The Zodiac
- loe_siteadmin
- on Jun, 18, 2018
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ANY worth-while study of the occult sciences must be based upon familiarity with
the golden key, Astrology. The various astral vibratory rates that constitute the occult
properties of objects can only conveniently be classified by associating them in
terminology with similar vibrations of the zodiacal signs and the planets. We have no
other terminology than the astrological at present by which to designate the various
astral forces, which are the chief subjects of study in the occult sciences. The
language of the stars, then, is the only language we possess today by which we can
converse intelligently of occult matters. The alphabet of this language has
twenty-two letters comprising the ten planets and the twelve zodiacal signs. The
planets constitute the vowels. In Chapter 3, Course 1, Laws of Occultism, I have
already designated the chief vibratory quality of each planet. And now, that we may
be familiar with the whole alphabet customarily used in occult discourse, I shall take
up the discussion of the consonants, the Twelve Zodiacal Signs.
To begin with, we must understand of what the zodiac consists. The earth, in its
annual journey around the sun, follows an elliptical path. This is the same path
apparently followed by the sun. Because the eclipses of the sun and moon all take
place along this path it is called the Ecliptic. In astrology, to avoid the constant
repetition of the phrase, “sun, moon, and planets,” it is customary to include all in the
term “planets.” The sun, strictly speaking, is not a planet but a star past middle age.
Neither is the moon a planet. It is a satellite of the earth, relative to its own life
processes hoary with years. With this definition in mind I may next say that none of
the planets in their orbital revolutions move much to the north or south of the ecliptic.
That is, none of them in its movement gets more than a few degrees away from the
apparent path of the sun.
There is thus a belt arching the heavens from west to east from which the planets
never wander. This belt was considered by the ancients, from whom much of our
astrological knowledge is derived, to extend nine degrees north and nine degrees
south of the apparent path of the sun. The very word “planet” means “wandering,”
and unlike the stars, the planets may be observed to meander along this path. The
stars are self luminous suns, but the planets are masses of matter much smaller than
our sun. They shine by reflected light, and held by the gravitational pull of the sun,
revolve around it, as does the planet earth, in elliptical orbits. This belt, through
which all the planets move, is mapped by starry constellations. These, for the most
part, are traced to represent animals. Hence, as the word means “an animal,” this belt
through the sky, in the center of which is the apparent path of the sun, is called the
Bearing in mind that the center of the zodiac is the sun’s path–for while it is really
the earth that moves, yet to avoid countless repetition of the word “apparent” it is
customary to speak as if it were the sun that moves–it is easy to see that the zodiac
may have a definite starting point. The sun each year moves north from the southern
celestial hemisphere to the northern celestial hemisphere, bringing with it the
summer season. It does this because its path, the ecliptic, is inclined at an angle of 23
degrees, 26 minutes, 56 seconds to the plane of the earth’s equator, the projection of
which in the sky is called the Celestial Equator. Because the ecliptic and celestial
equator are not identical and not parallel they must intersect each other. The line of
their intersection is called the equinoctial colure. The points where the sun, following
its path, the ecliptic, crosses the celestial equator, are called the vernal equinox and
the autumnal equinox. They are called equinoxes because when the sun reaches these
points the nights are equal in duration to the days.
Such terminology may seem slightly technical. Everyone, however, is familiar with
the changes of the seasons from winter to spring and from summer to autumn. These
changes are caused by the sun crossing the equinoctial colure, crossing from the
southern celestial hemisphere to the northern celestial hemisphere about the 21st of
March each year, and from the northern celestial hemisphere to the southern celestial
hemisphere each year about the 23rd of September. These points in the path of the
sun where it crosses the celestial equator are easily ascertained in the sky, and, since
they usher in the two halves of the year, winter and summer, are manifestly of great
Of these two points it is found experimentally that the one where the sun crosses the
celestial equator in spring is the more important, and constitutes the commencement
of the zodiac. The zodiac, then, though a circular belt in the sky, has a definite starting
point. This starting point is not determined by any of the stars or constellations, but
by the place among the stars and constellations during any given year where the sun
crosses from south declination to north declination. It commences at the vernal, or
spring, equinox.
There is undoubtedly a good reason, one that with sufficient knowledge could be
traced, why man has ten fingers and ten toes, while a chicken has but four toes and
only the atrophied remnants of fingers. We are accustomed to accept the number of
toes an animal has without much questioning, merely because observation teaches us
that it is common for certain creatures to possess a given number of digits. Likewise
we may accept, because observation demonstrates it to be true, that there are twelve
major divisions of the zodiac. Were we to delve deeply enough we undoubtedly
should learn why twelve and not ten; but as observed in their influence upon human
life there are twelve equal chief divisions. That is, starting at the point where the sun
crosses the celestial equator in the spring, and following its path until again it crosses
the celestial equator the following spring, some twelve months later, this circular
pathway is found to have twelve equal segments, each segment possessing a
vibratory influence peculiarly its own. Such a segment of the belt about the heavens,
the center of which is the sun’s path, is called a Sign of the Zodiac.
