Basis of Stellar Diagnosis
- loe_siteadmin
- on Jun, 29, 2018
- No Comments.
BECAUSE the astral body of man is composed of psychoplasm, organized into
stellar-cells and stellar structures, which determine the condition of the cells and
tissues of the physical body, a map of these stellar cells and structures, such as the
birth-chart and progressed planetary positions afford, provides an unusually reliable
method of diagnosis.
In so far as health, or well being in any department of life is concerned, disease is
synonymous with discord and health is synonymous with harmony. Where harmony
manifests there is ease, and therefore lack of disease. Ease, however, is neither
synonymous with power or activity. Consequently, in determining the condition of
the stellar-cells and stellar structures within any compartment of the astral body, we
must consider the amount of their activity as well as whether or not they are
composed of harmonious or discordant mental compounds.
In Matters of Physical Health All Twelve Zones Must Be Considered
–Unlike most departments of life, the mental factors of which, organized as
stellar-cells and stellar structures, are confined chiefly to a single one of the twelve
compartments within the astral body, no section of the whole astral body should be
entirely neglected when considering physical health.
Certain compartments, to be sure, and certain centers of energy–dynamic stellar
structures–are more important where physical health is concerned. But the astral
body interpenetrates the physical body so completely, and its stellar-cells and stellar
structures are so closely associated with the physical cells and physical tissues of the
zones, as indicated by the zodiacal signs where mapped in the birth-chart, that every
stellar cell and every stellar structure has some influence over the corresponding cell
and tissue of the physical body.
In stellar diagnosis, therefore, as applied to the health of the physical body, all twelve
zones, as mapped by the signs, should be scanned with the object in view of
determining the power of the energy there located (preferably calculated in
astrodynes), and whether and to what extent that energy is harmonious or discordant
(preferably calculated as so many harmodynes or discordynes).
Such zones of the astral body–head, lungs, heart, stomach, etc.–as map receiving
set terminals, called also dynamic stellar structures, as shown by planets there
located, require special consideration in matters of health, because even when the
common thought-cells of the zone have little power, the thought-cells mapped by the
terminals may be discordant enough to attract disease to that region.
No impossibility is involved in the changing of the type of stellar structure occupying
any compartment of the astral body. Its psychoplasm and its cells have been built by
states of consciousness that have a definite composition. And this composition can
be altered by adding to them states of consciousness of an appropriate kind.
The birth-chart does not of necessity map the kind of stellar-cells and stellar
structures within the astral body of an individual at any later period of life. It only
maps, and very accurately, the mental composition of the astral body in great detail at
the moment of birth. It shows what kind of stellar-cells and what kind of stellar
organization occupied each compartment of the astral body at the time the individual
was born.
But because the basic factors of character change so slowly, those stellar-cells and
stellar structures that are weakest at birth usually remain so throughout life. In fact,
they do remain weakest throughout life unless some unusual effort is made to give
them a different composition. And very few people are sufficiently versed either in
mental alchemy or in stellar healing to work intelligently to bring about such
desirable changes.
Birth-Chart and Progressed Constants Should Be
Determined Statistically
–As a general rule, then, from which the exceptions are so few as revealed by
statistical study of thousands of birthcharts that they need no consideration in
ordinary practice, the birth-chart correctly maps both the strong and healthy and the
weak and defective stellar structures within the astral body. And the defective
structures, discordantly compounded of mental factors, each according to its
particular location and nature, represent a corresponding lack of balance or vigor in
the physical tissues of the body where located.
Discordantly compounded stellar structures map those regions in the physical body
which are particularly susceptible to disease.
From the birth-chart, therefore, can be determined, and quite reliably, the particular
kind of disease to which any individual is predisposed.
Such determination is not a matter of theory but, when proper methods are followed,
rests upon carefully collected and compiled statistics.
I am not in the least in favor of drawing conclusions from inference as to what
astrological conditions in the birth-chart coincide with a tendency to some particular
disease. Instead, I believe that the birth-charts of people who have actually suffered
from a given disease should be collected. The more birth-charts covering the
particular disease the better. But in our own research department we never consider
that the report is fully finished until at least 100 birth-charts of persons suffering from
the disease have been analyzed.
With such a list of birth-charts at hand, a comparative study invariably reveals certain
astrological factors common to all of them. These factors stand out in such
prominence that they afford a certain guide to the detection, from the birth-chart,
whether or not there is a tendency to the disease in question.
