-chart constants: Mars prominent and severely afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars at the same time there are severe
rallying forces
Stellar Treatment: When the sudden overstretching of a muscle or ligament stops
before actually tearing it is called a strain; when there is tearing it is called a sprain. In
either case first-aid treatment consists of rest and cold applications and a firm,
smooth bandage. Later, heat may be applied to relieve the pain, alternating with lunar
electromagnetic energy. Movements that cause dragging on the injured muscle
should be avoided, but the joint should be moved gently from the first, and after a few
days through its whole range, to prevent the scar tissue forming adhesions. In a few
days if there is no acute inflammation massaging will prove beneficial.
Electromagnetic passes over the injured part should then also be used. Moon
planetary energy should be applied to the zone occupied by Mars.
Example: Chart 7289. Male, April 13, 1895, 2:00 p.m. LMT. 61:18 W. 10:27N.
Mars sextile Sun and opposition Moon. In September, 1908, as progressed, with
Mars conjunction Jupiter p, trine Saturn p in Scorpio, and sesqui-square Uranus p in
Scorpio, sprain caused swollen and painful testicles.
Birth-chart constants: An aspect between Mercury and Uranus, usually an
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Uranus at the same time there are severe
rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: There is a conflict of mental factors which should be reconciled.
Psychoanalysis may be used to reveal the conflict, and to point the way to the
reconciliation. Calm and unhurried thinking of the Jupiter type should be cultivated.
All stress on the nervous system should be avoided. Relaxation through mild
recreation is advisable. The diet should contain calcium, vitamin B-1 and vitamin D.
The zones occupied by Mercury and Uranus should be given Jupiter planetary
energy. Thought treatment and suggestion may be used to reduce the nervous tension
and reharmonize the conflicting mental factors. Everything tending toward
excitement should be avoided.
Example: Chart 7290. Female, April 21, 1917, 10:45 a.m. 74:11W. 40:44N.
Mercury square Uranus. In June, 1922, as progressed, with Mars sextile Uranus p,
and square Saturn p, developed St. Vitus Dance.
Birth-chart constants: Uranus prominent and Mercury afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mercury at the same time there are
severe rallying forces, especially if Uranus is involved.
Stellar Treatment: Stuttering is due to anxiety hysteria. When the conflicting
mental factors are reconciled the stuttering will cease. Psychoanalysis may be used to
reveal the cause of the anxiety, and suggestion and thought treatment to alleviate it.
Voice exercises and breathing exercises may help through giving the individual
confidence. Jupiter planetary energy should be applied to the zones occupied by
Mercury and Uranus.
Example: Chart 7292. Male, March 25, 1925, 10:05 a.m. EST. 83:33W. 41:39N.
Uranus in an angle, Mercury square Jupiter. He was in the habit of using both hands
with equal facility. In September, 1931, as progressed, with Mercury sextile M.C. p,
Uranus semi-sextile Mercury r, and Sun square Pluto p, he started going to school,
and there was coerced (Pluto) into using only his right hand. He then commenced to
Birth-chart constants: Mars afflicted and a planet in the twelfth house, or the ruler
of the twelfth house heavily afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect to the ruler of the twelfth house at the same time
there are severe rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: Through education in the true purpose of life desire should be
built up in the individual with a predisposition toward suicide to see life through
regardless of its difficulties. He should be made to realize he cannot escape difficulty
by running away from physical life. Courage should be developed to face any
situation, to place trust in higher powers, and he should be convinced he is a
significant factor in the universal scheme. He should cultivate Jupiter type thinking.
Suggestion and the thought treatment should have for object reconciling the mental
conflicts which tend toward despondency or impulse to violence. Moon planetary
energy should be applied to the zone occupied by Mars, and its planetary antidote
should be given the zone of the afflicted ruler of the twelfth house.
