Blindness – Coronary Thrombosis
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FOR their research work during the first half of 1947, Elbert Benjamine and W. M.
A. Drake decided to find out how often a major event, whatever it may be, takes place
on one of the peaks of power due to the reinforcement effect of a minor progressed
aspect. They therefore calculated the minor progressed aspects for the date of the
event or the development of the disease to ascertain, out of 200 charts and events and
diseases, in how many instances ALL the major progressed constants were
reinforced by a minor progressed aspect heavier than from the Moon at the time the
event took place or the disease developed.
The details of this analysis were published in C. of L. Astrological Report No. 59 in
the September, 1947, number of The Church of Light Quarterly.1The following rule
there published has been further verified by checking on a great many additional
RULE: Each major progressed constant of an event or disease is always reinforced
by a minor progressed aspect heavier than from the Moon to one of its four terminals
at the time the event occurs or the disease develops.
The Trigger Effect of Transit Aspects
–On August 2, 1947, at the Fifteenth International Church of Light Convention,
Lenora Conwell presented a study of 25 charts with major progressions, minor
progressions, and transits around the outside for the precise day and time of day an
event took place. As this study clearly indicated transit aspects play a part in timing
events, Elbert Benjamine and W. M. A. Drake for their next research work calculated
the transit aspects in 200 charts for which the precise day of the event was known.
The details of their findings, finished November 11, 1947, were published in C. of L.
Astrological Report No. 60, in the December, 1947, number of The Rising Star,2
and include the following:
RULE: Each reinforced major progressed constant of an event or disease is always
released by a transit aspect heavier than from the Moon to one of its four terminals at
the time the event occurs or the disease develops. And an independent minor
progressed aspect is always released by a transit aspect to one of the birth-chart or
major progressed terminals influenced by the minor progressed aspect at the time the
event takes place.
If a match is lighted in a room filled with cooking gas, neither the power of the
explosion nor the destruction resulting therefrom is commensurate with the limited
energy of the match. The power was there, and the flame of the match merely
released it. The power which projects a bullet from a gun does not lie in the trigger
nor in the finger which presses it. The power is in the powder. That power is released
when the trigger is pressed. Until the trigger is pressed the power is not released. And
we now have adequate statistical data indicating that transit aspects have very little
power in themselves; but that they exert a trigger effect which tends to release the
power of reinforced major progressed aspects, and also the power of independent
minor progressed aspects.
One day of major progression time is equivalent to one year of calendar time. As the
day of major progression time is measured by the interval between two successive
transits of the Sun over the meridian, major progressed aspects are timed by the
apparent movement of the Sun.
One astrological month of minor progression time is equivalent to one year of
calendar time. As the astrological month of minor progression time is measured by
the interval between two successive transits of the Moon over its birth-chart place,
minor progressed aspects are chiefly timed by the movement of the Moon.
One year of transit time is equivalent to one year of calendar time. As the year of
transit time is measured by the interval between two successive transits of the earth
over the same sign, degree and minute of the zodiac, transit aspects are chiefly timed
by the movement of the earth.
Symbolically, the Sun is the father and the Moon is the mother, “Male and female
created he them.” In higher forms of life it requires the union of male and female to
conceive offspring. The Hermetic Axiom, “As it is above, so it is below,” is thus
verified still further by the finding that both Sun measured progressed aspects and
Moon measured progressed aspects influencing ALL its progressed constants must
join in the production of a major event.
In addition to gestation, however, before the event is born the energy must be
released. It must become manifest on the earth. As in human birth after gestation has
been completed there must be the pains of labor or their equivalent before the child is
released to take its own first independent breath, so in the delivery of any major
event, after gestation due to major progressed aspect and minor reinforcement
progressed aspect, before the event is released in the physical world there must also
be a transit aspect to the significant birth-chart or major progressed terminal.
