Cycles of Mars
- loe_siteadmin
- on Jun, 29, 2018
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ECAUSE the planet for which a Cycle Chart is erected determines the
things which exert the influence, the effects of which are shown by the
positions of the various planets in the chart, the aspects made by this ruler of
the Cycle are unusually important.
They represent trains of thoughts leading directly from the influencing condition to
groups of people in the departments of national life indicated by the house positions
of the aspected planets, and of the type indicated by these aspected planets. That is,
the aspects of the planet for which the Cycle Chart is erected, indicate the types of
people and the departments of national affairs most readily influenced by the
energies which come under the cycle’s rule.
Thus in the Mars Cycle Chart, illustrated at the front of this booklet, Mars in the 11th
is also the ruler of the 12th (relief and crime) and of the 7th (foreign countries and
war). It is sextile the M.C., therefore the strife and conflict it indicates tend to
stimulate business; but as it is also semi-square Venus in the 10th, in certain respects
it creates a friction in relation to business procedure that hampers prosperity. It is
semi-square also to the Asc., so that the strife and aggression affect the personal
welfare of many people. Its most important aspects, however, are the conjunction
with the Sun in the 11th, influencing those high in political life, and the conjunction
with the Moon in the 12th, bringing the populace an affliction through measures that
must be taken for relief of the needy.
Thus while the other positions in the chart, such as Jupiter in the house of labor in
opposition to Uranus in the house of relief, can not be overlooked in reading the
figure, the thoughts of conflict and war, such as Mars rules, are shown to have direct
access to the M.C., Venus, Asc., Sun and Moon, with greater facilities for
influencing the persons ruled by these planets and positions–women, for instance,
under Venus; politicians under the Sun, and the common mass of people under the
Moon–and for stirring up unusual activities in the departments ruled by the houses
in which these planets are found. That is, they have ready access to the 10th (business
and administration), 11th (Congress and Governors) and to the 12th (charity, relief;
crime and prisons). And because the energy flows so readily to these persons and
departments, they will respond in a more pronounced manner than other types of
persons and other departments of national life. They, therefore, should receive
special consideration in reading the Cycle Chart.
In any Cycle Chart there will be times when the planet for which the Cycle was
erected makes progressed aspects to very few positions in the Cycle Chart. During
such periods little activity will be shown regarding, and little attention on the part of
the public will be paid to, the things ruled by the cycle. But when a period arrives
during which the planet for which the Cycle Chart was erected makes many
progressed aspects to the places of the various planets in the Cycle Chart, then will
the things ruled by the Cycle come to the fore, exhibiting an activity which attracts
much discussion and public attention. It is the progressed aspects that indicate the
time the events shown come to pass.
The really important part of some events is not coincident with the final action taken;
and when this is the case the progressed aspect in the Cycle Chart may occur
somewhat before the final external act. That is, in negotiating a treaty or in a Supreme
Court decision, the matter may be before the public attention, and be the cause of
great interest and discussion, for considerable time before the actual signing of the
treaty, or the actual publication of the decision reached by the Supreme Court. Under
such circumstances, several of which have been noted in preceding lessons, the
progressed aspect denoting the event may have moved more than the one degree,
which we allow for an orb of influence for a progressed aspect, before the treaty is
signed or the Supreme Court decision is handed down.
These events, however, should not be taken as exceptions to the general rule that
events signified by a progressed aspect, either in the natal chart of an individual or in
a Cycle Chart for a nation or city, come to pass while the aspect is within one degree
of perfection.A perusal of the newspapers at the time the aspect is perfect will show that the matter
had reached a high state of public interest then, that the treaty was in the heat of
discussion or the Supreme Court was engaged in deciding the matter; perhaps did
decide the matter. The actual signing of the treaty or the handing down of the Court
decision–the part alone which history records–was the result of the cumulative
influence during the time the progressed aspect was within one degree of perfect. But
it may have been something that consumed so much effort that by the time the final
act, which history records, was taken, the ruler of the Cycle Chart had moved
somewhat beyond the orb of its influence.
Minor Events Are Shown by Progressions in Other Cycle Charts
We must not expect all the events of national consequence influenced by Mars to be
coincident with progressed aspects in the Mars Cycle Chart; all the financial events
to be shown in the Jupiter Cycle; all the abrupt changes and radical activities in the
Uranus Cycle. A progressed aspect in any Cycle Chart to the planet Mars tends to
bring strife and accidents. A progressed aspect in any Cycle Chart to Jupiter brings
financial matters to the fore. A progressed aspect to Uranus in any Cycle Chart tends
to give prominence to sudden alterations and radical activities. In a like manner, an
aspect in any Cycle Chart to Saturn attracts events having to do with safety, loss or
poverty, any aspect to Neptune brings something to do with inflation or aviation, and
any aspect to Pluto coincides with drastic action and cooperative effort.
