Major Progressions of the Planets
- loe_siteadmin
- on Jun, 29, 2018
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ASIDE from the type of inner-plane weather indicated by the planets involved in a
progressed aspect, each aspect indicates weather that tends to cause the thought-cells
it influences to use their psychokinetic power to influence the thoughts, behavior and
the events that come into the life toward the distinctive trend indicated by the
keyword of the aspect. The conjunction, parallel and inconjunct involving Venus or
Jupiter are favorable, involving Mars or Saturn are unfavorable, and not involving
one of these four planets, are neutral. The trine, sextile and semi-sextile between any
two planets are favorable, but the opposition, square, semi-square and sesqui-square
are unfavorable. The progressed aspect thus indicates positively whether the
inner-plane energy is favorable or unfavorable.
But whether the thought-cells thus influenced will use their psychokinetic power to
bring fortunate or unfortunate events into the life depends upon how they feel. If
through birth chart harmony or discord, or through harmony or discord imparted to
them since birth, they have been conditioned strongly enough to desire events and
conditions that are favorable or unfavorable, the influence of the inner-plane weather
mapped by a progressed aspect may not be powerful enough markedly to change this
desire. And in that case the inner-plane weather may merely supply the energy to
enable the thought-cells to bring into the life an event which is of opposite fortune to
that commonly indicated by the progressed aspect.
The thought-cells of each planetary type can express characteristically through
constructive thoughts and behavior or through destructive thoughts and behavior. To
the extent their energy is channeled into their type of constructive thoughts and
behavior does it decrease their power to influence their type of destructive thoughts
and behavior. And as what happens to the individual often is markedly influenced by
what he does, to the extent thoughts typical of the planet enter his mind and to the
extent there are actions typical of the planet, under any progressed aspect involving
the planet, whether harmonious, neutral or discordant, it is the part of wisdom to see
to it they are typical of its constructive expression.
It is important to bear in mind that it is not the inner-plane weather mapped by an
aspect which determines the fortune or misfortune of the event or condition
coincident with it. Instead, it is the desires of the thought-cells receiving new energy
from the inner-plane weather. And if enough harmony can be added to them through
harmonious thinking and feeling, in spite of any inner-plane weather or outer-plane
condition, they will work for fortunate events. The details of thus using mental
antidotes, conversion and rallying forces harmoniously to recondition the desires of
the thought-cells are set forth in lesson No. 110.
However, the psychokinetic power of the thought-cells is, on the average, only about
one-half of the influence that determines the events that come into the life. Physical
environment is commonly equally important. The physical environment may be
such that when a progressed aspect forms the thought-cells need exert only a little
psychokinetic energy to bring the event they want into the life, or it may be such that
any amount of psychokinetic energy cannot bring the event they want into the life.
What happens is not the exclusive result of the psychokinetic power of the
thought-cells working for what they desire, and it is not the exclusive result of the
physical environment. It is the algebraic sum of the psychokinetic power brought to
bear minus the resistance of physical environment to that power. Therefore, in taking
precautionary actions, if what the thought-cells desire is also what the individual
desires, he should do all he can to arrange the physical environment so they will have
to use a minimum of psychokinetic energy to bring the event or condition they desire
into the life. But if what the thought-cells desire is what the individual does not
desire, he should do all he can to arrange the physical environment so that no matter
how much psychokinetic energy they bring to bear they cannot bring into the life the
event or condition they desire.
What to Do Under Unfavorable Progressions Involving the Sun
–To attract a more fortunate event than that otherwise indicated it is necessary that
the thought-cells in the astral body at each end of the stellar aerial mapped by the
progressed aspect shall receive energy generated by the voluntary thoughts and
feelings of such volume and harmony that they feel this energy more vividly than
they feel the planetary energy coming in over the aerial mapped by the discordant
aspect. And to reach the Sun terminal and influence its thought-cells harmoniously,
those thoughts and feelings must be associated with thoughts of dignity, courage,
calm self-assurance, control and stamina.
When there are unfavorable progressions involving the Sun the power of the
individual to mold affairs is in danger of being weakened by the discord stirred up
among these controlling thought-cells. And because these thought-cells are
intimately associated with the nerve currents and provide the electric vitality of the
body, if they are permitted to do so they may become Rallying Forces that extend
their influence into other departments of life than those reached by the aerial mapped
by the aspect involving the Sun.
If the aspect involves a negative planet, thoughts and actions should be cultivated
which are positive, and thus when harmoniously associated with thoughts of dignity,
self-esteem, courage, control and stamina, tend to prevent depletion of the vital
energy of the solar dynamic structure. But if the aspect involves a planet that tends
toward unusual expansiveness and expenditure, the thoughts which should be held
harmoniously in the mind in association with those of dignity, self-esteem, courage,
and stamina should be those of deliberate control and calm confidence.