The signs of the zodiac should not be confused with the constellations. The position
of the signs in the sky is referable to the position of the sun relative to the earth. The
place among the stars where the sun crosses the celestial equator during the spring of
any year is the point where the zodiac commences that year. This point constantly,
but not uniformly, shifts in reference to the stars and constellations. It shifts back
among the constellations–these being composed of stars–that lie along the zodiac
at such a rate that it moves completely around the circle of stars in 25,868 years. This
precessional movement is not uniform, but variable, almost ceasing at some times
and at others becoming rapid. Thus while the average amount may be taken as 50.2″
a year, should it be necessary to calculate the exact motion at any time, what is called
the equation of the equinox must be taken into account, which is the difference
between the actual position and the position had it moved uniformly. This backward
movement of the commencing point of the zodiac is called the “precession of the
equinoxes,” and its motion through the constellations of stars gives rise to the various
astrological ages.
So far as the effect is concerned it makes no difference whether the armature revolves
around an electromagnet or the electromagnet revolves around the armature. The sun
is an electromagnet, the lines of force from which are cut by the planets as they
revolve around it. The stars of space also radiate energy, the lines of which are cut by
the sun in its movement among them. Such fields of force as are radiated by our sun
and by the stars probably vary in intensity in different places just as the field of force
about a magnet varies at different points in a circle traced around it, due to the
location of its poles. We need not be surprised, then, to find that the vibrations that
reach the earth from the sun and planets from different sections of the circle they
apparently make about the earth are dissimilar in quality and in power.
The celestial equator, coinciding on earth with the earth’s equator, divides the earth
astronomically into north and south polarity. And it is found experimentally that the
relation of the sun to this division of the earth determines the relation of the earth to
the various sections of the field of force through which the planets move. In other
words, the signs of the zodiac owe their peculiar vibratory quality to the definite
section of the heavens they occupy relative to the positions of the sun and earth. In
determining these various intensities in the field of force through which the planets
move, the stars seem to have little or no influence, for, although the zodiac shifts
continually through the constellations, the influence of the signs of the zodiac
throughout the ages has remained unchanged.
This is not the place to discourse of astrological Ages. But it would be amiss not to
point out that the constellations do have an influence of their own, an influence that
apparently is quite distinct from the signs although it must be gauged in association
with them. I have already mentioned the backward shifting of the signs through the
constellations. This apparent motion is caused by the attraction of the sun and moon
on the earth’s equator. The earth is flattened at the poles, being thicker at the equator.
Hence the gravitational pull at the equator is greater, and as the equator is inclined to
the plane of pull of the sun and moon, the latter influence is toward causing the
inclination to become less, in other words, to pull the equator down closer to the
direction of their pull. The earth, however, is revolving rapidly, like a top. And like a
top that leans from a vertical position and yet spins without falling, the earth resists
this pull at the equator, and remains spinning and leaning at about the same
inclination. But, as the peg of a leaning top slowly moves about in a circle, causing its
equator to gyrate, so the pole of the earth and its projection in the sky move in a circle
about the pole of the ecliptic. This does not cause a change of inclination in the axis of
the earth, but causes the axis to gyrate, and this causes the equator of the earth and its
projection in the sky to slowly move in relation to the ecliptic.
In determining this movement the vernal equinox, the point in the heavens where the
sun crosses the celestial equator, is the station of importance. The constellations bear
the same names as do the zodiacal signs. In fact, each evidently was traced among the
stars pictorially to represent the influence of the sign bearing the same name. When
the sun at the vernal equinox, the commencement of the zodiac, is found in the
constellation Aries, the period is said to be in the Arian Age. When the sun at the
vernal equinox is found to be in the constellation Pisces, it is said to be the Piscean
Age. When the sun at the vernal equinox is found in the constellation Aquarius, it is
said to be the Aquarian Age. These ages, and their lesser subdivisions, are found to
influence the world at large. They denote that the sun and earth are in such relations to
the stars, among which our whole solar system is rushing, that they transmit
vibrations from this wider region, cut definite fields of energy, that influence the
whole of humanity, giving direction to its evolution.