Example: Chart 7293. Male, June 22, 1884, 7:30 a.m. 86:12W. 39:47N. Mercury
and the Moon conjunction Saturn, Mercury and Saturn square Mars, Moon co-ruler
of twelfth. On July 14, 1945, as progressed, with Saturn conjunction Moon r, ruler of
twelfth, Mars trine Saturn r and sesqui-square Pluto r, Asc. and Mercury conjunction
Uranus p, and M.C. square Uranus p, deliberately shot himself through the head with
a revolver and died.
Birth-chart constants: Watery planets, chiefly Neptune or the Moon, prominent
and afflicted, often an affliction in Aries.
Progressed constants: An aspect, usually an affliction, involving the Sun, and an
aspect, usually an affliction, involving Mars.
Stellar Treatment: The same conditions develop in furnace workers and those in
glass works, laundries, etc., where the heat is great, as with those who suffer from the
direct rays of the Sun. The salt balance should be reestablished by the individual
drinking water containing some salt. He should be taken into the shade or as cool a
place as possible and head and body soused with cold water. If, as usual, the
temperature is high, ice packs or bath. together with lunar electromagnetic energy,
should be used to lower it. If, instead, the skin is cool and pale and the temperature
subnormal, a hot bath, or hot water bottles, together with solar electromagnetic
energy, should be used after he has been put to bed. Fruit juices and vegetable juices
should constitute most of the diet. The throbbing in the head may be relieved by cold
packs and electromagnetic passes from the top of the head downward.
Example: Chart 309. Male, April 17, 1873, 4:15 a.m. 122W. 38N. Sun conjunction
Neptune in an angle in Aries, and both square Uranus. Moon square Asc. In August,
1898, as progressed, with Sun square Jupiter r, and Mars square Uranus r and square
Saturn r, suffered sun stroke.
Birth-chart constants: Venus or Mars, usually both, afflicted, and especially an
affliction between Mars and Venus.
Progressed constants: An aspect, usually an affliction, involving Mars.
Stellar Treatment: The medical profession treats this disease successfully with
penicillin. Highly seasoned and spicy foods should be avoided, also strain and
excitement. There should be vitamin A, vitamin E, iodine, copper, vitamin B-1,
vitamin C, iron and variety of, but not too much, protein. The utmost in cleanliness
should be observed. The zone occupied by Venus should be given Saturn planetary
energy, the zone occupied by Mars should be given Moon planetary energy, there
should be exercise enough to insure elimination, and electromagnetic energy should
be employed to build up the vitality.
Example: Chart 312. Male, January 18, 1889 11:50 p.m. 99:50W. 47N. Mars
conjunction Venus and sesqui-square Uranus and Asc. Venus semi-square Sun. In
June, 1919, as progressed, with Asc. sesqui-square Mars p and inconjunct Venus p,
Uranus sesqui-square Mars r, Mars sesqui-square Saturn p, and Sun square Neptune
r, contracted syphilis.
Birth-chart constants: Venus or Jupiter afflicted, and Pluto. Neptune or Saturn
prominent and afflicted.
Progressed constants: An affliction involving Venus or Jupiter at the same time
there is an aspect involving Pluto, Neptune or Saturn, and an aspect involving Mars.
Stellar Treatment: Venus rules the veins and the venous blood. Jupiter rules the
arteries and the arterial blood. The cause of thrombosis (plugging of a blood vessel)
is a marked change in the circulation or an injury to the walls of the blood vessels. An
affliction to Pluto or Neptune decreases the adrenalin and cortin supply, an affliction
to Saturn exhausts the adrenalin supply; and especially if there is a depleted
condition, lack of adrenalin may slow down the circulation markedly. But under the
influence of the progressed Mars aspect there may be bacterial infection, temporary
irritation and excitement, a toxic condition, or a spurt of exertion, which releases
adrenalin. Adrenalin, as well as certain bacteria, has a tendency to cause blood to
clot; and released at a time when the circulation markedly alters, a blood clot may
form either in the veins or in the arteries. This clot may cut off nutriment from a given
area of the body. Lodging in the heart it may cause death, in the brain some degree of
paralysis may result. Through diet and application of Sun planetary energy to the
zones occupied by Venus and Pluto, Neptune or Saturn, the vitality should be
increased. Mercury energy should be given the zone occupied by Jupiter, and Moon
energy to the zone occupied by Mars.