Astrologers will at once recognize the great importance of these two rules. It will
enable them to eliminate the possibility of a given event or the commencement of a
given disease, even during those periods while the major progressed constants are
within orb, except during those limited periods when ALL these major progressed
constants are reinforced by minor progressed aspects and also released by transit
It will enable them more precisely to time indicated events; for the event will occur
on one of the peaks of power indicated when ALL the major progressed constants are
reinforced by minor progressed aspects and at the same time receiving transit
It will greatly aid in rectifying charts; because the chart when correct will have not
only a major progressed aspect to the ruler of the house mapping the department of
life affected by the event, and the other major progressed constants of the event–
often involving the rulers of several houses–at the time the event occurs, but as an
additional check, the major progressed aspect indicating the event in each case, if the
chart is correct, must be reinforced by a minor progressed aspect and released by a
transit aspect. If the ruler of the house mapping the department of life affected by the
major progressed aspect, and each of the other major progressed constants, are not
reinforced by a minor progressed aspect and released by a transit aspect at the time of
the event, the house positions of the chart are in error.
There are still other important applications of this rule, but undoubtedly its greatest
usefulness is in the selection of the best time to do things. Commonly, minor
progressed aspects and transit aspects last only short periods. Therefore, during the
time a major progressed aspect is within orb of influence, it usually IS possible to
select several short periods during which no minor progressed aspect to any of its
four terminals reinforces it. If one were compelled to do something hazardous, such
as take a dangerous trip, during the time there was a major progressed affliction
involving Mars, if one selected a time when this major progressed aspect was not
reinforced by a minor progressed aspect, the danger would be reduced, if not to nil, at
least to a minimum. Thus far we have found no accidents unless a major progressed
aspect involving Mars was reinforced by one or more minor progressed aspect and
released by a transit aspect.
On the other hand, if one wished to do something at a time when it was essential to get
all the benefit possible from a harmonious major progressed aspect, one could select
a time when, in addition to a transit aspect, several minor progressed aspects were
reinforcing the major progressed aspect. Often it is possible to find a short period
during which the reinforcements give the major progressed aspect several times its
normal peak power. The power to bring the desired event to pass during such a short
period would consequently be several times as much as when no reinforcement was
Birth-chart constants: Moon severely afflicted by Mars. If Mars is prominent and
afflicted, a severely afflicted Moon may cause trouble with the eyes. Even a powerful
harmonious aspect, such as a trine, between Moon and Mars may give eye difficulties
of less severity if the Moon is otherwise severely afflicted. Mars and the Moon are the
factors in crossed eyes. In cataract, Neptune also is involved.
Progressed constants: A Mars aspect with severe rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: The thought-cells mapped by the Moon should be strengthened
and harmonized through applying to them Sun planetary energy. The
thought-treatment should be such as to bring the Moon energies and Mars energies
into more harmonious relations. The eyes themselves should be soothed with lunar
electromagnetic energy. The zone occupied by Mars should be given Moon
planetary energy, and the zone occupied by the discordant rallying force should
receive the energy of its planetary antidote.
Example: Chart 259. Male, Aug. 22, 1885, 7:00 a.m. 81:50W. 24:30N. Moon
opposition Mars, and Mars semi-square Sun. August, 1914, as progressed, with Mars
semi-square Mercury r, sextile Uranus p, sextile Pluto r; Venus semi-square Mercury
r and Jupiter p; and Sun p Uranus p; he was vaccinated. The poison injected into his
blood stream at that time affected his eyes, and by December, 1916 with Mars still
semi-square Mercury r and Jupiter p he was totally blind. As the pain continued, on
May 12, 1931, under Sun square Mars r, he had both eyes removed.
Birth-chart constants: Mars and Neptune or Pluto heavily afflicted.
Progressed constants: A progressed aspect involving Mars and a progressed aspect
involving Neptune or Pluto, at the same time there are heavy rallying force
Stellar Treatment: The system largely depends upon the secretion of adrenalin and
cortin to combat toxins and infection. Under afflictions of Neptune or Pluto the
manufacture of these hormones is depressed. The Mars influence is toward over
expenditure of these two hormones. With these two chemicals exhausted, toxins
remain unneutralized in the blood stream, and infection, attracted by Mars, easily
gains a foothold. The zones occupied by Neptune or Pluto should receive Sun
planetary energy to overcome their negative tendencies, the Mars zone should
receive Moon planetary energy, and special effort should be made by the individual
to remain mentally free from anger, excitement, fear, or other emotion, and from
strain of any kind, as these release and use up the adrenalin and cortin supply. An
even mind and a diet rich in alkali-forming elements are advisable. Cuts or scratches
should receive immediate antiseptic treatment.