Unusual care should be given to dealing with the male sex, to political influences, to
the attitude of those above one in station, to things affecting the honor and
self-esteem, and especially as affecting the departments of life indicated by the
houses in which the Sun and the other planet involved in the aspect are located.
When I say care, I do not mean fright. One of the most disastrous of human
experiences is to be unwilling to face any condition that may come and carry on in
spite of it.
I merely mean that far more foresight, skill and initiative are required at such a time
than is customary to bring the same type of thing to a successful issue. Perhaps such
scrutiny will bring the decision to abandon some attempt, or to write off as a loss
something without carrying it further.
The Sun has no natural mental antidote, but the Religious thoughts are unusually
potent when held in association with the Power thoughts. Whatever the thoughts are
that are thus selected to be held in the mind at the same time as thoughts of power, of
confidence and of ability to handle whatever situation arises, they must be held with a
glow of enthusiasm. It is their harmony that must be depended upon to counteract the
planetary discord being received.
What to Do Under Unfavorable Progressions Involving the Moon
–Because the thought-cells within the astral body mapped by the Moon in the birth
chart, and by the progressed Moon, are so directly in contact with the magnetic
energies of the electromagnetic form which determine the strength of the
constitution and influence the nerve currents, progressed aspects involving the Moon
are unusually significant. If given the opportunity, through the person responding in
feeling to their influence, they readily become Rallying Forces which, reaching the
other temporary stellar aerials and flowing over them into the other compartments of
the astral body, may have an influence over many departments of life.
The thought-cells of which the dynamic stellar structure mapped by the Moon
chiefly is composed have had their origin in experiences with domestic life.
Sympathy for the weak and helpless, for those in distress, and such impulses as relate
to the preservation of the home and care for the family, and in a wider sense care for
people everywhere who are less fortunate, or even care for plants and animals, are the
type of feelings that directly reach the thought-cells of the Moon dynamic structure
within the astral body. Any thoughts, therefore, the purpose of which is to give so
much harmonious energy to these stellar cells that the discordant energy reaching
them from the planets is displaced, must be associated with sympathetic feelings of
this kind.
Harmonious thinking and feeling in general, because the temporary stellar aerial
having the Moon dynamic structure at one terminal is so open to reception, if
associated with such feeling of desire and effort to minister to the welfare of others,
tends to correct the discord of a progressed aspect involving the Moon. But the most
effective thoughts and feelings for this purpose are of the Aggressive type ruled by
Mars, which are the natural antidote.
In applying Mars thoughts and feelings care must be exercised that these express the
constructive rather than the destructive tendencies. The energies received from a
progressed aspect involving the Moon tend toward negativeness, receptivity and
emotion. To apply the Aggressive thoughts successfully the feeling of positive
constructive work must be maintained in association with the protection and welfare
of others.
Irritation, anger, and other discordant thoughts only add increasing discord to the
Domestic thought-cells. Negativeness and the feeling of frustration do likewise. But
if a positive, yet constructive attitude is held, and the efforts are directed toward
helping the weak or less fortunate, or toward protecting them, these harmonious
thought energies will transform the Domestic thought compound into a compound
the stellar cells of which will work from the inner plane to attract fortunate events.
Under unfavorable progressed aspects involving the Moon the health, contacts with
women, relations with the public, the attitude of the mind, and those things indicated
by the house position of the Moon and the other planet involved in the aspect should
receive special attention.
What to Do Under Unfavorable Progressions Involving Mercury
–The progressed aspects involving Mercury, as well as those involving Sun and
Moon, add energy to stellar cells which have intimate contact with the
electromagnetic form and the nerve currents. The nerve currents are largely directed
by the objective thoughts which Mercury rules. And it is the natural function of these
thoughts to tune electrical energies of the nervous system in temporarily on the
frequency corresponding to the thoughts that thus gain attention. Thus the energies of
Mercury commonly act as Rallying Forces, quite as strongly as those of Sun or
Moon, to influence not merely the thought-cells at the terminals of the temporary
stellar aerial mapped by the aspect, but also to find their way into, and add their
energy to, the terminals of other temporary stellar aerials which may be present.
Progressed aspects involving Mercury tend to give intensity and volume to thinking.
When this thinking is too concentrated over a period of time, or is about unpleasant
conditions, it causes great tension of the nervous system, and gives the thought-cells
at the terminals of the temporary stellar aerial discordant energy which enables them
to attract unfortunate events into the life.
The house occupied by Mercury and the house occupied by the other planet involved
in the aspect, together with the nature of that planet determine the type of thinking.