Example: Chart 7195. Male, March 23, 1898, 7:54 a.m. 87:39W. 41:52N. Venus
opposition Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune opposition Saturn. June 3, 1946, as
progressed, with Venus opposition Saturn p, Sun sesqui-square Jupiter r, Mars
square Asc. p, and Asc. square Mercury r, was taken to hospital where later little
finger (Venus p in Gemini) on right hand was amputated. Depletion and low blood
pressure preceded thrombosis which blocked blood supply to arm, causing little
finger to turn black.
Birth-chart constants: Mars prominent and Neptune prominent and afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars and an aspect involving Neptune,
at the same time there are severe rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: The micro-organism which causes this disease is carried by
ticks or other parasitic insects. This virulent disease is now successfully treated in
hospitals with streptomycin. The fever, which runs very high and then suddenly falls,
and continues to repeat this process, may be relieved by ice packs, sponging in tepid
water, and lunar electromagnetic energy. As in other infectious fevers, complete rest
in bed is advocated, and a diet to alkalize the blood stream, chiefly fruit and vegetable
juices. The zone occupied by Neptune should be given Sun planetary energy, and the
zone occupied by Mars should be given Moon planetary energy. The vitality should
be reinforced by electromagnetic passes. Good nursing is important.
Example: Chart 7294. Male, July 29, 1908, 10:00 p.m. 90:40W. 40:27N. Neptune in
an angle conjunction Mercury and square Saturn and the Asc. Mars conjunction Sun
and Moon, and inconjunct Uranus. On July 15, 1933, as progressed, with Sun
conjunction Mars p, Venus conjunction Neptune p, and Mars and Sun semi-square
Neptune r, was bit by tick and a few days later developed tick fever.
Birth-chart constants: Pluto, Neptune or Saturn prominent at the same time either
Venus or a planet in Taurus is afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars, an aspect involving Pluto,
Neptune or Saturn, at the same time there is an aspect involving Venus or a planet in
Stellar Treatment: The influence of Pluto and Neptune depress the manufacture of
adrenalin and cortin, and the influence of Saturn tends to exhaust the adrenalin
supply. The blood stream becomes acid, and under the Mars influence adrenalin and
cortin are exhausted, and inflammation or infection develops. It attacks the tonsils
because of the Venus or planet in Taurus affliction. The blood stream should be
alkalized with a diet chiefly or fruits and vegetables. The diet should contain vitamin
A, vitamin E, iodine, copper, iron, calcium, vitamin C and vitamin B-1. Sun
planetary energy should be applied to the zone occupied by the significant negative
planet and to the zone occupied by Venus. Its antidote planetary energy should be
applied to the zone occupied by any planet in Taurus. Electromagnetic energy should
be applied to the region of the tonsils.
Example: Chart 7295. Female, April 28, 1870, noon. 84:30W. 42:30N. Saturn
square Venus, Sun in Taurus conjunction Pluto and Mars. Neptune conjunction
Moon. Had much trouble with tonsils until they were removed in July, 1918, as
progressed, with Mars semi-square Uranus r, Venus sesqui-square Saturn r, and
Pluto in Taurus sextile Uranus r.
Birth-chart constants: Saturn prominent and afflicted, and an upper-octave planet
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Saturn and an aspect involving Mercury
or an upper-octave planet at the same time there are severe rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: The normal action of the parathyroid glands is essential to
maintaining good teeth Therefore the diet should contain calcium, vitamin B-1 and
vitamin D. Nervous stress and strain should be avoided, and harmonious Jupiter
thinking cultivated. Also, to maintain good teeth, there should be variety of vitamins,
variety of minerals and variety of proteins. Poor teeth indicate either something is
lacking in the diet, or that it cannot be properly handled. Venus planetary energy
should be applied to the zone occupied by Saturn, and its antidote planetary energy
should be applied to the zone occupied by Mercury or the significant upper-octave
planet. Worry, fear and anxiety contribute to poor teeth by interfering with the action
of the Saturn growth hormone of the front pituitary gland.