Having stated that each sign of the zodiac differs from the others in vibratory quality,
it is next in order to discuss in what way this difference expresses itself. It manifests
chiefly, but not exclusively, by modifying the tone quality of any planet located in the
signs. In effect, the signs of the zodiac act as so many sounding boards from which
the planetary vibrations are transmitted to us. Each planet has its own particular tone,
which it always retains. From a musical standpoint, however, the tone C, or the tone
G, or any tone within the octave, may be sounded on a wide variety of instruments.
The chief vibratory rate will remain the same, but the tone quality will greatly vary.
The same tone sounded on a violin has an entirely different effect upon the hearer
than if sounded upon a bugle. The difference in the influence of the same planet when
in one sign and when in another sign may be quite as great. The difference in such a
musical tone, and the difference in the vibratory quality of such a planet, is due not to
any change in the essential vibratory rate, but to the difference in the sounding boards
from which they are sent forth. The zodiacal signs are the sounding boards that
determine the precise resonance and quality of the planetary vibrations.
The signs, because they are keyed to particular vibratory rates, each transmit certain
tones much more readily than other tones. They are thus each so sensitive to the
vibratory rates of certain planets that they send forth a responsive tone even when the
planet is not in the sign. This seems to be on the same principle that made it possible
for Caruso to shatter a wine glass across the room by first finding the tone to which it
was keyed and then singing this tone. Although the great singer was not touching the
glass he caused it to respond with its own key, and finally caused this tone response to
become so violent as to break the glass. Though acting as a sounding board, or
medium of expression for the planet, each sign has its own key.
Likewise everything on earth has a key to which it vibrates. When it is discovered
that some particular thing on earth, in the astral realm, or elsewhere, vibrates to the
same key as that to which a zodiacal sign vibrates, the thing is said to be ruled by that
zodiacal sign. In other words, when discussing occult subjects, if we are told that a
certain thought, a certain color, a certain planet, a certain insect, or what not, is ruled
by a given zodiacal sign, we are thereby apprised of the inner vibratory quality, or
key, of the thing considered.
Such knowledge is of paramount importance to the occultist. Let us, therefore,
without further delay, take up the study of the qualities that a vast amount of careful
observation has shown to reside in each sign.
The first step in this direction should be to learn the names of the twelve signs, their
correct order of sequence, and the particular section of the heavens occupied by each
when the vernal equinox is on the eastern horizon. Also, as the signs are designated
by symbols in astronomical and astrological tables and literature, such as almanacs
and ephemerides, the symbol commonly used to denote each sign should be learned.
This information may all be obtained from an inspection of the diagram at the front
of this lesson where each sign is associated with its symbol, and the correct sequence
is denoted by numerals.
Now, although such a method of approach is not absolutely essential, for the sake of
systematizing our knowledge of the signs, I find it convenient to have recourse to the
magical quaternary rendered in the Bible of Jehovah, but known to initiates as
Jod-He-Vau-He. This is a formula that is found to be as valuable in the solution of
occult problems as any formula of algebra is valuable in the solution of engineering
problems. It is the formula, stated in terms of universal principles, that all life, action,
and progress are the result of two interacting forces. The first term of the formula is a
positive force. The second term is a negative, or reactionary force. The third term of
the formula is the point of union where the two meet. The fourth term is the result of
that meeting.This formula, Jod-He-Vau-He, is universally applicable. Thus if we desire to apply it
to economics, the radical political element of society becomes the Jod, or impelling
force. The conservative, or reactionary, political element becomes the first He. The
point of union, or Vau, is the political convention or ballot box. The final He, the
product of the struggle, is the form of government resulting.
Now, by applying this ancient formula to the zodiacal signs, we find that they
separate into four equal groups bearing just such relations to each other as the terms
Jod-He-Vau-He suggest. As there are twelve signs in the zodiac, of course each of the
four equal groups must contain three signs. And to designate that there are three signs
in each group, the groups are called a Triplicity. There are, therefore, four zodiacal
Each triplicity is named after one of the four ancient elements to which it
corresponds. These were not considered elements in the sense that chemistry
considers sulphur, mercury, carbon, and radium, elements. After all, in the true sense
of the word, these latter are no more elements than the ancient fire, water, earth, and
air; for all are composed of electrons and protons. Fire, to the ancients, was an
abstraction by which the qualities of energy, zeal, and enthusiasm, whether
expressed in a mineral such as sulphur, or in a vegetable such as mustard, or in a
beast, such as a wildcat, might be designated. Water was used to express fluidity,
receptivity, and germination. Earth was used to express coldness, concreteness, and
solidity. Air was used to express vacillation, intangibleness, alertness, and fleetness.
The terms, fiery, watery, earthy, and airy, were applied alike to objects, persons, and
zodiacal signs.