When any birth-chart does not show these astrological factors, we may be sure that
person will not have this particular disease. In any birth-chart which does show these
astrological factors, we may be sure, even though the disease has not developed as
yet, that there is a weakness which, were it given proper opportunity, would permit
the expression of the disease.
It is also demonstrated by the collected statistics that the time when the disease
develops coincides, according to the particular disease under consideration, with
major progressed aspects to definite planets. Consequently, for the purpose of
research work in establishing the astrological constants for any given disease, data
are only valuable when the time of the person’s birth, as well as the date, place and
sex are known; and only when the date, at least approximately, when the illness
became manifest also is known.
Thus the astrological basis of Stellar Diagnosis is that of statistically compiled
reports, each report being confined to determining the birth-chart constants and the
major progressed constants of the single specific disease or other condition.
Conditions other than body diseases are mentioned because the predisposition to any
type of condition or event can be diagnosed in the same manner. And the afflictions
of any department of life are as amenable to stellar healing as are those of body
diseases. In the reference book, WHEN AND WHAT EVENTS WILL HAPPEN,
statistics based on 100 charts for each event indicate the progressed constants for 20
different events, and under the heading, Precautionary Actions, is given for each the
type of thought energy which should be used as a mental antidote. This same type of
energy is that which should be employed by the stellar healer to overcome the
indicated difficulty, but in addition to applying the mental antidote he should also
employ planetary energy of this type.
The stellar healer should have at hand reference volumes containing classified
reports giving the statistical analysis of, and the birth-chart and progressed constants
for, all the various diseases and ills of human life. The compilation of such volumes is
a tremendous task. In the last 20 years we have mailed several hundred thousand
blank forms soliciting the astrological information needed for this work. While the
response to these appeals for astrological data has been quite liberal, there are so
many diseases that should be considered that of the body diseases thus far we have
been able to get the full 100 data only for operations, typhoid fever, cancer,
pneumonia, tuberculosis, appendicitis and infantile paralysis. The full reports on
these seven diseases and on length of life, together with an explanation of endocrine
reactions to planets and thoughts and some other material are embraced in the
The Church of Light Astrological Research Department expects eventually to make
statistical studies of each significant condition of life–such as the relation between
two birth-charts that point to harmony in marriage to make statistical studies of
vocations not embraced in the 30 analyzed in the reference book, HOW TO SELECT
A VOCATION1, to make statistical studies of events not embraced in the 20
analyzed in the reference book WHEN AND WHAT EVENTS WILL HAPPEN1,
and to make statistical studies on each significant disease not embraced in the
studies will each be made on 100 charts, and the material handled in the manner it is
presented in the above-mentioned reference books.
While as yet not able to publish a final report on more than the seven mentioned
diseases, we do have enough data on hand covering some 160 different health
difficulties that I feel justified in giving the preliminary findings relative to their
birth-chart and progressed constants. Our preliminary reports on the seven diseases
on which we now have the 100 data were correct in all the birth-chart and progressed
constants listed. But when we had the 100 to analyze we found that in addition to the
constants we had found with a limited number of charts, in each case there were
additional constants not clearly revealed when only a few charts were at hand for
analysis. I believe, therefore, that the constants given in this work for each disease
will be found reliable, but that in most instances there will be additional constants
discovered when we are able to analyze the charts of 100 persons who have suffered
from the disease.
As professional healers will know the condition both by its technical name and its
common name, and as this work will be read by many unfamiliar with the technical
designation of diseases, the health difficulties will be here listed alphabetically under
the general designation by which they are commonly recognized by the lay public.
The Electromagnetic Body Is Composed of Two Types of Energy
–The life of the body is electromagnetic. The positive, electrical energies are ruled
by the Sun. On their power and harmony depend the vitality and the recuperative
The negative, magnetic energies which nourish the constitution, and are essential in
maintaining health, are ruled by the Moon. It is the interaction of the solar electrical
energy with the lunar magnetic energy that provides the nerve currents and gives that
which we call life to the physical body.
Vitality, recuperative power, and length of life, as shown by the analysis of 150
persons’ charts who lived beyond 70 years, considered in BODY DISEASE AND
ITS STELLAR TREATMENT, are dependent upon the power and harmony of the
Sun in the chart of birth.