Yet these events, shown by progressed aspects to planets in Cycle Charts not ruling
the type of happening, are of much less consequence than those which are shown in
the Cycle Chart which relates directly to the kind of event which comes to pass.
These minor occurrences are played up in the newspaper headlines on the day they
occur; but are not of significance enough to enter into historical records.
Thus when we take a reference history, such as I have consulted in the preparation of
these lessons; because only the important events of a kind are there recorded, we may
be sure that each date will coincide with an adequate progressed aspect in the Cycle
Chart governing the type of event recorded. Furthermore, by consulting a record in
which one or more of the outstanding events for each day of each year are recorded,
we may be sure that we can find on the proper day the appropriate event for each
progressed aspect made in the various Cycle Charts.
But, because a daily record, such as that in the World Almanac, covers many minor
events, in addition to the major ones, we can not expect to find for each event there
recorded a progressed aspect in the Cycle governing the event. Many of these events
are indicated, not in the Cycle governing the event, but in the Cycle Charts of other
planets, by a progressed aspect to Mars showing fire, to Saturn showing loss by
hardship, etc.
Mars in Mundane Astrology
Mars is the most energetic of all the planets. It indicates the creative energy in
operation. When it is harmoniously directed, therefore, it relates to all constructive
activity in which force, quick action, or even violence is involved Manufacturing and
industrial progress, therefore, are typical of Mars. Those who guard the
nation–soldiers and members of the navy–and those who guard the more
immediate security of the population–policemen, sheriffs and other
law-enforcement officers–are under his rule, and aspects to Mars tend to bring to
pass events in which they are active.
Surgeons and the operations they perform come under this influence. Fires and
firemen are also right in line, as are hunters, industrial workers, and those who
engage in sports such as baseball, football, wrestling and boxing, in which muscular
power and combat play an important part.
The energy of Mars moves so fast that, unless quite harmonious, it tends to accidents.
Traffic accidents, for instance, may be looked for on the days Mars makes a
progressed aspect in its Cycle Chart; more of them, of course, if Mars or the aspected
planet is in the 3rd house.
The energy of Mars is so powerful that when it meets resistance there are destructive
activities. Explosions, banditry, burglary and other violent defiance of the law, as
well as acts of violence and combat in general, come under his jurisdiction.
Intoxicants, being violent in their affect; drunkenness, gambling, houses of ill fame,
assault, military activities and war are typical expressions of Mars. Even when
harmonious his energy tends to so much force and speed that strife of some kind is
always present in the events he brings to pass.
In thought he rules mechanics, in business he rules manufacturing and the military
professions, and in politics he rules industrial workers (as apart from farmers and
miners and other laborers ruled by Saturn), the law enforcement agencies, such as
policemen, and the army and navy.
Calculating the Mars Cycles
Very recently the Nautical Almanac has discontinued giving the variation per hour of
declination of the planets, and gives only the variation for the whole day of 24 hours
instead. As this change might cause confusion in the minds of some students unless
examples are given showing how to calculate the time when a planet crosses from
south to north declination under both types of notation for the variation, I will present
four examples of calculating the time for erecting a Mars Cycle. The first two, April
27, 1930, and April 5, 1932, are on dates when the Nautical Almanac still gives the
variation in declination per hour. The last two, March 17, 1934, and Feb. 24, 1936,
are on dates since the Nautical Almanac adopted the plan of giving the variation in
declination per day only. As we wish to know the influence of these Mars Cycles on
the affairs of the United States, the problem is to ascertain the times at Washington,
D.C.) when Mars crossed from south declination to north declination.
The Nautical Almanac for 1930 gives the declination of Mars each day for
Greenwich Civil Time (commencing at midnight), together with the variation per
hour. The position on April 28 is given as minus 0 degrees, 3 minutes, 15.0 seconds.
The variation per hour is given as 46.40 seconds. That is, Mars, moving 46.40
seconds per hour, on April 28, must move 3 minutes, 15.0 seconds to reach north
declination.One hour equals 60 minutes. 3 minutes, 15.0 seconds equal 195 seconds. Then
46.40:60 :: 195:? The answer is 252 minutes, which equal 4 hours, 12 minutes. Thus
the Greenwich Time sought is April 28 1930, 4:12 a.m. As Washington is 77 degrees
west, subtract from this 5 hours, 8 minutes, and it gives the time for which the Mars
Cycle must be erected as April 27, 1930, 11:04 p.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38–56N The
chart for the time so found is No. 351 in the table at the front of this booklet.