Applying our magical formula, the fiery triplicity represents the positive, masculine
Jod, even as the heat rays of the sun fall upon the world. The watery triplicity is the
negative, feminine first He, such as the moisture that quenches the thirst of the
parched desert. The earthy triplicity is the point of union of masculine and feminine
forces, the Vau, as water and heat meet in the earth to germinate whatever seeds lie in
the ground. The airy triplicity is the product springing from the union, the final He,
the harvest brought forth in due season. As applied to man we may say that the union
of enthusiasm and affection gestates as effort which results in intelligence. Or,
stating it in terms of the four-fold sphinx, we may say that the energy of the Lion
expresses through the sex of the Eagle, bringing about material incarnation and the
plodding toil of the Bull, to the end of evolving the immortal Man.
In our study of the triplicities, and in our study of the signs as separate influences, we
shall find it convenient to designate their relation to human types and human life. Not
that their influence is confined to humanity, but because we are familiar with human
qualities. When we learn their correspondences in terms of human character, it will
then be no difficult task to determine their correspondences in other departments of
nature. In considering the quality of a sign or group of signs as expressing through
humanity I shall have special reference to people who have the Sun in their birth
charts in these signs. The sign the Sun is in indicates in large measure the quality of
the Individuality. However, the sign the Moon is in at birth largely determines the
quality of the mentality, and the sign on the Ascendant determines largely the quality
of the Personality. Furthermore, it should be understood that the sign the sun is in at
birth is only one of many factors of the birth chart, all of which must be taken into
consideration, and which may greatly modify the characteristics of the sign. Only
certain deep-seated motives and impulses that underlie the character can be
determined with certainty from the sun sign alone.
As there are different classifications of the zodiacal signs, so there are also different
methods of classifying people. One of the oldest methods, and one that has distinct
advantages as viewing them in relation to the zodiacal triplicities, is to divide them
into four general groups. These groups have to do with the predominant
temperament, classified as sanguine, lymphatic, bilious, and nervous.
The Fiery Triplicity embraces the signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. People born
under this triplicity–meaning primarily the Sun being in this triplicity, as explained
in Chapter 2, Course 10-1, Delineating the Horoscope–tend to the sanguine
temperament. They possess self-reliance, enthusiasm, zeal, courage, daring, the
ability to command others, and a love of activity. In the sense of being able to arouse
in themselves and communicate to others initiative and enthusiasm, their
characteristic quality is INSPIRATION.
The Watery Triplicity embraces the signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. People born
under this triplicity tend to the lymphatic temperament. Their lives are largely
centered in the home and affections. They are sympathetic, timid, dreamy,
submissive, given to domestic life, receptive, yielding, mediumistic, and greatly
influenced by their surroundings. In the sense that they are chiefly actuated by their
feelings, rather than by carefully reasoned lines of conduct, their characteristic
quality is EMOTION.The Earthy Triplicity embraces the signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. People born
under this triplicity tend to the bilious temperament. They are not given to bursts of
enthusiasm, but express their ideas concretely, having the ability to apply themselves
patiently to the affairs of this life and to turn all they contact to some material use. On
the farm, associated with some industry, or managing some great corporation, they
are toilers. In the sense of relying upon reason and the reports of the senses, and in
interesting themselves in the affairs of earth that have value here and now, their
characteristic quality is PRACTICALITY.
The Airy Triplicity embraces the signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. People born
under this triplicity tend to the nervous temperament. They are mentally alert,
volatile, changeable, and socially inclined, desiring to live largely upon the mental
plane. They are interested in education, literature, and art, are fond of conversation,
and find pleasure in the exchange of ideas. In the sense of desiring refinement and
intellectual culture, their characteristic quality is ASPIRATION.
We have now applied our magical quaternary formula in its broadest sense. Under
this formula things are not only perceived to express our broad qualities, but viewed
from a different perspective are seen to be a trinity. Then, turning them to be viewed
still closer we perceive them also to be a duality; and finally, from another point of
inspection, to be a unity. It will readily be seen, however, that these views offer no
contradiction to the magical quaternary, for we perceive the three to be already
contained in the four. The duad likewise appears in the quaternary. It is the principle
of polarity. And, of course, unity expresses in the various separate parts of the four.
Altogether, then, this magical formula, when its different perspectives are added
together, completes the cycle and starts another; for 4-3-2-1 added together are 10.