While the Moon governs the constitutional magnetism, it is only one factor, although
the most important one, in gauging the strength or weakness of the constitution, and
therefore whether or not the individual is readily attacked by disease. As indicated in
the statistics relative to the individuals who lived more than 70 years, a powerful and
harmonious Moon contributes markedly to length of life. It indicates ability of the
constitution to resist disease.
The Moon, however, is only one factor in gauging the strength of the constitution.
Every planet in the chart maps the state of activity of the most energetic thought-cells
in its particular region of the astral body, maps where the most active group of this
type is located, and by its harmony or discord (the number of harmodynes or
discordynes) indicates the strength of the desires of the thought-cells there located
for health or disease. Even the Sun, in addition to mapping the stellar-cells on whose
activities and desires the vitality and recuperative power depends, also by its power
and harmony or discord indicates the condition of the physical tissues in that region
of the physical body and to what extent (as shown by the number of harmodynes or
discordynes) the Sun stellar-cells work to attract health or the diseases characteristic
of the Sun.
In determining the ability of the constitution to resist disease, therefore, the power
and harmony or discord of every planet and sign must be taken into consideration.
Ability to survive does not depend solely on the strength and harmony of the vitality,
or solely on the strength and harmony of the constitution. However weak and
discordant the constitution, the individual, in spite of recurrent and serious illness,
will recover and live to a good age if the Sun is powerful and harmonious enough.
And however weak the vitality, the individual will have little illness while he does
live if his constitution is powerful and harmonious, although he may not live to any
great age.
The individual dies when, coincident with heavy discordant major progressed
aspects, the constitution becomes too weak to enable the vital recuperative power of
the Sun to counteract that weakness and discord. Maintaining life depends upon the
relative power and harmony or discord of these two factors.
Next in importance to the dynamic thought structure which acts as the terminal for
the reception of the vital force, mapped by the Sun, and the terminal for the reception
of the magnetic force, mapped by the Moon, is the terminal mapped by Mercury.
Mercury is truly the messenger. The electromagnetic energies which flow over the
nerves are furnished by the Sun and Moon; but the vibratory rate to which these
currents are tuned is determined chiefly by the thoughts and feelings of which the
individual is objectively conscious. The thoughts and the nerve currents are ruled by
Following Mercury in importance, in so far as health is concerned, is the Ascendant
and the first house. Not only are the electromagnetic energies of the body grounded
by the heavy line mapped by the Ascendant, but the thoughts relative to the physical
body and personality gravitate to the first house astral compartment.
And the sixth house also is important because it maps the compartment of the astral
body to which move the thoughts about illness.
The significance of the first house and the sixth house where illness is concerned will
readily be recognized when it is realized that the statistical analysis of hundreds of
charts progressed to the time of an illness shows that a serious illness of any kind
practically never occurs except during those periods when there is a major
progressed aspect to a ruler of the first and at the same time a major progressed aspect
to a ruler of the sixth.
Rallying Forces Dominate Through Feeling
–But this does not signify that the discord chiefly responsible for the manifestation
of the disease at the time was mapped by the aspect either to the ruler of the first or to
the ruler of the sixth. On the contrary, the discord which enabled the disease to
manifest frequently was not mapped by the sixth house or the first house. It
commonly had its origin in some other compartments of the astral body.
But in order that the discordant energies, stirring pernicious thought compounds into
activity and creating conflict among the thought-cells and tearing down thought
structures, should be able to influence the physical health, some temporary stellar
aerial had to give them access to both the compartment of the astral body governing
the physical body and the compartment of the astral body governing illness.
These temporary stellar aerials, mapped by progressed aspects to the ruler of the first
or the Ascendant and the ruler of the sixth, may have been either harmonious or
discordant. They may, or may not, have indicated the chief factor of discord at the
time. But the statistics show that more frequently than not there was no aspect
between the heavy progressed affliction at the time and either of these two
compartments, or houses.
What really happened in most of these cases was that heavy discordant aspects
formed which were not directly associated with either the first house or the sixth
house. More frequently than not the Sun or Moon was involved in these powerfully
discordant aspects. Thus the vitality or the magnetic nutriment was affected. But
whether Sun or Moon was, or was not involved, in every case a discordant temporary
stellar aerial was present, as indicated by a major progressed aspect, which picked up
and radiated the energy of the planets corresponding to its terminals, in volume and
in distressing discord.
This discordant planetary energy reaching the stellar-cells at the terminals of the
aerials, stimulated these into destructive activity. And because of their power, these
tended to communicate their discord to the nerve currents at these points.