Often the same train of thoughts, or those of similar context, is thought over and over
again. Instead of such waste of mental energy, whatever problem is present should be
thought through thoroughly and then dismissed by turning the attention to something
Good ideas and valuable discoveries often come under an unfavorable progressed
aspect involving Mercury, and as good progress in study, in writing, or in other
mental pursuits can be made under an unfavorable progressed aspect involving
Mercury as can be made under a favorable progressed aspect. But if the ideas are
expressed, writing is submitted for publication, or other persons are depended upon,
the effect of the discord becomes quickly apparent.
Under an unfavorable progression involving Mercury only thoughts should be
permitted which are pleasant and which move forward to some purpose. Clerical and
other errors and slight mistakes should be guarded against, and especial care should
be exercised as to the exact purport of any document which is signed. What is said to
others also may be subject to misinterpretation.
The natural antidote, and thus the best type of thoughts to associate with the
Intellectual activities at such a time are Religious thoughts. This does not signify one
must turn to religion; but the optimism and confidence of Jupiter that all will work
out as desired should be cultivated. The reliance on a higher power than human
intelligence, after human intelligence has done its best, is an attitude which adds
harmony to the thought-cells influenced by Mercury in the most potent form.
What to Do Under Unfavorable Progressions Involving Venus
–The progressed aspects involving Venus add energy to the thought-cells which
relate to the affections, and if this energy is discordant the thought-cells thus given
psychokinetic power bring events into the life that cause disappointment and grief
through those toward whom there is, or it is desired there should be, a bond of
Under an unfavorable progression involving Venus slights, either real or fancied, are
apt to arise. Perhaps events over which no one seems to have any control will, for the
time being, cause conditions that stir up grief and emotion. The less attention the
individual pays to slights during such a period the better. Whether intentional or not,
and whether caused by unavoidable conditions or not, the discords of Venus thrive
on emotional perturbation. The best procedure, therefore, is to invoke the aid of the
Safety thoughts, ruled by Saturn, and also sufficient of the Power thoughts, ruled by
the Sun.
The Safety thoughts, which give a cold appraisal of circumstances, and are under the
dominion of reason and quite apart from emotion, are the natural antidote for the
Social thoughts of Venus. That is, they enter into the Social thought-cells in the astral
body most readily in the formation of a highly beneficial compound. And the
realization that the less emotion permitted the less misfortune will be experienced, is
an easy way to apply these Safety thoughts. Pleasure should be felt in this conquest of
emotion by cold reason.
Because Venus is the planet of joy and mirth, as well as of art, music and social
pleasure, one who has considerable resolution, and can call forth the stamina and
self-esteem of the Power thoughts to overlook emotional hurt, often can make even
severely unfavorable progressed aspects involving Venus subject to Conversion (see
lesson No. 110), and thus gain much benefit from them.
What to Do Under Unfavorable Progressions Involving Mars
–As a progressed aspect involving Mars is always present when an accident takes
place, and when an infection is contracted, and as it is the planet of haste and strife,
the least exposure to danger and infection, and the greater the avoidance of haste and
strife, within reason, the better. Often, under such discord a fight is thrust upon one in
such a manner that measures for self protection become necessary.
We cannot say that because Mars is involved in an unfavorable progressed aspect
that an ill person should not have an operation. Not infrequently such an operation is
the only measure that will save the life. And either a favorable or an unfavorable
progressed aspect involving Mars is always present at the time of a surgical
operation. Nor can we lay down a blanket rule that a person under an unfavorable
aspect involving Mars should refuse to fight, as it may be the only manner in which
invasion of his rights can be prevented. But if conditions permit the operation to be
postponed, and if the individual can avoid a fight without too great sacrifice, it is
better to wait for more favorable progressed aspects under which to solve such
Under unfavorable progressions involving Mars it is better to avoid danger; but if
danger comes, as it often does, to face it with courage, resolution and calmness is the
best way to mitigate its effect. Machines and mechanical contrivances are apt to
break or get out of order more readily than usual. Fire hazards increase, and too great
energy expenditures threaten.
Haste, impulse, and too great activity should be guarded against. But as Mars is a
Social planet, the relations with people are even more commonly a source of
difficulty. Pains should be taken not to say or do that which causes offense or which
will lead to strife, unless it has calmly been decided upon that strife is the only proper
course to pursue.
Because Aggressive thoughts will come so spontaneously into the mind no special
effort toward associating other thoughts with them is necessary. The Domestic
thoughts are the natural antidote, and the best way of applying them is merely to
interest oneself as thoroughly as possible in helping those who are weak and in
distress. This maternal attitude and the actions springing from it, if sufficiently
encouraged, will generate the thought-elements which, if pleasure is felt in them, will
combine with the Aggressive thoughts in the astral body to form a more fortunate
compound. The more such thoughts of helping others tend to displace the discordant
thoughts of strife the more favorable the events which will be attracted by the
progressed aspect. Under Mars inner-plane weather cultivate patience and take it
What to Do Under Unfavorable Progressions Involving Jupiter
–Self-indulgence, extravagance, unwise optimism, too great generosity,
unwillingness to consider the cost, and unwarranted business expansion are the chief
things which an unfavorable progression involving Jupiter tends to attract.