Example: Chart 7296. Female, September 27, 1903, 9:45 p.m. 71:25W. 41:49N.
Saturn trine Sun and sesqui-square Venus. Neptune in an angle square Sun. Had
neuralgia headaches from bad teeth until in March, 1931, as progressed, with Saturn
sesqui-square Venus r, trine Sun r and Mars r, Mars conjunction Uranus p, Mercury
semi-square Moon r, and Venus square Pluto r, had all her upper teeth removed.
Birth-chart constants: Saturn and Mars prominent and afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Saturn and an aspect involving Mars, at
the same time there are severe rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: This disease is secondary to infection of the teeth and gums by a
bacillus. Doctors advise massaging the gums with sodium perborate and gargling the
throat with antiseptic solution. The diet should be such as to alkalize the blood stream
and to strengthen the production of adrenalin. It should contain vitamin A, vitamin
B-1, vitamin C, iron, and a wide variety of other vitamins, mineral salts and proteins.
The zone occupied by Mars should be given Moon planetary energy, and the zone
occupied by Saturn should be given Venus planetary energy.
Example: Chart 7297. Female, July 3, 1403, 11:45 p.m. 87:39W. 41:52N. Saturn
trine Moon, semi-square Jupiter and semi-square Uranus. Mars square Sun and
opposition Asc. On May 4, 1940, as progressed, with M.C. trine Mars r, Jupiter
sesqui-square Moon r and semi-square Saturn r, and Saturn sesqui-square Mercury r,
developed trench mouth.
Birth-chart constants: Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto prominent and usually
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Saturn, an aspect involving Jupiter, an
aspect involving Neptune, and often an aspect involving Pluto, at the same time there
are severe rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: The analysis of the charts of 100 people progressed to the time
tuberculosis developed, and the details of precautionary measures and treatment are
given in the reference book, BODY DISEASE AND ITS STELLAR
TREATMENT.Even when the disease is in an advanced stage, other than taking
care of the cavities, if these have developed, the outstanding problem presented in
tuberculosis infection is to build up a physical vitality so vigorous that the body can
heal the attacked tissues and prevent further infection. Fresh air, sunlight, moderate
exercise, rest from hard work, and nourishing foods are important. The food should
contain a wide variety of vitamins, mineral salts and proteins. The thinking is very
important also, and the type should be cultivated which will give greater activity to
Sun thought-cells. Negative thinking should be avoided. The zones of the constants
should be treated with the proper planetary antidotes, and solar electromagnetic
energy should be applied to build up positiveness and vitality.
Example: Chart 4447. Male, July 17, 1863, 0:10 a.m. 122W. 38N. Mercury square
Saturn, Sun square Jupiter, Mercury square Neptune, Pluto conjunction Asc. In July,
1888, as progressed, with Sun semi-square Saturn p, Sun sextile Jupiter r, Mars
inconjunct Neptune p, and Pluto conjunction Asc. r, developed tuberculosis.
1. Out of print. See Astrology: 30 Years Research.
Birth-chart constants: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and the Moon prominent and often
Progressed constants: A progressed aspect involving Jupiter and a progressed
aspect involving Saturn.
Stellar Treatment: Although the progressed aspects at the time are usually more
severe when cancer develops, especially the one involving Saturn, it is difficult from
the astrological constants to determine whether the predisposition is merely toward
benign growths or toward those more malignant. The constants for tumors of all
kinds indicate an acid blood stream, and one filled with toxins. The Jupiter influence
tends to cause the blood stream to be filled with incompletely burned fuel, and an
excess of fat which may be deposited as a fatty tumor. Saturn rules the growth
hormone of the front pituitary gland, and when afflicted may promote abnormal
growths. The diet should be such as to alkalize the blood stream and furnish it with
not too rich foods, but those containing a wide variety of vitamins, mineral salts and
proteins. The thinking should avoid negative conditions and emotional discords, and
should include harmonious Sun type thinking. The energy of its planetary antidote
should be applied to the zone occupied by each birth-chart constant.