Example: Chart 260. Male, February 17, 1911, 1:15 p.m. 1:15W. 53:30N. Mars
square Moon and opposition Neptune and Asc. March 18, 1926, as progressed, with
Sun sextile Mars r and semi-square Uranus p, and Asc. semi-sextile Pluto r and
opposition Uranus r, died of blood poison.
Birth-chart constants: An afflicted planet in Virgo, or much less commonly a
severely afflicted Mercury.
Progressed constants: A progressed aspect involving the planet in Virgo, or
involving Mercury, at the same time rallying forces afflict.
Stellar Treatment: Depends upon the type of difficulty. The birth-chart constants
and the progressed constants as they appear in the chart map the dynamic structures
which should receive the planetary energies of their antidotes. The thoughts of the
individual are always very important in all types of bowel trouble, and he should be
educated as to the type of thinking best for his particular case. The thought-treatment
in the region of the solar plexus also should be quite thorough. Electromagnetic
energies should be applied specifically to the region of the bowels to carry planetary
energies into this zone and to invigorate it.
Example: Chart 262. Male, September 10, 1890, 7:20 a.m. 76:45W. 40N. Sun in
Virgo conjunction Saturn and square Mars. Saturn in Virgo square Neptune and
Pluto. By September, 1927, as progressed, with Mercury conjunction Asc. r and
square M.C. r, with Asc. square Moon r and semi-square Mars r (operation), and with
Sun conjunction Uranus r (paralysis), the difficulty had become severe enough to
paralyze the bowels and they were operated on.
Birth-chart constants: Usually an affliction in Aries, but at times only an affliction
to Mercury; and a prominent and afflicted Mars.
Progressed constants: Some aspect involving Mercury or the planet in Aries,
usually both, and at the same time an affliction involving Mars.
Stellar Treatment: There are two types of this disease. In one there is inflammation
of the membranes and in the other inflammation of the brain substance. But the
diagnosis and treatment are similar for both. Chemical balance should be restored to
the nerves through a diet rich in calcium, vitamin B-1 and vitamin D. The planetary
antidote should be applied to any afflicted planet in Aries, and Jupiter planetary
energy should be applied to the zone occupied by Mercury; but the chief effort should
be to reduce the inflammation by delivering to the Mars zone, and to the brain, the
planetary and electromagnetic energies of the Moon. Soothing passes over the brain
with the left hand are recommended.
Example: Chart 263. Female. January 17, 1892, 12:15 a.m. 81:45W. 41:30N. No
affliction in Aries, but Mercury is square Saturn. Mars is square Moon and square
Venus. About July 1, 1904, as progressed, with Mars square Moon r, semi-sextile
Mercury r and semi-square Asc. r, suffered from brain fever.
BRAIN, WATER ON (Hydrocephalus)
Birthchart constants: Usually an affliction in Aries, but at times only an affliction
to Mercury; and a prominent Moon afflicted by negative planets.
Progressed constants: Some aspect involving Mercury or the planet in Aries, and
usually an aspect involving a negative planet.
Stellar Treatment: This is a child’s disease and occurs in acute form and in chronic
form. It is dropsy of the brain, and in chronic form may exist before birth. An over
active back pituitary causes water to be unduly retained, and the affliction in Aries or
to Mercury may cause it to be retained in the brain.The afflicted Mercury or the affliction in Aries should receive the planetary energy of
its antidote; but in particular Sun planetary and electromagnetic energies should be
applied to overcome the negative influences, and to stimulate the thyroid to drive the
water from the system. These solar energies should be applied to the zone mapped by
the Moon, and to the region of the brain.
Example: Chart 264. Male. July 31, 1909, 7:30 p.m. 88W. 37:30N. Saturn is in Aries
square Moon, Uranus and Neptune. Feb. 4, 1912, as progressed, with M.C.
sesqui-square Saturn r, Pluto inconjunct Moon r, Uranus opposition Neptune r and
sesqui-square Venus r, and Moon opposition Venus r, died of water on the brain.
Birth-chart constants: Usually an afflicted planet in Libra or Scorpio, and Venus or
Mars, usually both, severely afflicted.
Progressed constants: An affliction involving Venus or Mars, more commonly
Venus, at the same time there are strong rallying force afflictions.