As I illustrated briefly the application of the four factors of the magical formula I
should not, I think, omit a brief illustration of the trinity. It is everywhere manifest,
but that now most immediate to my consciousness is the sense of sight. How do we
distinguish the objects we see? By a trinity. Straight lines are positive. Curved lines
are negative. These are two factors. The third is their point of union, the combination
of straight and curved lines. As you look at this page its meaning is conveyed to you
by a trinity, straight lines, curved lines, and their mutual relation to each other. The
lines themselves, as well as every object and every picture, is conveyed to the
consciousness by still another trinity. There are light spaces and there are shadows, or
colored spaces. Neither alone has significance. It is only when dark spaces and light
spaces have the third element, the point of union, that form is perceived.
Now it is true that in considering a trinity it may be turned so as to be viewed as a
quaternary or as a duality or as made up of unities. As a quaternary we might say that
the fourth factor in the above illustration is the printed word or the form as perceived,
just as we could properly consider straight lines and curved lines as the duality, and
each as a unity. But this is changing the perspective, and in no way vitiates the
usefulness of the trinity. Matter, for instance, exists in three states; gaseous, liquid,
and solid. Likewise the zodiacal signs fall into three groups; the movable signs, the
mutable signs, and the fixed signs.
We have already seen that there are four triplicities. Each triplicity contains three
signs, and each of these signs expresses the element to which the triplicity
corresponds in a different state of activity. This different state of activity is called the
Quality of the sign. Triplicity and Quality must not be confused. There are four
triplicities–fire, water, earth, and air–but there are only three Qualities–Movable,
Mutable, and Fixed.
The signs of the Movable Quality are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. They
express the nature of each of the four elements in the highest state of activity. Matter
in the gaseous state, though chemically the same, is far more active and possesses
different qualities than when in the liquid or solid state. People, also, born under the
movable signs, are active, energetic, and given to change; even as gas generates
power and finds it easy to move in various directions little hindered by gravitation.
They break the trails that others follow, and start the enterprises that others finish.
The natives of Aries pioneer in daring enterprises and adventure. Cancer people
pioneer in home building and in foods. Those born under Libra pioneer in literature,
art, and social affairs; while those belonging to the sign Capricorn are pioneers in
business and industry. The signs of the movable quality produce people who are
The signs of the Mutable Quality are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. They
express the nature of each of the four elements in a medium state of activity. Matter in
the liquid state, though possessing the same chemical elements as when gaseous or
solid, is more subject to gravitation and less aggressive in its chemical action than
when gaseous; but more active and yielding, and less given to permanence than when
in the solid state. The mutable signs are a happy medium between the excessive
activity of the movable signs and the stubborn resistance of the fixed signs. Liquid
cannot force its way through an aperture as easily as can gas, but once a channel has
been established it quickly follows the line of least resistance. People born under the
mutable signs seldom break trails, but follow on the heels of the pioneers. As liquid
conforms to the object with which it is in contact, so mutable people are the most
adaptable of all. The signs of the mutable quality produce people who seldom
originate an enterprise. They are the DEVELOPERS.
The signs of the Fixed Quality are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. They express
the nature of each of the four elements in the lowest state of activity. Matter in the
solid state is rigid, durable, and unyielding. People born under the fixed signs are
quite as unbending, firm, and resistant. Solids find difficulty in altering their form
and location; and people belonging to the fixed signs are strongly attached to their
customary environment, their customary manner of doing things, and their
customary methods of thought. They have great resistance to pressure of all kinds,
strong endurance, plodding perseverance and the ability to give close attention to
detail. They are not originators, and not enthusiastic developers; but when
development has reached a high degree, they work out details that constitute
improvements. The signs of the fixed quality produce people who are
Now we found when considering sight, that it could be viewed as a trinity from two
different perspectives. We also find that the signs of the zodiac may be viewed as a
trinity in two different ways.
In addition to the Quality, which, as we have seen, relates to the state of activity of the
signs belonging to each of the four elements, there is also the matter of precedence in
the zodiac of the signs belonging to each of the four elements. Thus of the fiery signs,
one of them occurs first in the zodiac, another second, and another third, in the order
of their succession, commencing with the vernal equinox. It is found that this matter
of precedence in the zodiac has much to do with the etherealization of the spiritual
and mental forces as expressed through the signs. This manifests itself in human life
chiefly in regard to whether the motive for action is largely internal or largely
Reverting to our comparison of the radiations from the planets to definite musical
tones, and of the signs to sounding boards from which these tones are reverberated;
we might class the fiery signs as stringed instruments, the watery signs as the liquid
chimes, the earthy signs as the booming drums, and the airy signs as the wind
instruments. We might even go further, and class the movable signs as those
instruments that take the celestial treble, the mutable signs as those that take the ripe
tenor, and the fixed signs as those that sound the rolling bass. Yet, even with such a
classification, there would still remain to be considered the particular tone quality of
each instrument, by which it could be discerned from other instruments, even from
those playing the same tones and employing a similar method, as the tone of a guitar
may be distinguished from the same tone on a violin.