All these things are attracted due to lack of careful analysis of the situation, the
reliance upon chance or the opinions of others, or on the good offices of others.
Sometimes even too great enthusiasm to present one’s religious opinions may cause
But whatever the discord that a progressed aspect involving Jupiter brings, basically
it is due to lack of Intelligence. The house position of Jupiter and of the other planet
involved in the aspect indicate the departments of life chiefly affected; but in general,
as Jupiter is a Business planet, the finances also need attention. And the kind of
attention most needed is to cultivate a pleasure in carefully analyzing and appraising
by the most conservative methods every transaction which is entered into, especially
those indicated by the progressed aspect.
The Intellectual thoughts are the natural antidote to the thought-elements given
activity by Jupiter progressed aspects; and by taking pleasure in applying
intelligence and care to the activities is the best method of converting them into a
compound which will attract fortunate events.
What to Do Under Unfavorable Progressions Involving Saturn
–The trend of the thoughts under an unfavorable progression involving Saturn is to
look upon the dark side of things. The planetary vibrations received by the
thought-cells at the terminals of the temporary stellar aerial are heavy, morose,
self-centered and lacking in buoyancy and elasticity; imparting to these cells a
feeling which causes them to work from the inner plane to attract want, responsibility
and loss.
These vibrations are negative, and to correct this negativeness, and prevent the
development of fear, timidity and the tendency to worry, the Power thoughts of the
Sun should be cultivated by holding thoughts of courage, determination and stamina.
But of even more benefit, as they are the natural antidote for the Safety thoughts of
Saturn, a deliberate effort should be made to encourage the Social thoughts.
Safeguarding the interests through positive action, rather than through negative fear,
frequently is necessary under afflictions involving Saturn. That is, commonly it is
unwise to press into activity the departments of life influenced by an unfavorable
progressed aspect involving Saturn during the time the aspect is within the one
degree of effective orb; but rather to turn for the time being to other, and less
discordant interests.
Because Saturn thoughts are so insistently present, weighing down the personality,
no special effort is necessary to cause them to associate with other thoughts and
feelings that may be cultivated. Yet social contacts and other Venus activities are of
no value unless the light-heartedness and gaiety of Venus are experienced. It may
require great fortitude, when things apparently are going to pieces, and even social
slights and financial losses may be in the offing, to mix with people, to dance, sing,
go to the movies, make merry and take joy in art and music. But there is nothing better
to drive away the Saturn blues, and nothing better to add happy thought-elements to
the Safety thought compounds in a manner which most readily transforms them into
a dynamic stellar compound which attracts good fortune. Under Saturn inner-plane
weather keep your chin up and cultivate cheerfulness.
What to Do Under Unfavorable Progressions Involving Uranus
–Uranus, as octave of Mercury, has direct access to the electromagnetic form
through the nerve currents; and its discords tend to unusually high tension of the
nervous system, and to depletion of the electromagnetic energy. In particular it opens
the gate to outside influences, notably those of people, who often gain at such times,
through hypnotic effect, mental influence, or through misplaced confidence,
altogether too great control over the life.
If this be recognized, that attachments made under progressed aspects involving
Uranus seldom are lasting, and that such misfortune as the influence brings is in some
manner due to a human agency, it will enable the individual to guard against
difficulties. It is the sudden and unexpected which happens under progressed aspects
involving Uranus.
New contrivances, such as radios, automobiles, and intricate machines, especially
those depending in some manner on electricity, tend to get out of order under
unfavorable progressions involving Uranus.
All attachments made during such a progression should be subject to certain
reservations. Yet excellent progress in astrology and the occult sciences can be made
under even heavy unfavorable progressed aspects involving this planet. An aspect
involving Uranus favors gaining new information; and as a result of such new
information the viewpoint often is changed.
The natural antidote for an unfavorable Uranus is the same as for an unfavorable
Mercury. What has been said as to applying the Religious thoughts to counteract a
discordant Mercury applies with equal force to transforming a Uranian
thought-compound into one of more fortunate trend.
What to Do Under Unfavorable Progressions Involving Neptune
–An unfavorable progression involving Neptune requires the same cultivation of
the Safety thoughts as that prescribed for its octave, Venus. But in addition, because
it is so much more negative and sensitive, the Power thoughts should receive even
more consideration. Courage, stamina, positiveness and determination are
especially required to offset the shrinking sensitiveness and the dreaminess which
the vibrations of Neptune encourage.
Such discord tends to attract schemes which work to the detriment of the individual.
Imaginary advantages seem unusually attractive, and may lead to loss. On the other
hand, imaginary dangers may harass, and require adequate Power thoughts to banish.