Stellar Treatment: Bright’s Disease develops as a condition in which the kidneys
are unable to filter the acids from the blood. This is followed by degeneration of the
structure of the kidneys. To give the kidneys a chance to recuperate, the diet should
be that suitable for Mars and Venus afflictions, and should be such as to keep the
blood stream with an alkaline reaction. The nuclear proteins of meat work the
kidneys too hard. And because cold, dampness and other exposure disturbs the
circulation and makes calls upon the vitality which weaken the kidneys, they should
be avoided. Planetary energy the antidote of the afflicted Venus or Mars should be
applied both to the zone occupied by the afflicted planet and to the region of the
Example: Chart 265. Male, September 18, 1881, 6:00 p.m. 87:10W. 39:30N.
Mercury in Libra in an angle inconjunct Saturn. Venus square Saturn. Mars Square
Sun. In May, 1929, as progressed, with Sun in Scorpio sesqui-square Mars r, and
Mercury square Venus r, developed Bright’s Disease.
Birth-chart constants: Gemini highly sensitive due to an afflicted Mercury, or
more commonly through the presence in it of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars, particularly if the planet in
Gemini or Mercury is at the same time afflicted.
Stellar Treatment: The birth-chart hypersensitivity of the bronchi is due to
chemical imbalance permitting irritation to develop, which may become catarrhal
and chronic. The parathyroid glands should be relieved of strain through calmer
habits of thinking and a diet containing calcium, vitamin B-1 and vitamin D. The
zone occupied by the planet indicating the Gemini sensitivity should be given
planetary energy of that planet’s antidote, and lunar electromagnetic energy should
be applied to the bronchi. The zone mapped by Mars should be treated with Moon
planetary energy, and the diet should favor the restoration of the adrenal glands to
their normal activities.
Example: Chart 261. Male, May 9, 1912, 7:00 a.m. 71W. 42:45N. Pluto in Gemini
conjunction the Asc., Mercury square Neptune. In April, 1928, as progressed, with
Sun in Gemini semi-square Mars r, and Mars sesqui-square Jupiter r in the sixth, had
a severe attack of bronchitis.
Birth-chart constants: Affliction in Pisces, or Neptune prominent and usually
Progressed constants: A progressed aspect involving the afflicted planet in Pisces
or Neptune.
Stellar Treatment: A bunion is an enlargement of a bursa, or sack, of the foot. The
common cause is the wearing of shoes which in some manner force the toes from
their normal position. The first thing, of course, is for the patient to wear shoes which
entirely remove pressure or strain on the place where the bunion is developing. Its
planetary antidote should be applied to the dynamic structure responsible for the
condition. And in addition, both lunar and solar electromagnetic energies should be
applied to the bunion itself, with the thought-treatment that the tissues will be
restored to normal.
Example: Chart 266. Male, June 20, 1899, 10:00 a.m. 84:15W. 41:30N. Neptune in
tenth conjunction Sun and opposition Saturn. Between the ages of 15 and 16, as
progressed, with Venus conjunction Neptune r and Mercury sesqui-square Saturn r
(tight), he walked about 6 miles a day in his work, in shoes which were too short, and
bunions developed.
Birth-chart constants: A heavily afflicted Mars, and commonly also Saturn and
Uranus prominent.
Progressed constants: An aspect, usually an affliction, involving Mars.
Stellar Treatment: Both the zone mapped by Mars in the birth-chart and the place
on the body where the burn occurs should be given Moon planetary energy. A stellar
healer should be able quickly to draw the pain and fever from a burn, scald or
sunburn, by placing his left hand over the burned area and his right hand on the part of
the body or limb opposite. One of the dangers where flesh has been badly burned is
from the proteins of the burned flesh poisoning the blood stream. Hospitals now use
penicillin to counteract this. The body uses cortin and adrenalin. Their effort to
neutralize the protein poison expresses as fever. To assist them the diet and
thought-treatment should strengthen the adrenal glands.
Example: Chart 6091. Male, July 20, 1898, 7:00 p.m. CST. 83:01W. 39:58N. Mars
sextile Sun and opposition Uranus and Saturn. December 20, 1904, as progressed,
with Mars opposition Saturn r, was badly scalded.
Birth-chart constants: Saturn, Jupiter, Moon and Neptune prominent and usually
afflicted. The detailed analysis of 100 charts progressed to the time its owner
developed cancer is given in the reference book, BODY DISEASE AND ITS
Progressed constants: A progressed aspect involving Saturn and a progressed
aspect involving Jupiter.