If the individual permitted himself to be strongly influenced in his feelings by the
astral discords of these compartments thus stimulated by discordant planetary
energies, the dial of his consciousness–not a thought process but a feeling
process–to the extent he thus permitted it, was thus turned so as to tune in on these
discordant astral energies.
As he permitted himself to feel discord, his nervous system, through the electrical
energies flowing over it, picked up planetary energies of this type and gave them free
access to any stellar aerials that were present.
Electromagnetic energy is the only avenue by which astral energies can influence
physical substance, and it is thus the natural conductor of planetary energies. But to
be a conductor for any particular type of astral energy, it must have a corresponding
vibratory rate. That is, it must be tuned in on the astral energy it transmits.
When the individual feels intensely, this feeling, if he occupies a physical body, is the
recognition by his consciousness of electromagnetic vibrations of a particular type.
Whatever he feels, to the extent it constitutes a dominant feeling, his electromagnetic
body and nerve currents are tuned in on. And, which is a most important factor in
stellar healing, he can, and does, tune in on any vibratory quality the feeling of which
he can induce in himself. Through his thoughts he induces feeling. His feeling tunes
him in on planetary vibrations of the type corresponding to this feeling. That is why
Mercury, which rules cerebral activity and the nerves, has so much power over what
conditions enter his life.
When the individual is tuned in on a particular planetary vibration, his nerve currents
not only pick up this type of vibration from the astral energies reaching him from the
planets, from character vibrations of objects, and from the thoughts of similar rate
radiated by others, but these nerve currents also act as natural conductors for the
astral energy of corresponding vibratory rate picked up by a temporary stellar aerial.
Thus if a powerful temporary stellar aerial is formed, as mapped by a powerful
progressed aspect, and its vibrations are permitted to dominate the feelings, the nerve
currents readily conduct its energy wherever they reach. And as they reach other
temporary stellar aerials that are present at the same time, they enable the astral
energy from the dominant temporary aerial to span the gap and travel over this other
temporary aerial to its terminal. This weaker temporary aerial thus is not permitted to
pick up its own type of energy unimpeded. Instead, under such circumstances, its
own energy is dominated by these energies of another kind, which are called
Rallying Forces.
Permanent aerials always have a pronounced influence upon the condition which
develops. But a physical disease only develops, except when present from birth,
when there is a major progressed aspect of some kind to both a ruler of the first house
and to a ruler of the sixth house. These temporary aerials are necessary to carry the
rallying forces present into those compartments having to do with health and disease.
Stellar Diagnosis
–The importance of the event any group of thought-cells is able to bring into the life
depends upon their power. This applies to the diseases they attract as well as to other
events. Even when little discord is present, the over-activity of a group of stellar-cells
may throw the endocrine secretions and other functions out of balance and encourage
disease. Thus a powerful Saturn trine Moon gives a predisposition toward ear
trouble; but the difficulty is apt to be much less severe than when Saturn is square
Moon. A powerful Mars trine or sextile Moon gives a predisposition toward eye
difficulty; but the difficulty is apt to be much less severe than when Mars is
opposition Moon.
The predisposition toward specific disease can only be ascertained from statistically
determined birthchart and progressed constants of these diseases. These constants
are found to relate to the power of certain planets, in certain instances relate to aspects
between certain planets, and often depend upon these planets being highly
discordant. While the signs usually indicate the zones afflicted by the disease,
otherwise they are seldom significant as constants. Each planet, however, as will be
indicated in a subsequent lesson, rules certain glands and organs of the body, and
when unduly active or highly discordant tends toward diseases of its own special
The general rule is that the most discordant planet (the one having the most
discordynes) in the chart indicates the predisposition which is most likely to develop
into its characteristic disease and, other things being equal, the most discordant sign
(the one having the most discordynes) in the chart represents the region most likely to
be affected by disease. The second most discordant planet represents the next most
likely predisposition to disease, and the next most discordant sign represents the next
most likely region to be affected by disease, and so on.
While calculating its astrodynes is the most precise way of judging a planet’s power,
the flat-rate method used in finding the birth-chart constants considers that when a
planet receives very powerful aspects, especially if a heavy aspect is not more than
one degree from perfect, it must be considered powerful irrespective of not being in
an angle or aspecting Sun, Moon or Mercury. But such power constitutes an
exception to the general rule that only such planets in a birth-chart as are in an angle,
or which aspect Sun, Moon or Mercury with a reasonable degree of closeness, are to
be considered powerful.