Psychic matters, new habits, or even drugs may tend to enslave the person and poison
may affect the health; yet even under quite unfavorable progressed aspects involving
Neptune good progress may be made in music, in fiction writing, or in dramatic
With these additional considerations, what has been said under unfavorable
progressions involving Venus applies with equal force to unfavorable progressions
involving Neptune.
What to Do Under Unfavorable Progressions Involving Pluto
–The Domestic thoughts of the Moon apparently are expanded in the octave
expression, Pluto, to embrace society as a whole. As octave of the Moon, the
vibrations of Pluto have ready access to the nerve currents, and more readily than any
other planetary influence tune the organism in on thoughts radiated by intelligences
of either plane.
On its better side Pluto has to do with Soul Mates; and on its adverse side with
weakness due to separation. Unusual discrimination is required while an unfavorable
progression of Pluto is operative that contact with the criminal world of both planes
be avoided Kidnaping, or becoming the tool of visible or invisible racketeers, should
specially be guarded against. Such things at times are present in slight degree without
being recognized. Association with groups of doubtful character, and situations that
might lead to coercion, should be avoided.
The Aggressive thoughts, as natural antidotes, should be applied under unfavorable
progressions involving Pluto in precisely the same manner advocated for
unfavorable progressions involving the Moon.
What to Do Under Unfavorable Progressions Involving the M.C.
–A progressed aspect involving the M.C. forms a temporary stellar aerial between
the dynamic stellar structure mapped by the planet and this broadcasting station. The
chief energy picked up is that of the planet involved. Therefore use the instructions
given under the heading what to do when this planet is under unfavorable
progressions, and associate the thoughts there indicated as harmoniously as possible
with thoughts relating to honor, business and publicity. And take pains to see to it that
the behavior and physical environment offer as much resistance as possible to any
effort made by the M.C. thought-cells to bring unfavorable publicity, loss of
position, or business adversity into the life.
What to Do Under Unfavorable Progressions Involving the Asc.
–A progressed aspect involving the Asc. forms a temporary stellar aerial between
the dynamic stellar structure mapped by the planet and this ground-wire. The chief
energy picked up is that of the planet involved. Therefore use the instructions given
under the heading what to do when this planet is under unfavorable progressions, and
associate the thoughts there indicated as strongly and as harmoniously as possible
with thoughts relating to the health, the personality and personal affairs. And take
pains to see to it that the behavior and the physical environment, including the diet,
are the proper precautionary actions for such physical illness as the birth chart
constants and the progressed constants, as set forth in Course XVI, at the time
indicate might possibly develop.
Calculating Aspects Mate by Major Progressed Planets.
–Major progressed aspects involving the planets are calculated in exactly the same
way as are major progressed aspects of Sun, examples of which are given in lesson
No. 111, and as are major progressed aspects made by the Moon, examples of which
are given in lesson No. 112.
And the time an aspect moves to within the one degree of effective orb, and therefore
first commences to have an influence, and the time an aspect moves past the one
degree of effective orb, and thus loses its influence, are calculated in precisely the
same way, except that the gap to be closed is indicated by the position one degree
before or one degree past the perfect aspect.
FRACTIONS OF A MONTH: When working progressions by proportion there
often is a fraction of a month to be converted into days. To do this multiply the
numerator by 30 and divide the product by the denominator. Thus in example 1
below there are 21/73 months. Multiplying 21 by 30 gives 630. Dividing 630 by 73
gives 9 days.
The examples which follow all relate to Chart 3a, given on page 100. The chart is
erected for June 28, 1920, 12:23 p.m. CST. 89W. 40:40N. The EGMT is plus 6h 23m.
The Limiting Date is March 22, 1920.
Example 1. Venus sextile Saturn r: Ephemeris date June 30, 1920, Venus is (b) 20′
past the aspect, and moving daily (a) 1° 13′, or 73′. By proportion, multiplying (b) 20
by (c) 12 (months) gives 240.
Dividing 240 by (a) 73 gives (d) 3 21/73 months, or 3 mo. 9d. June 30, 1920, is 2 days
after the L.D. and thus Map. D. for 1922. Subtracting the 3 months, 9 days from
March 22, 1922, gives Venus sextile Saturn r December 13, 1921. By logarithms, the
problem is worked in detail on page 2 of lesson No. 19.
Example 2. Venus applying sextile Saturn r within one degree of orb: To reach the
one degree of effective orb Venus must reach 6 Cancer 06. Ephemeris date June 29,
1920, Venus is 6 Cancer 13 and thus (b) 7′ past the required position, and moving
daily (a) 1° 14′, or 74′. By proportion, multiplying (b) 7 by (c) 12 gives 84. Dividing
84 by (a) 74 gives (d) 1 10/74 months, or 1 mo. 4d.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.2891 from log. (b) 2.3133 gives 1.0242, which
is the log. of (d) 2h 16m. Dividing the 2 by 2 gives 1mo. Dividing the 16 and 4 gives
4d. June 29, 1920, is Map. D. for calendar year 1921. Subtracting the 1 month, 4 days
found by either method from March 22, 1921, gives Venus applying sextile Saturn r
within one degree of orb February 18, 1921.