Example: Chart 7289. Female, June 2, 1910, 1:15 a.m. 117:05W. 33:07N. Jupiter in
an angle opposition Asc., Saturn in an angle square Moon, Neptune in an angle
opposition Uranus. May 20, 1941, as progressed, with Venus trine Jupiter r,
semi-sextile Saturn p, and semi-square Mars r, and with M.C. square Saturn r, a
benign tumor was removed surgically.
Birth-chart Constants: Mars rather severely afflicted. Saturn, Neptune or Pluto
prominent increases the predisposition.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars, an aspect involving Mercury or a
planet in Virgo, and usually an aspect involving Saturn, at the same time there are
discordant rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: The analysis of the charts of 100 people progressed to the time
they had typhoid fever, and the details of treatment and precautionary measures, are
given in the reference book, BODY DISEASE AND ITS STELLAR
TREATMENT.2As the blood stream is already filled with toxic acids, it is obvious
that the diet should tend toward neutralizing this condition by tending toward the
alkaline. Any physical exercise results in acid products of combustion entering the
blood stream, therefore the patient should be kept lying down, but turned from side to
side on his back every few hours to prevent the development of bed sores. The mouth
should be cleansed frequently with water, boric glycerin or listerine. Water should be
taken copiously. Fruit and vegetable juices should be the chief diet until the patient is
strong enough to handle foods more substantial. Then, to strengthen the adrenal
glands, it should contain vitamin A, vitamin B-1, vitamin C, iron and variety of
proteins, but little meat. The zone occupied by Mercury should receive Jupiter
planetary energy, the zone occupied by the significant negative planet, and the zone
occupied by any planet in Virgo, should receive the planetary energy of the
appropriate antidote. Good nursing is important.
Example: Chart 3239. Male, February 7, 1873, 3:47 a.m. 84:50W. 38:45N. Mars in
an angle square Neptune, Pluto square Sun. In August, 1890, as progressed, with Sun
trine Mars r, Mercury semi-square Neptune p, and Saturn inconjunct Jupiter r, had
typhoid fever.
1. Out of print. See Astrology: 30 Years Research.
Birth-chart constants: Mars and Uranus afflicted and Saturn, Neptune or Pluto
prominent and usually afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars, an aspect involving Uranus, and
an aspect involving Saturn, Neptune or Pluto, at the same time there are severe
rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: Ulcers fall into three main groups, those due to some kind of
irritation, those due to micro-organisms, and those due to malignant new growths. In
either group nutritional deficiencies contribute to keep it going, and usually
contribute to its origin. Those due to micro-organisms are now successfully treated
with penicillin. The floor of the ulcer should be kept antiseptic. But after the
micro-organism has been eradicated by the penicillin, as with the other two groups,
there is need to build new and healthy tissue. For this purpose the food should be
ample and nourishing, but with plenty of vegetables and fruits to alkalize the blood
stream. It should contain variety of vitamins, mineral salts and proteins, especially
vitamin A, vitamin B-1, vitamin C, and iron. The vitality should be increased through
giving the patient solar electromagnetic energy. Moon planetary energy should be
applied to the zone occupied by Mars, Jupiter planetary energy should be applied to
the zone occupied by Uranus, and the planetary energy of its antidote should be
applied to the zone occupied by the significant negative planet.
Example: Chart 7131. Male, December 12, 1882, 5:55 a.m. 94W. 41:37N. Mars in
an angle square Uranus, Saturn inconjunct Sun, Neptune inconjunct Mercury, Pluto
sesqui-square Moon. July 22, 1945, as progressed, with Mars sesqui-square Uranus
r, Sun inconjunct Uranus r, Mercury sesqui-square Uranus r, and Asc. trine Pluto r,
started to develop a serious ulcer on his right thigh.