In addition to the heavy discords indicating the predisposition toward specific types
of disease, in considering the general tendency toward health difficulties these five
factors also should receive special attention in this order of importance:
1. The Sun as ruling the vitality.
2. The Moon as ruling the magnetic constitution.
3. Mercury as ruling the objective thoughts.
4. The Ascendant and First House as representing the physical body.
5. The Sixth House as representing the zone of least resistance.
At the time some disease does develop, not only are there major progressed aspects to
a ruler of the first and a ruler of the sixth, but also to the planets which constitute the
progressed constants of the disease. Thus from the progressed constants can be
determined which one of the birth-chart predispositions has been given the
additional planetary energy to enable it to attract its type of disease.
In such stellar diagnosis physical symptoms and the contribution to the disease made
by physical environment should also be given due weight; for thought-cell activity
can develop certain diseases only when specific physical agents are present. Events,
including illness, take place when the resistance of the environment to the specific
event is not too great to be overcome by the extra-physical power of the thought-cells
which are working to bring this event to pass.
Calculating the Power of Signs and Houses
–After the total power of each planet, the M.C. and Asc. have been calculated in a
chart, it is a very simple matter from the number of astrodynes so found also to
calculate the power of each sign and house in the chart.
The Power of a Birth-Chart Sign
–Rule: Unless it is an intercepted sign, or occupies more than one house, the
unoccupied power of a sign is one-half the power of its ruler. The unoccupied power
of an intercepted sign is one-fourth the power of its ruler. When a sign occupies the
cusp of more than one house, its unoccupied power is ascertained by allowing
one-half the power of its ruler for each house cusp it occupies. The total power of a
sign is ascertained by adding its unoccupied power to the total power of each
planet–including M.C. or Asc.–in the sign.
The Power of a Birth-Chart House
–Rule: To the unoccupied power of the sign on the cusp of the house, add the
unoccupied power of any intercepted sign in the house and the total power of all
planets –including M.C. or Asc.–in the house.
Double Rulership Signs
–Scorpio is ruled by both Pluto and Mars. Aquarius is ruled by both Uranus and
Saturn. Pisces is ruled by both Neptune and Jupiter.
Rule: When a sign has two rulers, add the total power of both rulers and divide the
sum by 2. The result will then be the power (in reality the average power of the two
rulers) of the ruler of the sign.
It is a great saving in work to calculate the power of each sign and house of a chart at
the same time. We will now apply the rules in this manner to the chart of John
Edwards, which is given on page 4 at the front of Chapter 01. The power of each planet
in his chart, calculated according to the rules given in Chapter 01, is given in a table on
page 34 at the front of this lesson.
Sagittarius is on the Asc. Jupiter, its ruler, has 41.19 astrodynes Dividing 41.19 by 2
gives the power of the unoccupied sign as 20.60 astrodynes. The Asc. has 24.03
astrodynes. 20.60 plus 24.03 gives the power of Sagittarius as 44.63 astrodynes. As
there is no planet in the first house, the power of the first house is also 44.63
Capricorn is on the cusp of the second house. Saturn, its ruler, has 41.18 astrodynes
Dividing 41.18 by 2 gives the power of Capricorn as 20.59 astrodynes.
Aquarius, having 2 rulers, is intercepted in the second house. Saturn, one ruler, has
41.18 astrodynes. Uranus, the other ruler, has 37.54 astrodynes. 41.18 plus 37.54
gives 78.72. 78.72 divided by 8 (one-fourth the average power as the sign is
intercepted) gives the power of Aquarius as 9.84 astrodynes.
Venus, in the second house, has 34.20 astrodynes. 20.59 (Capricorn) plus 9.84
(Aquarius) plus 34.20 gives the power of the second house as 64.63 astrodynes.
Pisces, on the cusp of the third house, has 2 rulers. Neptune, one ruler, has 35.86
astrodynes. Jupiter, the other ruler, has 41.19 astrodynes. 35.86 plus 41.19 gives
77.05. Dividing 77.05 by 4 (one-half the average power) gives the unoccupied power
of Pisces as 19.26 astrodynes.
Pisces holds 4 planets: Venus with 34.20 astrodynes, Uranus, with 37.54 astrodynes,
Moon with 24.83 astrodynes, and Sun with 21.60 astrodynes. 19.26 (unoccupied
Pisces) plus 34.20 plus 37.54 plus 25.83 plus 21.60 gives the power of Pisces as
138.43 astrodynes.