Stellar Treatment: Foods should be selected which supply a wide variety of proteins,
vitamins and minerals. The zones of the afflicted constants should receive the
planetary energy of their antidote, and negative moods and negative thoughts should
be ousted and the electrical potential kept high through Sun thoughts.
Example: Chart 267. Male, December 22, 1867, 11:45 p.m. 89:30W. 40:45N.
Saturn conjunction Moon, Moon semi-sextile Sun and square Jupiter. Neptune
angular and sesqui-square Moon. Under progressed Sun square Saturn r and Moon r,
and progressed Asc. trine Jupiter p, developed cancer of prostate gland. When Sun
came conjunction Jupiter p in 1929, he went to the best known clinic in the country
and was operated upon. June, 1931, as progressed, with Sun square Saturn p, the
disease started rapid growth and spreading, and he died before the Sun had
progressed beyond the one degree of orb of square Saturn p.
Birth-chart constants: Jupiter afflicted and Mars prominent.
Progressed constants: An aspect, usually an affliction, involving Mars.
Stellar Treatment: When certain foods are eaten too rich in proportion to the other
foods partaken, when lack of exercise gives insufficient oxygenation, or when the
insulin supply becomes inadequate, the fuels of the body smolder and do not properly
burn. And when bacteria, which are always present in the air, are able to get beneath
the skin of a person with such a blood stream, there is the type of infection known as
boils or carbuncles. The region of such boils or carbuncles should always be kept
disinfected to prevent their spreading, and they should not be pinched, as this may
spread the infection to surrounding areas. The carbuncle may be drawn to a head by
placing the right hand over it and left hand on the region opposite and permitting the
electromagnetic current to flow freely between the hands. Mercury planetary energy
should be applied to the zone occupied by Jupiter, and Moon planetary energy to the
zone occupied by Mars. Education as to proper diet should be given.
Example: Chart 6051. Male, November 19, 1902, 4:00 a.m. 71:25W. 41:49N.
Jupiter square Mercury, Mars sextile Mercury and Moon. In June, 1934, as
progressed, with Mars sesqui-square Jupiter p, and semi-sextile M.C. p, developed a
carbuncle on his thigh.
Birth-chart constants: As in other types of eye trouble, the Moon afflicted by Mars,
or at least Mars prominent and Moon severely afflicted; and in addition a Neptune
aspect, usually an affliction, to the Moon.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars and an aspect involving Neptune
at the same time there are severe rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: The growth which covers the eyes is due to chemical imbalance
in which Neptune actively participates. In addition to the treatment given under
blindness, therefore, the diet should contain energy foods, calcium, vitamin B-1, and
less protein. Sun planetary energy should be applied to the zone occupied by
Neptune, and instrad of applying lunar electromagnetic energy,
solarelectromagnetic energy should be applied directly to the eyes.
Example: Chart 268. Male, April 29, 1870, 4:47 a.m. 88:20W. 40N. Mars and
Neptune both conjunction Moon. When progressed Mars reached the semi-square of
Moon r, and Uranus was square Neptune p, cataracts began to form. November 11,
1929, he could still distinguish objects, but by November 19, 1929, as progressed,
with Mercury semi-square Mars r, and Uranus square Neptune p, he was totally
blind. A time was chosen by astrology for an operation, and through it his sight was
Birth-chart constants: One or more upper-octave planet prominent, and Jupiter
Progressed constants: An aspect, usually an affliction, involving the prominent
upper-octave birthchart planet, or an affliction involving Jupiter.
Stellar Treatment: The diet should be that advocated for an afflicted Jupiter, and for
an affliction to the upper-octave planet. Catarrh may develop in the nasal tract,
mouth, throat, lungs, digestive tract, bladder, or wherever mucous membranes are
present which become overly sensitive to the irritants which the afflicted Jupiter
thought-cells permit to remain in the blood. The liver should be energized with solar
electromagnetic energy, and the Jupiter zone should receive Mercury planetary
energy. The zone of the responsible upper-octave planet thought-cells should be
given its planetary antidote.
Example: Chart 269. Male, October 20, 1895, 2:50 a.m. EST. 74W. 40:40N.