Birth-chart constants: Mars and Moon prominent and afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars and a progressed aspect involving
the Moon, at the same time there are serious rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: As this disease is caused by Bacillus abortus, and the similar
disease, Malta Fever, is caused by a germ, Alcaligenes melitensis, both found in
goat’s milk, precautionary action consists of either refraining from goat milk, or
boiling it for 20 minutes to destroy the infection. At the onset the fever gets a little
higher each day for about seven days, then gradually subsides to normal, but after
two or three weeks the process is repeated, and thus recurs for a few months up to two
years. The medical profession now treats this disease by administering streptomycin
and sulfadiazine simultaneously. Otherwise, it should be treated as are other fevers.
There should be rest, and sponging and lunar electromagnetic energy to keep the
fever down. The diet should be such as to alkalize the blood stream, and to reinforce
the adrenalin glands. It should contain vitamin A, vitamin B-1, vitamin C, iron and
variety of proteins, but not too much protein. The zone occupied by Mars should be
given Moon planetary energy, and the zone occupied by the Moon should be given
Mars planetary energy.
Example: Chart 7299. Male, February 14, 1897, 1:30 a.m. EST. 84:33W. 43N. Mars
in an angle conjunction Neptune and Pluto and sesqui-square Mercury. Moon square
Venus and sesqui-square Uranus. In August, 1935, as progressed, with Mars sextile
Jupiter p, and inconjunct Saturn p, and Jupiter semi-square Moon r, had undulant
Birth-chart constants: A planet afflicted in Scorpio, or an affliction to Mars or
Venus, especially if the Moon is afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect, usually an affliction, involving a planet in
Scorpio, or involving Mars or Venus, especially if the Moon is also involved in an
Stellar Treatment: The Moon has considerable influence over the feminine cycles
through its influence on a back pituitary hormone which causes the cavity where the
follicle is ruptured when the egg matures to be transformed into the corpus luteum
which secretes another hormone called progestin. Progestin has successfully been
used to overcome sterility in women when due to insufficient development of the
organs involved. It prepares the lining of the womb for the fertilized egg. If the Moon
is afflicted, the zone it occupies should be given Mars planetary energy. Usually
difficulty with the uterus is due to the thought-cells mapped by Venus or Mars. If
there is a planet in Scorpio, especially if afflicted, any difficulty is more likely to
affect the uterus than it otherwise would. Electromagnetic energy should be applied
to the region. The planetary energy of its antidote should be applied to the zone
occupied by any planet in Scorpio, Saturn planetary energy should be applied to the
zone occupied by Venus, and Moon planetary energy should be applied to the zone
occupied by Mars. Vitamin A, vitamin E, and iron are especially important.
Insufficiency of one of these will seriously affect menstruation. The diet should also
contain iodine, copper, vitamin B-1, vitamin C and variety of protein.
Example: Chart 1727. Female, March 26, 1884, 12:40 p.m. 71:53W. 42:03N. Sun,
Moon and Mercury semi-square Venus, Mars conjunction Asc., Moon opposition
Uranus. May 20, 1905, as progressed, with Asc. square Venus r, Mars semi-square
Uranus p, and Pluto sextile Moon r, underwent operation to correct inverted uterus.
Birth-chart constants: Venus afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Venus at the same time there are severe
rallying forces, especially involving Mars.
Stellar Treatment: This difficulty is often brought on through the strain of constant
standing, or in women through pregnancy. The afflictions involving Venus cause the
irritants in the blood stream to weaken the walls of the veins. The chemical
imbalance encouraged by Venus is due to imperfect functioning of the thyroid and
gonad glands. But very frequently the other planets afflicted encourage toxins to
accumulate in the blood which, under the progressed aspect involving Venus, cause
the veins to become dilated and tortuous. The diet should favor Venus, including
vitamin A, vitamin E, iodine and copper. Wheat germ meal is an excellent source of
vitamin E. The diet should also be such as to alkalize the blood stream and free it from
irritants. Emotional stresses should be avoided, and a poised attitude cultivated.
Saturn planetary energy should be given the zone occupied by Venus, and each group
of thought-cells contributing to the toxic blood stream should receive its appropriate
planetary energy antidote.