The third house holds 4 planets: Uranus with 37.54 astrodynes, Moon with 24.83
astrodynes, Sun with 21.60 astrodynes, and Mercury with 38.48 astrodynes. 19.26
(unoccupied Pisces) plus 37.54 plus 25.83 plus 21.60 plus 38.48 gives the power of
the third house as 142.71 astrodynes.
Aries is on the cusp of the fourth house. Mars, its ruler, has 53.41 astrodynes.
Dividing 53.41 by 2 gives the unoccupied power of Aries as 26.71 astrodynes. As no
planet is in the fourth the power of the fourth house is also 26.71 astrodynes.
Mercury, in Aries, has 38.48 astrodynes. 26.71 (unoccupied Aries) plus 38.48 gives
the power of Aries as 65.19 astrodynes.
Taurus is on the cusp of the fifth house and also on the cusp of the sixth house. Venus,
its ruler, has 34.20 astrodynes. Dividing 34.20 by 2 gives the power of the fifth house
as 17.10 astrodynes, and the power of the sixth house also as 17.10 astrodynes.
As Taurus occupies 2 house cusps, it has double the power of one of these
unoccupied houses, or the full power of Venus. The power of Taurus is thus 34.20
Gemini is on the cusp of the seventh house. Mercury, its ruler, has 38.48 astrodynes.
Dividing 38.48 by 2 gives the power of Gemini as 19.24 astrodynes.
Pluto, in the seventh house, has 61.32 astrodynes. 19.24 (Gemini) plus 61.32 gives
the power of the seventh house as 80.56 astrodynes.
Cancer is on the cusp of the eighth house. The Moon, its ruler, has 24.83 astrodynes.
Dividing 24.83 by 2 gives the power of unoccupied Cancer as 12.42 astrodynes.
Pluto, in Cancer, has 60.32 astrodynes. 12.92 (unoccupied Cancer) plus 61.32 gives
the power of Cancer as 73.74 astrodynes.
Leo is intercepted in the eighth house. The Sun, its ruler, has 21.60 astrodynes.
Dividing 21.60 by 4 (because intercepted) gives the unoccupied power of Leo as 5.40
astrodynes. Leo holds 2 planets, Jupiter with 41.19 astrodynes, and Neptune with
35.86 astrodynes. 5.40 (unoccupied Leo) plus 41.19 plus 35.86 gives the power of
Leo as 82.45 astrodynes.
12.42 (unoccupied Cancer) plus 82.46 (intercepted Leo and the planets it holds)
gives the power of the eighth house as 94.88 astrodynes.
Virgo is on the cusp of the ninth house. Mercury, its ruler? has 38.48 astrodynes.
Dividing 38.48 by 2 gives the unoccupied power of Virgo as 19.24 astrodynes.
Saturn, in Virgo, has 41.18 astrodynes. 19.24 (unoccupied Virgo) plus 41.18 gives
the power of Virgo as 60.42 astrodynes. As Saturn is the only planet in the ninth, the
power of the ninth house is also 60.42 astrodynes.
Libra is on the cusp of the tenth house. Venus, its ruler, has 34.20 astrodynes.
Dividing 34.20 by 2 gives the unoccupied power of Libra as 17.10 astrodynes. The
M.C., in Libra, has 57.05 astrodynes. 17.10 (unoccupied Libra) plus 57.05 gives the
power of Libra as 74.15 astrodynes. As there is no planet in the tenth, this gives the
power of the tenth house also as 74.15 astrodynes.
The cusp of the eleventh house and the cusp of the twelfth house are both occupied by
Scorpio. Scorpio has two rulers. Mars, one ruler, has 53.41 astrodynes. Pluto, the
other ruler, has 61.32 astrodynes. 53.41 plus 61.32 gives 114.73 Dividing 114.73 by
4 (one-half the average power) gives the unoccupied power of Scorpio on each house
cusp as 28.68 astrodynes. As there is no planet in the twelfth house, the power of the
twelfth house is thus 28.68 astrodynes.
Mars, in the eleventh house, has 53.41 astrodynes. 28.68 (Scorpio on its cusp) plus
53.41 gives the power of the eleventh house as 82.09 astrodynes.
Dividing 114.73 by 2 (to get the average power of Mars and Pluto) gives the
unoccupied power of Scorpio (occupying 2 house cusps) as 57.37 astrodynes. Mars,
in Scorpio, has 53.41 astrodynes. 57.37 (unoccupied Scorpio) plus 53.41 gives the
power of Scorpio as 110.78 astrodynes.