This tone quality is thus still further elaborated by considering the sign’s precedence
in the zodiac, compared to other signs of the same triplicity. This designation is
called its Degree of Emanation. The first sign of a triplicity in the zodiac belongs to
the first degree of emanation, the second sign to the second degree of emanation, and
the third sign to the third degree of emanation.
The signs of the First Degree of Emanation are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer.
People born under these signs act from motives that chiefly spring from their own
feelings, ideas, and inward yearnings. When expressing themselves they tend to
externalize their own inner nature with LIBERTY.
The signs of the second Degree of Emanation are Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio.
People born under these signs act from their own feelings, ideas, and inward
yearnings, tempered by a full consideration of what other people feel, think, and
advise. When expressing themselves they tend to externalize their own inner nature
The signs of the Third Degree of Emanation are Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius,
and Pisces. People born under these signs act less from their own feelings, ideas, and
inward yearnings, than from ideas and attitudes that have reached them from
without. When expressing themselves they tend to externalize their own inner nature
We are now ready to consider the zodiacal signs as a duality. Commencing with
Aries as the first positive and masculine sign, every alternate sign is negative and
female. The positive, masculine, electrical signs are: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra,
Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The negative, feminine, magnetic signs are: Taurus,
Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
To complete our view of the zodiacal signs we have yet to discuss them as a unity. We
have considered them as a quaternary, as a trinity, as a duality; and now we must
consider them as a unity, each sign as a sounding board of specific tone quality for
celestial vibrations.
Pictured among the constellations by the Ram, is the first sign of the zodiac. It
belongs to the element fire; hence we expect it to be energetic, courageous, and
daring. It is a movable sign, comparable to burning gas, therefore not to be confined,
or dictated to by another. Belonging to the first degree of emanation, it is little
influenced by precedent or environment. It is a masculine sign, and assertive. In
human anatomy it rules the head. As the first sign of the zodiac it represents birth, as
ruling the brain it signifies perception. Aries people express a fiery will, a militant
power, executive ability, imperious leadership, and the dauntless pioneer spirit. They
are ambitious, enterprising, forceful, combative, self-willed, keen, independent,
active, and desirous of being in command. Impulsive and fiery, yet even in apparent
rashness they are guided by intellect. All the world seems new to Aries people. Their
dominant idea is I AM.
Traced among the stars as the Bull, is the second sign of the zodiac. It belongs to the
element earth; hence we expect it to be industrious, patient, and practical. It is a fixed
sign, comparable to frozen earth, therefore, stubborn, immovable, and conservative.
Belonging to the first degree of emanation it bows little to the opinions of others, and
usually has a tendency to become interested in psychic phenomena. It is a feminine
sign, reserved and not intruding. In human anatomy it rules the ears, the base of the
brain, the neck, and the throat. Commands are received through the ears, and Taurus
people are obedient servants, careful, plodding, and self-reliant. The motor nerves
spring from the region ruled by Taurus, hence we find them persistent and untiring
workers. They have pronounced powers of discrimination, will wait a long time for
plans to mature, are secretive, and possess enormous reserve energy. They are
strongly attracted to money, and express themselves by its use. Capricorn is the
organizer of industry, Virgo the engineer, and Taurus the perfector of its details and
the custodian of its wealth. The dominant idea is I HAVE.
Pictured in the sky by the Twins, is the third sign of the zodiac. It belongs to the
element air, consequently is volatile, intellectual, and changeable. It is a mutable
sign, comparable to liquid air, therefore possessing wonderful powers of mental
expansion and a constant flow of ideas expressed through conversation or writing.
Belonging to the first degree of emanation, it is not bound so much by material
motives as actuated by the desire for mental expression. It is a masculine sign, able to
exert considerable initiative. In human anatomy it rules the hands, arms, and upper
respiratory system. The hands, as organs of execution, are dual, and Gemini people
are remarkable for both executive ability and versatility. They usually are interested
in several things at once, and change their occupation often. They have a fondness for
learning, are restless, dexterous, sensitive, skillful, and intuitive; and ever on the alert
to learn the “Why” of things. Their dominant idea is I THINK.
Represented in the heavens as a Crab, is the fourth sign of the zodiac. It belongs to the
element water, therefore is sensitive, receptive, and timid. It is a movable sign,
comparable to fog, subject to whims, moods, and varying changes, not to be confined
in a single environment, but possessing unusual freedom to alter its own position.