Example: Chart 314. Female, April 23, 1884, 10:40 a.m. 123W. 44:30N. Venus
semi-square Sun and square Uranus. In July, 1926, as progressed, with Venus sextile
Mercury r and sextile Uranus r with Sun conjunction Saturn p, and with Mars square
Pluto r, varicose veins caused severe trouble.
Birth-chart constants: Pluto, Neptune or Saturn prominent, and Mercury or a
planet in Gemini afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars, an aspect involving Mercury or
the planet in Gemini, and usually an aspect involving Saturn, Neptune or Pluto.
Stellar Treatment: This is a contagious disease more readily contracted in the
presence of a common cold. The Mercury, Pluto or Neptune aspect tends to cause
deficiency of parathyrin, resulting in hypersensitivity of the membranes of the throat
and bronchi. The Mars influence tends to exhaust both adrenalin and cortin, the
Saturn influence exhausts adrenalin, Pluto and Neptune depress the manufacture of
adrenalin and cortin. Infection is thus facilitated. There is an accumulation of tough,
tenacious mucus in the throat which causes the cough. This may be severe enough
either to cause collapse of some portion of the lungs, or the dilation of the air cells
accompanied by shortness of breath. The diet should alkalize the blood stream. For
this purpose fruit and vegetable juices are excellent. To combat the hypersensitivity
of the membranes the diet should contain vitamin B-1, vitamin D and calcium. The
zone of the significant negative planet should be given the planetary energy of its
antidote, the zone occupied by Mercury should be given Jupiter planetary energy, the
zone occupied by the planet in Gemini should be given the planetary energy of its
antidote, and the zone occupied by Mars should be given Moon planetary energy.
Example: Chart 7300. Male, November 19, 1928, 6:16 p.m. 118:15W. 34N.
Mercury square Moon, Asc. in Gemini opposition Saturn, Pluto trine Mercury,
Neptune square Sun. July 4, 1932, as progressed, with Pluto trine Mercury r, Sun
square Neptune r, and Venus opposition Mars p, developed whooping cough.
Birth-chart constants: Mars afflicted and prominent, and Saturn, Neptune or Pluto
Progressed constants: An affliction involving Mars at the same time Saturn,
Neptune or Pluto are involved in an aspect.
Stellar Treatment: This disease is caused by the invasion of the blood stream by a
virus through the bite of the Stegomyia mosquito. Cold sponging, ice packs and lunar
electromagnetic energy should be used to keep the fever down. To alkalize the blood
stream, the diet should be chiefly fruit and vegetable juices, with vitamin B-1,
vitamin C and iron to assist the adrenal glands produce adrenalin and cortin to fight
the infection. Through positive Sun thinking, through the application of
electromagnetic energy, and through the application of Sun planetary energy to the
zone occupied by the significant negative planet, every effort should be made to
build up the vitality and help the body chemicals overcome the invading organism.
The patient should rest, and be kept free from excitement and stimulating food.
Example: Chart 315. Male, February 20, 1875, noon. 82:45W. 40:45N. Mars square
both Sun and Moon, Neptune semi-square Mercury, Pluto square Saturn. In August,
1904, as progressed, with Mercury square Mars r, Saturn square Pluto p, Jupiter
opposition Neptune p, and Mars sextile Saturn r, had yellow fever.
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Quote of the Light
I have pierced the illusion of matter and seen that I am Divine. — Zanoni
Classes and Activities
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- I Laws Of Occultism
- II Astrological Signatures
- III Spiritual Alchemy
- IV Ancient Masonry
- IX Mental Alchemy
- V Esoteric Psychology
- VI The Sacred Tarot
- VII Spiritual Astrology
- VIII Horary Astrology
- X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope
- X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope
- XI Divination and Character Reading
- XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life
- XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion
- XIII Mundane Astrology
- XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life
- XIX Organic Alchemy
- XV Weather Predicting
- XVI Stellar Healing
- XVII Cosmic Alchemy
- XVIII Imponderable Forces
- XX The Next Life
- XXI Personal Alchemy