Neptune and Pluto conjunction M.C., Uranus conjunction Moon, Jupiter square
Mercury and Saturn. October 18, 1929, as progressed, with Mars inconjunct Neptune
p, and Jupiter square Mercury r, developed a severe case of catarrah.
Birth-chart constants: Uranus prominent, usually an afflicted Mars, and
commonly an afflicted planet in Aries.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving Uranus, and an aspect, usually an
affliction, involving Mars.
Stellar Treatment: Thoughts and diet should reduce the nervous tension indicated
by Uranus. Thoughts and diet should strengthen the walls of the blood vessels.
Excitement or undue strain of any kind increases adrenalin secretion and speeds up
the circulation. If the blood vessels of the head have been weakened by acids in the
blood stream, or if they have become brittle through insufficient parathyrin to handle
calcium, a little sudden increase in the circulation may cause cerebral hemorrhage.
The pressure on the brain where the rupture occurs usually results in a stroke in which
some section of the body is paralyzed. Lunar electromagnetic energy should be
applied to the region of the rupture, Moon planetary energy should be applied to the
zone mapped by Mars, and Jupiter planetary energies should be applied to the zone
occupied by Uranus.
Example: Chart 270. Male, April 9, 1869, 10:37 a.m. 74:15W. 41N. Uranus square
three of the five planets in Aries, and Mars trine Sun and square Pluto. November 12,
1930, as progressed, with Uranus conjunction Asc. r, Pluto square Mars r, and
Mercury sextile Mars p, had a cerebral hemorrhage.
Birth-chart constants: A malefic planet, or an afflicted planet, in the fifth, or the
ruler of the fifth severely afflicted.
Progressed constants: An affliction to the ruler of the fifth.
Stellar Treatment: The planetary antidote of the malefic in the fifth or the afflicted
fifth house ruler should be applied to the zone occupied by the planet, and to the zone
indicated by the sign on the cusp of the fifth.
Example: Chart 271. Female, January 27, 1903, 7:45 a.m. 158W. 21:30N. Neptune
in fifth inconjunct Saturn. April 11, 1928, as progressed, with Sun square Neptune r
(ruler of fifth), and Mars (planet of operations) sesqui-square Sun p, a child was born;
but it was a Caesarean birth.
Birth-chart constants: Mars somewhat afflicted.
Progressed constants: A progressed aspect involving Mars.
Stellar Treatment: This is a very mild Mars disease. The diet should be that
recommended when Mars is afflicted, and should be quite light for a few days.
Quietness should be encouraged. Lunar electromagnetic energy may be applied to
reduce the fever, and Moon planetary energy should be applied to the zone occupied
by the dynamic Mars thought-cells. The fever is the result of adrenalin and cortin
trying to oust the invader and neutralize its toxins. If, therefore, through diet, lack of
exciting activities, and Moon planetary energies, the adrenal glands can be kept
functioning properly, this disease or more serious Mars contagions, will be able to
cause much less trouble.
Example: Chart 272. Male, May 6, 1906, 8:30 a.m. 79W. 42:50N. Mars semi-square
Mercury and sesqui-square Moon. In August, 1911, as progressed, with Mars
semi-sextile Asc. r and inconjunct Uranus r, had chicken-pox.
Birth-chart constants: Mars prominent and a planet in Virgo, or Mercury afflicted.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving the planet in Virgo or Mercury at the
same time there is an aspect involving Mars.
Stellar Treatment: Asiatic cholera is caused by Vibrio comma bacilli. As soon as
the diarrhea starts the individual should be put to bed and kept at complete rest. No
food should be given for a few days except water, barley water, or water with glucose
in it. The room should be kept warm but well ventilated. As recovery sets in, small
quantities of light milk food may be given. The energy of its planetary antidote
should be applied to the zone of the afflicted planet in Virgo, or Jupiter planetary
energy should be applied to the zone occupied by Mercury. Moon planetary energy
should be applied to the zone occupied by Mars. The patient’s vitality should be
reinforced by delivering to him abundant solar electromagnetic energy.
Example: Chart 7207. Male, March 27, 1880, 3:49 p.m. 76W. 42N. Mars angular
and trine Moon. Uranus conjunction Asc. in Virgo and opposition Venus. In June,
1906, as progressed, with Saturn sesqui-square Uranus r in Virgo, and Mars square
Sun r, had Asiatic cholera. Recovered.