Example 3. Venus separating sextile Saturn r within one degree of orb: To leave the
one degree of effective orb Venus must be more than 8 Cancer 06. Ephemeris date
July 1, 1920, Venus is 8 Cancer 40 and thus (b) 34′ past the required position, and
moving daily (a) 1° 14′, or 74′. By proportion, multiplying (b) 34 by (c) 12 gives 408.
Dividing 408 by (a) 74 gives (d) 5 38/74 months, or 5mo. 15d.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.2891 from log. (b) 1.6269 gives .3378, which is
the log. of 11h 02m. Dividing the 11 by 2 gives 5mo with a remainder of 60m. Adding
the 60m to the 2m gives 62m. Dividing the 62 by 4 gives 15d. July 1, 1920, is Map. D.
for calendar year 1923. Subtracting the 5 months, 15 days found by either method
from March 22, 1923, gives Venus separating sextile Saturn r within one degree of
orb, after which its effect is negligible, October 7, 1922.
Example 4. Venus square Mars p: Ephemeris date July 22, 1920, shows Mars 5
Scorpio 05 and Venus 4 Leo 30 and thus (b) 35′ from square aspect. Venus is moving
daily 1° 14′ while Mars moves 28′. The difference is the gain (a) 46′. By proportion,
multiplying (b) 35 by (a) 12 gives 420. Dividing 420 by 46 gives (d) 9 6/46 months, or
9mo. 4d.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.4956 from log. (b) 1.6143 gives .1187, which is
the log. of (d) 18h 16m. Dividing the 18 by 2 gives 9mo. Dividing the 16 by 4 gives
4d. July 22 is 24 days after the L.D., and is thus Map. D. for calendar year 1944.
Adding the 9 months, 4 days found by either method to March 22, 1944, gives Venus
square Mars p December 26, 1944.
Example 5. Venus applying square Mars p within one degree of orb: Ephemeris date
July 21, 1920, shows Mars 4 Scorpio 37 and Venus 3 Leo 17, and thus lacking (b) 20′
of being within the one degree orb of the square. Venus is moving daily 1° 13′ and
Mars is moving 28′. The difference is the daily gain (a) 45′. By proportion,
multiplying (b) 20 by (c) 12 gives 240. Dividing 240 by (a) 45 gives (d) 5 15/45
months, or 5 mo. 10d.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.5051 from log. (b) 1.8573 gives .3522, which is
the log. of (d) 10h 40m. Dividing the 10 by 2 gives 5mo. Dividing the 40 by 4 gives
10d. July 21, 1920, is Map. D. for calendar year 1943. Adding the 5 months, 10 days
found by either method to March 22, 1943, gives Venus applying square Mars p
within one degree of orb September 2, 1943.
Example 6. Venus separating square Mars p within one degree of orb: Ephemeris
date July 24, 1920, shows Mars 6 Scorpio 01 and Venus 6 Leo 58, and thus lacking
(b) 3′ of being one degree past the square aspect. Venus is moving daily 1° 14′ and
Mars is moving 29′. The difference is the daily gain (a) 45′. By proportion,
multiplying (b) 3 by (c) 12 gives 36. Dividing 36 by 45 gives (d) 36/45 months, or
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.5051 from log. (b) 2.6812 gives 1.1761, which
is the log. of (d) 1h 36m, or 96m. Dividing the 96 by 4 gives 24d. July 24, 1920, is
Map.D. for calendar year 1946. Adding the 24 days found by either method to March
22, 1946, gives Venus separating square Mars p within one degree of orb, after which
its influence is negligible, April 16, 1946.
Example 7. Saturn sextile Pluto r: Ephemeris date June 30, 1920, Saturn is (b) 1′ past
the aspect. Saturn is moving daily (a) 5′. By proportion, multiplying (b) 1 by (c) 12
gives 12. Dividing 12 by (a) 5 gives (d) 2 2/5 months, or 2mo. 12d.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 2.4594 from log. (b) 3.1584 gives .6990, which is
the log. of (d) 4h 48m. Dividing the 4 by 2 gives 2mo. Dividing the 48 by 4 gives 12d.
June 30, 1920, is Map.D. for calendar year 1922. Subtracting the 2mo. 12d found by
either method from March 22, 1922, gives Saturn sextile Pluto r January 10, 1922.