The Nautical Almanac for 1932 gives the declination of Mars each day for
Greenwich Civil Time (commencing at midnight), together with the variation per
hour. The position on April 6 is given as minus 0 degrees, 0 minutes, 20.1 seconds.
The variation per hour is given as 47.19 seconds. That is, Mars, moving 47.19
seconds per hour, on April 6, must move 20.1 seconds to reach north declination.
One hour equals 60 minutes. Then 47:19 :60::20.1:? The answer is 26 minutes. Thus
the Greenwich Time sought is April 6, 1932, 0:26 a.m. As Washington is 77 degrees
west, subtract from this 5 hours, 8 minutes, and it gives the time for which the Mars
Cycle must be erected as April 5, 1932, 7:18 p.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N. The chart for
the time so found is No. 352 in the table at the front of this booklet.
The Nautical Almanac for 1934 gives the declination of Mars each day for
Greenwich Civil Time (commencing at midnight), together with the variation per
day. The position on March 17 is given as plus 0 degrees, 8 minutes, 8.1 seconds. The
variation per day is given as 1140.1 seconds. 1140.1 seconds divided by 24 (hours in
a day) gives 47.50 seconds as the variation per hour. That is, Mars, moving 47.50
seconds per hour, on March 17 has moved 8 minutes, 8.1 seconds into north
One hour equals 60 minutes. 8 minutes, 8.1 seconds equal 488.1 seconds. Then 47.50
:60:: 488.1: ? The answer is 617 minutes, which equal 10 hours, 17 minutes. From
00:00 Civil Time March 17, subtract 10 hours, 17 minutes and it gives March 16,
1:43 p.m. Greenwich Time. As Washington is 77 degrees west, subtract from this 5
hours, 8 minutes, and it gives the time for which the Mars Cycle must be erected as
March 16, 1934, 8:35 a.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N. The chart for the time so found
forms the illustration at the front of this booklet.
The Nautical Almanac for 1936 gives the declination of Mars each day for
Greenwich Civil Time (commencing at midnight), together with the variation per
day. The position on February 24 is given as plus 0 degrees, 1 minute, 58.5 seconds.
The variation per day is given as 1134.4 seconds. 1134.4 seconds divided by 24
(hours in a day) gives 47.43 seconds as the variation per hour. That is, Mars, moving
47.43 seconds per hour, on February 24 has moved 1 minute, 58.5 seconds into north
One hour equals 60 minutes. 1 minute, 58.5 seconds equal 118.5 seconds. Then
47.43 :60: : 118.5: ? The answer is 150 minutes, which equal 2 hours, 30 minutes.
From 00:00 Civil Time February 24, subtract 2 hours, 30 minutes, and it gives
February 23, 9:30 p.m. Greenwich Time. As Washington is 77 degrees west, subtract
from this 5 hours, 8 minutes, and it gives the time for which the Mars Cycle must be
erected as February 23, 1936, 4:22 p.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N. The chart for the time
so found is No. 353 in the table at the front of this booklet.
The Cycles of Mars
As examples from which to study the influence of Mars, and what may be expected
from progressed aspects formed in its Cycle Chart, I will first commence with the
Mars Cycle of 1889, and quote (with my own comments in parentheses) every event
that is clearly under the influence of Mars which is of enough importance to be
included in the Reference History of the World of Webster’s New International
Omitting none of these as far as available space warrants us considering
them, the progressed aspect in the Mars Cycle coincident with each will be pointed
out.Then, as the second phase of our Mars study, we will take the Mars Cycle of March
16, 1934, which forms the illustration at the front of this booklet, and starting with its
commencement, I will list ALL the progressed aspects in that Mars Cycle, and go as
far as space permits, indicating the event attracted by each of these progressed
aspects.Mars Cycle No. 78 in the table commenced February 18, 1889, 5:54 p.m. L.M.T.
77W. 38:56N.
April 22, 1889, under Mars, ruler of the house of lands, sesqui-square Jupiter r in the
house of lands (fourth): Part of Indian Territory is opened, and a wild rush to settle
ensues. (The opening of the land was under the Saturn Cycle, but the wild rush and
the extreme violence which accompanied it were under Mars.)
Mars Cycle No. 79 in the table commenced January 27, 1891, 4:59 p.m. L.M.T. 77W
March 14, 1891, under Mars trine Moon r, in the house of death (eighth), and ruler of
foreign countries (seventh): Lynching of eleven Italians in New Orleans causes a
protest and demand for reparations by Italy, her minister at Washington being
recalled. (The mob activity is indicated in the Pluto Cycle by Pluto sextile Moon r.)