Belonging to the first degree of emanation, its moods and yearnings are expressed
pronouncedly. It is a feminine sign, but makes up with tenacity its lack of
aggressiveness. In human anatomy it rules the seat of nourishment, the breasts,
bosom, lower lungs, and stomach. Cancer people absorb ideas and conditions and
after digesting them are capable of diverting them to their own use. They are not
active physically, but are intensely active assimilating and redistributing sense
impressions. Mediumistic, reflective, dreamy, mild of temper, emotional, very
domestic, they respond to kindness, sympathy, and approbation, are fond of
publicity, and are influenced by their surroundings. The dominant idea is I FEEL.
Designated in the firmament by a Lion, is the fifth sign of the zodiac. It belongs to the
element fire, therefore is impulsive, passionate, and daring. It is a fixed sign,
comparable to hot metal, dominating, ambitious, and resolute. Belonging to the
second degree of emanation, its actions spring from the emotions rather than from the
intellect. It is a masculine sign, possessed of unbending dignity. In human anatomy it
rules the heart and back. Leo people are sympathetic, warm-hearted, candid,
forceful, and fond of honors and high office. They are not so active as Aries people,
but possess great determination to rise, and strive to rule through strength and
stability rather than through alertness and activity. Their ideas are large and majestic,
despising petty effort, and in striving to reach higher states often overreaching.
Unlike Aries people, when aroused emotionally they do not count the cost. The
dominant idea is I WILL.
Emblazoned above as the celestial Virgin, is the sixth sign of the zodiac. It belongs to
the element earth, therefore is practical, industrious, and worldly. It is a mutable sign,
comparable to liquid earth, such as mortar, binding together what others quarry,
selecting materials furnished by other people and placing them in their proper order.
Belonging to the second degree of emanation, it is neither so independent of
environmental influences as Taurus, nor so dependent upon them in regard to its
completeness of expression as Capricorn. It is a feminine sign, preferring arbitration
to combat. In human anatomy it rules the navel and bowels. Virgo people are
intensely discriminative, even as the function of the intestines is to assimilate the
food required by the body. The constant process of analysis for the purpose of
discrimination inclines them to be critical. Intensely active mentally, they have a
faculty for acquiring knowledge, being studious, scientific, mentally alert,
ingenious, witty, fluent, discerning, and ever seeking “How” desired results may be
accomplished. The dominant idea is I ANALYZE.
Pictured along the pathway of the sun as the Scales, is the seventh sign of the zodiac.
It belongs to the element air, therefore is changeable, bright, and socially inclined. It
is a movable sign, comparable to the gusts of wind on an April day, pioneering in the
arts and in social affairs. Belonging to the second degree of emanation, it combines
idealism with worldly motives. It is a masculine sign, adaptable, but not submissive.
Libra people are easily influenced by others, but quickly regain their equilibrium.
They are sensitive, refined, sympathetic, artistic, neat, particular, dislike unclean
work, and are inordinately fond of approbation. Lovers of justice, peace, and
harmony, they are kind, generous, and affectionate, finding social relations
extremely important, and a partner often essential to their happiness. They are fond
of music and entertainment, are courteous, and desire to make many friends, yet in
their affections are somewhat changeable. The dominant idea is I BALANCE.
Pictured among the constellations by a scorpion, is the eighth sign of the zodiac. It
belongs to the element water, hence has strong emotions and is domestically
inclined. It is a fixed sign, comparable to water crystallized through great pressure
rather than through lowered temperature, and therefore capable of exerting
tremendous force, boiling the moment it finds an avenue of escape. At once
unyielding, yet it is capable of exerting immense pressure upon its environment.
Belonging to the second degree of emanation, it moves more with the world’s mental
current than athwart its flow. It is a feminine sign, very receptive and meditative. In
human anatomy it rules the generative organs and procreative attributes. Scorpio
people have a never failing fund of ideas and resources, and an abundant life giving
magnetism. They are proud, secretive, reserved, jealous, energetic, ingenious, strong
willed, determined, enterprising, and skillful, making good surgeons, doctors,
chemists, scientists, and mechanics. Their dominant idea is I DESIRE.
Represented among the stars as a Centaur, is the ninth sign of the zodiac. It belongs to
the element fire, hence is energetic, hasty, and enthusiastic. It is a mutable sign,
comparable to molten metal, aggressive and impulsive, but not dominating.
Belonging to the third degree of emanation, its actions are largely shaped by what
other people think proper and in good taste. It is a masculine sign, positive and
forceful. In human anatomy it rules the hips and thighs, which are the foundation of
volition and locomotion. Sagittarius people are a happy medium between Aries
people, who are ruled by their heads, and Leo people, who are ruled by their hearts.