Birth-chart constants: Negative planets quite prominent, or a negative planet
severely afflicted.
Progressed constants: The type is a progressed affliction involving either Mars or
Saturn; but almost any progressed aspect, if the birth-chart predisposition is
pronounced, may permit a cold to develop.
Stellar Treatment: What is known as a common cold is made possible through a
blood stream unable to oust invading organisms. People seldom take cold except
when their thoughts temporarily are of a negative character. While the thoughts are
positive, both the electromagnetic energies and the chemical secretions are such as to
resist invasion. Because fruit juices tend to an alkaline reaction of the blood, their use
during colds is to be recommended. The bowels should be kept open, the food should
be that recommended for Saturn, with special emphasis on vitamin A, the patient
should rest, solar etheric energies should be applied to increase the vitality, and their
planetary antidotes should be applied to the zone occupied by the Saturn and Mars
thought-cells to the end of giving a good output of adrenalin and cortin.
Example: Chart 7208. Male, October 5, 1924, 6:00 p.m. 75W. 40N. Moon, Saturn
and Pluto in angles; Neptune and Venus opposition Mars. Suffered from one cold
after another. They were particularly bad in April, 1929, as progressed, with Sun
square Moon r, M.C. conjunction Moon r, Mars opposition Venus r, and Mars
sesqui-square Sun r.
Birth-chart constants: More commonly a planet afflicted in Virgo. Less commonly
a severely afflicted Mercury.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving the planet in Virgo, or involving the
severely afflicted Mercury.
Stellar Treatment: This disease is nearly always due to indiscretion in eating. The
diet should, therefore, be tempered to the special requirements of the patient. Jupiter
planetary energy should be applied to the zone occupied by afflicted Mercury, or its
planetary antidote should be applied to the zone occupied by the afflicted planet in
Virgo. To relieve the pain, which may be severe, solar electromagnetic energy
should be applied by placing the right hand over the painful area and the left hand on
the back opposite.
Example: Chart 272. Male, May 6, 1906, 8:30 a.m. 79W. 42:50N. No planet is in
Virgo, but Mercury is opposition Moon and semi-square Venus and Mars. As a child
he suffered much with colic.
Birth-chart constants: Affliction in Scorpio, or less commonly an affliction to
Progressed constants: A progressed aspect involving the afflicted planet in
Scorpio, or a progressed aspect involving Mars.
Stellar Treatment: The colon is ruled by Scorpio. Emotional upsets of any kind
affect the chemical balance of the blood stream. An aspect to Mars may deplete the
adrenalin and cortin supply permitting an acid or toxic condition to develop. The
discordant Scorpio thought-cells, or discordant Mars thought-cells permit the
imbalanced blood to irritate the colon. A calm mental attitude should be cultivated,
and the diet should be such as to restore chemical balance and strengthen the adrenal
glands. Lunar electromagnetic energy should be applied to the region of the colon,
Moon planetary energy should be applied to the zone occupied by Mars, and the
affliction in Scorpio, if any, should be given its planetary antidote.
Example: Chart 273. Female, March 29, 1896, 12:15 a.m. 122:30W. 38N. Mars
square Saturn and Uranus in Scorpio. In July, 1911, as progressed, with Mercury
trine Uranus r in Scorpio, Mars semi-sextile Mercury r, Asc. semi-sextile Mars p, and
Sun opposition Moon r, developed colitis.
Birth-chart constants: Moon prominent and afflicted and in aspect with Neptune.
Progressed constants: This defect is usually hereditary and present from birth.
Stellar Treatment: Eye surgery indicates that color blindness can be corrected.
Large amounts of vitamin A are considered helpful. The planetary energy of Mars
should be applied to the zone occupied by the Moon, and the planetary energy of
Saturn and the Sun should be applied to the zone occupied by Neptune.
Example: Chart 7209. Male, November 7, 1927, 2:52 p.m. EST. 83W. 42N. His
brother and father are also color blind.
Birth-chart constants: Saturn prominent and forming any aspect to Mercury, or
Saturn in Virgo or in the sixth house. To a lesser extent a prominent Saturn forming
heavy aspects, especially afflictions.
Progressed constants: Any aspect involving Saturn, but especially an affliction
involving Saturn.