Example 8. Venus conjunction M.C. r: Ephemeris date July 4, 1920, Venus is 12
Cancer 21 and thus (b) 7′ past the aspect. Venus is moving daily (a) 1° 13′, or 73′. By
proportion, multiplying (b) 7 by (c) 12 gives 84. Dividing 84 by (a) 73 gives (d) 1
11/73 months, or 1mo. 5d.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.2950 from log. (b) 2.3133 gives 1.0183, which
is the log. of (d) 2h 18m. Dividing the 2 by 2 gives 1mo. Dividing the 18 by 4 gives 5d.
July 4, 1920, is Map. D. for calendar year 1926. Subtracting the 1 month, 5 days
found by either method from March 22, 1926, gives Venus conjunction M.C. r
February 17, 1926.
Example 9. Mercury trine Moon r: Ephemeris date July 6, 1920, Mercury lacks (b) 5′
of the aspect, and is moving daily (a) 30′. By proportion, multiplying (b) 5 by (a) 12
gives 60. Dividing 60 by (a) 30 gives (d) 2mo.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.6812 from log. (b) 2.4594 gives .7782, which is
the log. of (d) 4h. Dividing the 4 by 2 gives 2mo. July 6, 1920, is Map. D. for calendar
year 1928. Adding the 2 months found by either method to March 22, 1928, gives
Mercury trine Moon r May 22, 1928.
Example 10. Mercury conjunction Neptune r: Ephemeris date July 10, 1920,
Mercury lacks (b) 4′ of the aspect, and is moving daily (a) 12′. By proportion,
multiplying (b) 4 by (c) 12 gives 48. Dividing 48 by (a) 12 gives 4mo.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 2.0792 from log. (b) 2.5563 gives .4771, which is
the log. of (d) 8h. Dividing the 8 by 2 gives 4mo. July 10, 1920, is Map. D. for
calendar year 1932. Adding the 4 months found by either method to March 22, 1932,
gives Mercury conjunction Neptune r July 22, 1932.
Example 11. Venus sesqui-square Uranus r: Ephemeris date July 11, 1920, Venus is
(b) 26′ past the aspect, and is moving daily (a) 1° 14′, or 74′. By proportion,
multiplying (b) 26 by (c) 12 gives 312. Dividing 312 by (a) 74 gives (d) 4 16/74
months, or 4mo. 6d.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.2891 from log. (b) 1.7434 gives .4543, which is
log. of (d) 8h 26m. Dividing the 8 by 2 gives 4mo. Dividing the 26 by 4 gives 6d. July
11, 1920, is Map. D. for calendar year 1933. Subtracting the 4 months, 6 days found
by either method from March 22, 1933, gives Venus sesqui-square Uranus r
November 16, 1932.
Example 12. Mars square Mercury r: Ephemeris date July 16, 1920, Mars is (b) 1′
past the aspect, and is moving daily (a) 26′. By proportion, multiplying (b) 1 by (c) 12
gives 12. Dividing 12 by (a) 26 gives (d) 12/26 months, or 14d.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.7434 from log. (b) 3.1584 gives 1.4150, which
is the log. of (d) 55m. Dividing the 55 by 4 gives 14d. July 16, 1920, is Map. D. for
calendar year 1938. Subtracting the 14 days found by either method from March 22,
1938, gives Mars square Mercury r March 8, 1938.
Example 13. Mercury parallel Mars p: Ephemeris date July 18, 1920, Mars has
declination 13 S 50 and gains declination 10′ per day, while Mercury has declination
13 N 59 and loses declination 5′ per day. The aspect lacks (b) 9′. As they are moving
toward each other by declination we add 10 and 5 which gives the daily gain as (a)
15′. By proportion, multiplying (9) by (c) 12 gives 108. Dividing 108 by (a) 15 gives
(d) 7 3/15 months, or 7mo. 6d.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.9823 from log. (b) 2.2041 gives .2218, which is
the log. of (d) 14h 24m. Dividing the 14 by 2 gives 7mo. Dividing the 24 by 4 gives
6d. July 18, 1920, is Map. D. for calendar year 1940. Adding the 7 months, 6 days
found by either method to March 22, 1940, gives Mercury parallel Mars p October
28, 1940.
Example 14. Mercury applying parallel Mars p within one degree of orb: Ephemeris
date July 12, 1920, Mars has declination 13 S 21 and gains declination 9′ per day, and
Mercury has declination 14 N 23 and loses declination 10′ per day. They lack (b) 2′
of being within the one degree of effective orb. As they are moving toward each other
by declination we add the 9 and 10 which gives the daily gain as (a) 19′. By
proportion, multiplying (b) 2 by (c) 12 gives 24. Dividing 24 by (a) 19 gives (d) 1
5/19 months, or 1mo. 8d.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.8796 from log. (b) 2.8573 gives .9777, which is
the log. of (d) 2h 32m. Dividing the 2 by 2 gives 1mo. Dividing the 32 by 4 gives 8d.