They love outdoor sports, are loyal, patriotic, generous, free, ambitious, charitable,
and jovial. Frank, outspoken, self-reliant, they are great travelers, are very
conservative, have prompt decision, and the ability to command others. The
dominant idea is I SEE.
Traced in the constellations as the Goat, is the tenth sign of the zodiac. It belongs to
the element earth, hence is practical, industrious, and acquisitive. It is a movable
sign, comparable to dust, adapting itself to every requirement to gain its ends;
persistent, subtle, and ambitious. Belonging to the third degree of emanation, it acts
largely from external motives. It is a feminine sign, gaining its point by cunning
rather than by force. In human anatomy it rules the knees. Capricorn people are
humbly submissive to those in power, and unceasing in their efforts to gain power
that others may bend the knee to them. They are diplomatic, good organizers, ever
alert to take advantage of circumstances or the weakness of the other people, are
careful, cautious, frugal, and insistent, with thoughtful, serious, reflective minds.
Their dominant idea is I USE.
Shown in the vault of heaven as the Man, is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. It belongs
to the element air, hence loves the society of others and the interchange of ideas. It is a
fixed sign, comparable to crystallized air, is the most practical of all the airy signs,
and the one possessing the most continuity. Belonging to the third degree of
emanation, its actions are greatly influenced by its external environment. It is a
masculine sign, extremely assertive. In human anatomy it rules the ankles, the active
power of locomotion. Aquarius people are very progressive, usually possessing
ideas more advanced than their companions. They are inventive and scientific,
pleasant, friendly, quiet, patient, determined, faithful, cheerful, sincere, easily
influenced by kindness; artistic, refined, have strong likes and dislikes, are greatly
interested in education and new discoveries, and like nothing better than an
argument. The dominant idea is I KNOW.
Represented among the constellations as the Fishes, is the twelfth sign of the zodiac.
It belongs to the element water, hence is dreamy, mystical, and romantic. It is a
mutable sign, comparable to water, mirroring like a lake its environment, moved by
every motion near it. Belonging to the third degree of emanation, it tends to become
all things to all people. It is a feminine sign, listless and negative. In human anatomy
it rules the feet, the foundation of the human temple. Pisces people, though
imaginative and dreamy, have the ability to flow into such grooves of the world’s
affairs that they usually acquire the material things necessary for comfort. They are
idealistic, sensitive, mediumistic, prone to worry, peaceable, sympathetic, prudent,
modest and often lack self-confidence. No other sign has such extremes of
temperament and ability; for Pisces people will be found both on the height and in the
depth, and some of them are successful in almost every line of human endeavor. The
dominant idea is I BELIEVE.
A planet in a house, or ruling it, influences the events of the department of life
mapped by that house in the following manner:
Sun, expresses through VIGOR.
Moon, expresses through FLUCTUATION.
Mercury, expresses through THOUGHT.
Venus, expresses through GRATUITIES.
Mars, expresses through STRIFE.
Jupiter, expresses through ABUNDANCE.
Saturn, expresses through POVERTY.
Uranus, expresses through ECCENTRICITY.
Neptune, expresses through ILLUSION.
Pluto, expresses through COERCION.
Each Mundane House maps the particular section of man’s astral body, or the
particular section of the world’s astral form, the inner-plane activities of which
determine what happens in one department of life. The departments of life thus
mapped are as follows:
First House: personality, health, the body.
Second House: money, personal property.
Third House: thoughts, studies, short journeys, relatives.
Fourth House: father, real estate, home, end of things.
Fifth House: speculation, children, love affairs, entertainment.
Sixth House: work, illness, food, employees.
Seventh House: marriage, partnership, public, open enemies.
Eighth House: death, inheritance, taxes, money of others.
Ninth House: publicly expressed opinions, books, religion, long journeys.
Tenth House: the job, business, honor, reputation.
Eleventh House: hopes, friends, acquaintances.
Twelfth House: secret enemies, disappointments, astral entities.
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Quote of the Light
I have pierced the illusion of matter and seen that I am Divine. — Zanoni
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- I Laws Of Occultism
- II Astrological Signatures
- III Spiritual Alchemy
- IV Ancient Masonry
- IX Mental Alchemy
- V Esoteric Psychology
- VI The Sacred Tarot
- VII Spiritual Astrology
- VIII Horary Astrology
- X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope
- X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope
- XI Divination and Character Reading
- XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life
- XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion
- XIII Mundane Astrology
- XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life
- XIX Organic Alchemy
- XV Weather Predicting
- XVI Stellar Healing
- XVII Cosmic Alchemy
- XVIII Imponderable Forces
- XX The Next Life
- XXI Personal Alchemy