Stellar Treatment: Common causes of this disorder are too concentrated diet, tea,
coffee, tobacco, beer, lack of exercise, pills, and neglect to answer nature’s call.
When the call comes to relieve the bowels, if it is neglected a few times, a
habit-system is formed in which the call is no longer felt. With most people the habit
is most readily cultivated of performing this act immediately after rising, or
immediately after breakfast in the morning. The diet, exercise and stellar treatment
should be such as to enable the evacuation to take place as scheduled. And the
attempt should always be made at the scheduled time, and without fail, whether the
effort is successful or not. People differ widely in the frequency with which
evacuation is necessary.
Example: Chart 2013. Female, August 3, 1862, 1:00 p.m. 82:41W. 38:32N. Saturn
in Virgo sextile Mercury. In April, 1903, as progressed, with Sun conjunction Saturn
r and Saturn sextile Mercury r, constipation was unusually severe.
Birth-chart constants: Mercury prominent and afflicted, Mars prominent, and one
or more of the upper-octave planets–Uranus, Neptune, Pluto–prominent.
Progressed constants: An aspect involving either Mars or Mercury, usually both,
with affliction from rallying forces.
Stellar Treatment: The upper-octave planets and Mercury disturb the calcium
balance, giving great sensitiveness to the nerves and mucous membranes. The
progressed aspect involving Mercury increases this condition, giving spasmodic
nervous reactions to irritants, especially in the region of the bowels, which through
Virgo are ruled by Mercury. The progressed aspect involving Mars cuts down the
cortin supply and permits the irritants to act with little hindrance. The diet should
tend to correct the Mercury and Mars chemical imbalance. Jupiter planetary energy
should be applied to the zone occupied by Mercury, and Moon planetary energy
should be applied to the zone occupied by Mars. Both lunar electromagnetic energy
and Moon planetary energy should be applied to the bowels.
Example: Chart 274. Female, October 4, 1929, 1:00 p.m. 112W. 43:30N. Mercury
conjunction Sun and square Pluto. Mars conjunction Moon Uranus opposition
Mercury, Neptune sextile Moon. Pluto angular and square Sun and Mercury. In June,
1931, as progressed, with Venus semi-square Mars r, and Mercury trine Jupiter r, had
Birth-chart constants: Heavy affliction to planet in Leo or to the Sun; Venus or
Jupiter afflicted, and Pluto or Neptune prominent and afflicted.
Progressed constants: A progressed affliction involving a planet in Leo or the Sun,
a progressed affliction involving Venus or Jupiter at the same time there is a
progressed aspect involving Pluto or Neptune, and a progressed aspect involving
Mars.The conditions preceding coronary thrombosis are the same as those preceding other
thrombi (see thrombosis); but as at birth and by progression the planet in Leo or the
Sun is afflicted, the blood clot, or clots, tends to block the coronary arteries.
Stellar Treatment: Through diet and application of Sun planetary energy to zones
occupied by Venus, Pluto or Neptune, the vitality should be increased. Mercury
planetary energy should be added to the zone occupied by Jupiter, and Moon
planetary energy to the zone occupied by Mars. And the heart zone should be given
the antidote planetary energy of any planet in it, or that beneficial to the Sun.
Example: Chart 7196. Male, February 17, 1891, 5:46 a.m. 79W. 43N. Venus
semi-square Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune angular and square Sun. On May 7, 1940, as
progressed, while running to catch a street car he suffered coronary thrombosis. Sun
conjunction Mars r, Asc. semi-square Pluto p, Venus and Jupiter square Pluto p.
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Quote of the Light
I have pierced the illusion of matter and seen that I am Divine. — Zanoni
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- I Laws Of Occultism
- II Astrological Signatures
- III Spiritual Alchemy
- IV Ancient Masonry
- IX Mental Alchemy
- V Esoteric Psychology
- VI The Sacred Tarot
- VII Spiritual Astrology
- VIII Horary Astrology
- X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope
- X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope
- XI Divination and Character Reading
- XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life
- XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion
- XIII Mundane Astrology
- XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life
- XIX Organic Alchemy
- XV Weather Predicting
- XVI Stellar Healing
- XVII Cosmic Alchemy
- XVIII Imponderable Forces
- XX The Next Life
- XXI Personal Alchemy