Harmodynes and Discordynes
–From what has already been said in relation to the most discordant planet in the
chart indicating the type of disease toward which an individual is most predisposed,
and the further observation that in general the tendency for the disease so indicated to
develop is proportional to the amount of discord added to its birthchart constants by
progressed aspects, it will be recognized that in stellar diagnosis it is important to
have as precise a method as possible for measuring both birth-chart and progressed
Including illness, the events and conditions of life are commonly appraised from two
different points of view; their importance and their benefit or detriment. Their
importance in the life is indicated by the power in the birth-chart or progressed chart,
or both, of the aspect, planet, sign or house relating to them. Their fortune or
misfortune, on the other hand, is indicated by the harmony or discord in the
birth-chart or progressed chart, or both, of the aspect, planet, sign or house relating to
And even as there are various instances in which, to ascertain the probable
importance of an indicated event or condition, it is better to use the more precise
method of measurement by determining the number of astrodynes involved, rather
than to employ the flat-rate method of inspection, so also in determining the fortune
or misfortune of an indicated event or condition, there are many instances in which it
is better to discard the flat-rate method of inspection and employ the more precise
method of ascertaining the number of harmodynes or discordynes involved.
Inspection will indicate that a given aspect in a chart is harmonious or discordant. But
as such harmony or discord indicates that the activities of the house or houses ruled
by one of the planets will influence for good or ill the activities of the house or houses
ruled by the other planet, it often is desirable to ascertain just HOW MUCH benefit or
detriment is indicated by the aspect. For this purpose it is advantageous to learn how
many harmodynes or how many discordynes are represented by the aspect.
There are still more instances in which it is valuable to know HOW MUCH harmony
or discord a planet in the chart has. Ability is not the only factor in gaining success.
As pointed out in the analysis of the thirty different vocations included in the
reference book, HOW TO SELECT A VOCATION1, the harmony or discord of the
planets ruling the things with which the individual must associate in his business
seem equally important. This luck factor can be gauged far more precisely when the
number of harmodynes or discordynes carried by each planet in the chart of birth are
known than they can by the flat-rate method of inspection.
As revealed by statistical analysis in the reference book, WHEN AND WHAT
EVENTS WILL HAPPEN1, certain events–such as acquiring money, getting
employment, and benefiting through friends, as well as length of life (analyzed in the
more advantageously in the lives of those who have the planets ruling given houses
harmonious and more often when there is a harmonious progressed aspect to such a
planet; and certain other events–such as accidents, loss of money, loss of
employment, divorce and death of offspring–occur more often in the lives of those
who have the planets ruling certain houses discordant, and more often at those times
when such a planet receives a discordant progressed aspect. And, as these events
largely depend upon the amount of harmony or discord shown by the significant
planet, it is highly advantageous to know not merely that the planet is harmonious or
discordant but how many harmodynes or discordynes the planet carries.
Statistical analysis of thousands of charts also shows that the most significant factor
in disease is discord. The unusual power of some planet may indicate some
predisposition toward its type of disease; but the predisposition increases in direct
ratio to the discord of the planet. It is advantageous, therefore, to know just how many
discordynes such a planet carries.
How much the things–including names, numbers, gems, home location, etc.–with
which closely associated influence the life of an individual is determined by the
power of the signs ruling them in his chart. But how much they influence him to his
benefit is indicated by the number of harmodynes of these signs in his birth-chart and
progressed chart. And how much they influence him to his detriment is indicated by
the number of discordynes of these signs in his birth-chart and progressed chart. It is
well, therefore, to have as precise a measure as possible of such harmony or discord.
How active a given department of life is may be gauged by its power. But whether
that department of life will be fortunate or unfortunate must be gauged by its
harmony or discord. How harmonious, or how discordant, indicates whether an
individual should follow a business which requires the activity of the given house,
whether he should cultivate such activities, or whether he should shun them. And it is
better to use the precise method of ascertaining the number of harmodynes or
discordynes of the house than to rely on the flat-rate method of inspection.