July 15, 1920, is Map. D. for calendar year 1937. Adding the 1 month, 8 days found
by either method to March 22, 1937, gives Mercury applying parallel Mars p within
one degree of orb April 30, 1937.
Example 15. Mercury separating parallel Mars p within one degree of orb:
Ephemeris date August 18, 1920, Mars is declination 19 S 10 and gains in declination
10′ per day, while Mercury is declination 18 N 20 and loses declination 7′ per day.
As they are moving toward each other by declination we add the 10 and 7 which gives
the daily gain as (a) 17′. They lack (b) 10′ of being one degree past the parallel aspect.
By proportion, multiplying (b) 10 by (c) 12 gives 120. Dividing 120 by (a) 17 gives
(d) 7 1/17 months, or 7 mo. 2d.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.9279 from log. (b) 2.1584 gives .2305, which is
the log. of (d) 14h 7m. Dividing the 14 by 2 gives 7mo. Dividing the 7 by 4 gives 2d.
August 18, 1920, is Map. D. for calendar year 1971. Adding the 7 months, 2 days
found by either method to March 22, 1971, gives Mercury separating parallel Mars p
one degree of orb October 24, 1971.
Example 16. Mars trine Venus r: Ephemeris date July 22, 1920, Mars lacks (b) 14′ of
the aspect, and moves daily (a) 28′. By proportion, multiplying (b) 14 by (c) 12 gives
168. Dividing 168 by (a) 28 gives (d) 6mo.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.7112 from log. (b) 2.0122 gives .3010, which is
the log. of (d) 12h. Dividing the 12 by 2 gives 6mo. July 22, 1920, is Map. D. for
calendar year 1944. Adding the 6 months, found by either method to March 22, 1944,
gives Mars trine Venus r September 22, 1944.
Example 17. Mars trine Sun r: Ephemeris date July 25, 1920, Mars lacks (b) 12′ of
the aspect and moves daily (a) 29′. By proportion, multiplying (b) 12 by (c) 12 gives
144. Dividing 144 by (a) 29 gives (d) 4 28/29 months, or 4mo. 29d.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.6969 from log. (b) 2.0792 gives .3823, which is
the log. of (d) 9h 57m. Dividing the 9 by 2 gives 4mo. with a remainder of 60m.
Adding the 60m to the 57m gives 117m. Dividing the 117 by 4 gives 29d. July 25,
1920, is Map. D. for calendar year 1947. Adding the 4 months, 29 days found by
either method to March 22, 1947, gives Mars trine Sun r August 21, 1947.
Example 18. Mercury conjunction Mercury r: Ephemeris date July 29, 1920,
Mercury lacks (b) 2′ of the aspect, and is moving retrograde daily (a) 39′.
Multiplying (b) 2 by (c) 12 gives 24. Dividing 24 by (a) 39 gives (d) 24/39 months, or
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.5673 from log. (b) 2.8573 gives 1.2900, which
is the log. of (d) 1h 14m, or 74m. Dividing the 74 by 4 gives 18d. July 29, 1920, is
Map. D. for calendar year 1951. Adding the 18 days found by either method to March
22, 1951, gives Mercury conjunction Mercury r April 10, 1951.
Example 19. Venus parallel Saturn r: Birth chart Saturn is 10 N 35. Ephemeris date
August 17, 1920, Venus decreasing declination is 10 N 27 and thus (b) 8′ past the
aspect, and moving daily (a) 27′. By proportion, multiplying (b) 8 by (c) 12 gives 96.
Dividing 96 by (a) 27 gives (d) 3 15/27 months, or 3mo 17d.
By logarithms, subtracting log. (a) 1.7270 from log. (b) 2.2553 gives .5283, which is
the log. of (d) 7h 7m. Dividing the 7 by 2 gives 3mo with a remainder of 60m. Adding
the 60m to the 7m gives 67m. Dividing the 67 by 4 gives 17d. August 17, 1920, is
Map. D. for calendar year 1970. Subtracting the 3 months, 17 days found by either
method from March 22, 1970, gives Venus parallel Saturn r December 5, 1969.
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I have pierced the illusion of matter and seen that I am Divine. — Zanoni
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- I Laws Of Occultism
- II Astrological Signatures
- III Spiritual Alchemy
- IV Ancient Masonry
- IX Mental Alchemy
- V Esoteric Psychology
- VI The Sacred Tarot
- VII Spiritual Astrology
- VIII Horary Astrology
- X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope
- X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope
- XI Divination and Character Reading
- XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life
- XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion
- XIII Mundane Astrology
- XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life
- XIX Organic Alchemy
- XV Weather Predicting
- XVI Stellar Healing
- XVII Cosmic Alchemy
- XVIII Imponderable Forces
- XX The Next Life
- XXI Personal Alchemy