The zones of the body affected by disease are indicated by the zodiacal signs. Power
has some influence, but as a general rule the more discordant the sign in the chart of
birth the more apt it is to be the region attacked by disease. In stellar diagnosis we
select the heaviest afflictions as indicating the types of disease toward which there is
a predisposition–the one having the most discordynes indicating the type of disease
toward which there is most predisposition–and the sign having the most
discordynes as the region, other things being equal, most likely to be attacked. In
stellar diagnosis, therefore, it is especially desirable to use a more precise method of
gauging both birth-chart and progressed harmony and discord than the flat-rate
method of inspection.
There are three things which may influence a planet’s harmony or discord: 1). Signs.
2.) The nature of the planets making the aspect. 3.) The nature of the aspect between
two planets.
1).The essential dignity of a planet contributes to its harmony or discord. At the front of
Course VII, Chapter 2 will be found a table of essential dignities. On page 66 at the front of
Chapter 3 will be found a table of essential dignity values.
2.) Saturn is the major malefic and Jupiter is the major benefic. When Saturn is involved
in an aspect, one-half its power is made discordant by its nature alone When Jupiter is
involved in an aspect, one-half its power is made harmonious by its nature alone.
When Mars is involved in an aspect, one-fourth its power is made discordant by its
nature alone. When Venus is involved in an aspect, one-fourth its power is made
harmonious by its nature alone.
This influence of the malefics and benefics applies to the three neutral
aspects–conjunction, inconjunct and parallel–as well as to the three harmonious and
four discordant aspects.
3.)The three harmonious aspects are: trine, sextile, semi-sextile. The power of the three
harmonious aspects expressed as astrodynes is equivalent to the same number of
harmodynes, written with a plus sign before the number expressing the power.
The four discordant aspects are: opposition, square, sesqui-square, semi-square.
The power of each of the four discordant aspects expressed as astrodynes is
equivalent to the same number of discordynes, written with a minus sign before the
number expressing the power.
The three neutral aspects are: conjunction, inconjunct, parallel. The M.C., Asc.,
Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Sun, Moon and Mercury are considered neutral when their
essential nature is uninfluenced by harmonious or discordant aspect. Unless Saturn,
Jupiter, Mars or Venus is involved in the aspect, the neutral aspects increase the
power of the planet, but do not influence its harmony or discord. Power which is
neither harmonious nor discordant is considered neutral. It increases the amount of
work the thought-cells possessing it can do, adding to the importance of the events or
conditions attracted, but adding nothing to, and subtracting nothing from, the fortune
or misfortune of that which is attracted.
Rule: To ascertain the number of harmodynes or discordynes expressed by a planet,
add together the harmodynes expressed by each aspect the planet makes, the MR
(mutual reception) and its plus dignity. Add together the discordynes expressed by
each aspect the planet makes, and its minus dignity. Then add the two sums
algebraically–subtracting the smaller number from the greater. The remainder with
a plus before it will be the net total harmodynes of the planet, or with a minus before it
will be the net total discordynes of the planet.
When calculating the power of the planets in the chart it is convenient for the work
which follows to make a grill showing the power of each aspect made by a planet, and
placing before the number of astrodynes thus indicated the symbol of the aspect.
Such a POWER GRILL for the chart of John Edwards will be found on page 67
at the front of Chapter 03.
Then in calculating the harmony of each planet in the chart it is well to make another
somewhat similar grill in which each aspect expressing harmodynes or discordynes
is noted under its planetary heading followed by the number of harmodynes or
discordynes; these indicated by a plus or a minus before the number expressing them.
There should be also a column showing the harmodynes or discordynes of each
planet due to dignity, a column for the total harmodynes of each planet, a column for
the total discordynes of each planet, and a final column in which the net total
harmodynes or discordynes of each planet are listed. Neutral aspects between neutral
planets are ignored in such calculations and are not listed in the Harmony Grill. Such
a HARMONY GRILL for the chart of John Edwards will be found on page 67 at the
front of Chapter 3.
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I have pierced the illusion of matter and seen that I am Divine. — Zanoni
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- I Laws Of Occultism
- II Astrological Signatures
- III Spiritual Alchemy
- IV Ancient Masonry
- IX Mental Alchemy
- V Esoteric Psychology
- VI The Sacred Tarot
- VII Spiritual Astrology
- VIII Horary Astrology
- X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope
- X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope
- XI Divination and Character Reading
- XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life
- XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion
- XIII Mundane Astrology
- XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life
- XIX Organic Alchemy
- XV Weather Predicting
- XVI Stellar Healing
- XVII Cosmic Alchemy
- XVIII Imponderable Forces
- XX The Next Life
- XXI Personal Alchemy