October 16, 1891, while Mars was still four degrees from square Asc. r and
opposition Mars r; Attack on American Sailors by a mob at Valparaiso, Chile. War
becomes imminent (as aspect completes) through Chile’s delay to make amends.
(The mob activity is indicated in the Pluto Cycle by Pluto sextile Moon r and
sesqui-square Venus r.)
January 21, 1892, as Mars approaches trine Mars r: Ultimatum presented to Chile.
January 25, 1892, as Mars completes the trine to Mars r: Harrison sends a war
message to Congress; but Chile soon apologizes and pays an indemnity.
July 15, 1892, under Mars inconjunct Saturn r: Harrison issues proclamations against
striking miners in the West (strikes are under the Uranus influence), and Federal
troops (ruled by Mars) are used in restoring order and to support injunctions of the
Federal courts.
Mars Cycle No. 80 in the table commenced December 28, 1892, 2:35 p.m. L.M.T.
77W 38:56N.
February 14, 1893, under Mars conjunction Moon r (populace): Treaty of annexation
with Hawaii is signed. This follows a revolt led by Americans, assisted by the
American minister, and protected by American Marines (Mars), by which the queen
is deposed. Not ratified.
June 26–July, 1894, under strikes (Uranus) started June 26, when Mars came to
semi-sextile Moon r: Local troops (Mars) are called out in many places, and
President Cleveland, without waiting for requests from State executives, employs
Federal troops (Mars), especially at Chicago, to protect the railroads (ruled in the
Cycle Chart by the Moon).
Mars Cycle No. 81 in the table commenced July 14, 1894, 5:30 a.m. L.M.T. 77W.
38:56N.September, 1894, under Mars square Mercury r, and Mars semi-sextile Venus r, ruler
of homes (fourth): Forest fires destroy 19 towns in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and
Michigan, and 500 people are killed.
December 17, 1895, under Mars trine Mercury r, ruler of messages (third), and Mars
semi-square Saturn in the house of lands (fourth): Cleveland’s message on
Venezuela and British Guiana boundary controversy holds that the rights of the
United States under the Monroe Doctrine is involved in Great Britain’s refusal to
arbitrate with Venezuela.
Mars Cycle No. 82 in the table commenced May 26, 1896, 3:26 p.m. L.M.T. 77W.
38:56N.July 30, 1896, under Mars semi-square Mars r, and opposition Uranus r (revolt):
President’s proclamation warning citizens against violating the neutrality laws by
aiding the insurrection in Cuba.
February 15, 1898, under Mars opposition Jupiter r and sextile Mars r, ruler of war
(seventh): U.S.S. Maine blown up in Havana harbor; more than 250 lives lost (leads
to war with Spain).
March 10, 1898, under Mars square Uranus r in the house of money (second):
Congress empowers the president to spend $50,000,000 for national defense.
March 28, 1898, under Mars square Moon r: President sends to Congress report of
Court of Inquiry into Maine disaster, attributing it to external cause.
April 11, 1898, under Mars square Neptune r: President suggests that he be
empowered to use the army and navy to end disorders in Cuba, and placed with
Congress the responsibility for dealing decisively with the “intolerable condition of
affairs which is at our doors.”
April 20, 1898, under Mars sextile Venus r and square Mercury r: Resolutions are
passed by Congress that the United States intervene in Cuba to enforce her
independence. Spanish minister leaves Washington same day. American fleet sails
April 21 from Key West to blockade Cuban ports. April 23, while same aspects are
within orb: President calls for 125,000 volunteers. April 25: Congress declares that
war with Spain has existed since April 21 (when aspects were perfect).
May 1, 1898, under Mars conjunction Mars r: Dewey with Pacific fleet attacks and
destroys Spanish fleet of ten ships in Manila Bay.
Mars Cycle No. 83 in the table commenced May 2, 1898, 6:50 a.m. L.M.T. 77W.
May 25, 1898, under Mars sextile Neptune r in house of people (first): President calls
for 75,000 additional volunteers. 2,500 soldiers are sent from San Francisco to
support Dewey in his operations against Manila.
June 2, 1898, under Mars sesqui-square Saturn r, ruler of ships (ninth): The fleet,
under Sampson, blockades Santiago, Cuba, preventing the exit of the Spanish fleet
under Cervera. On June 3 (same progressed aspect), Lt. Richmond P. Hobson sinks
the Merrimac in the channel as an obstacle to the escape of the Spanish fleet.
June 10, 1898, under Mars semi-sextile Mars r and inconjunct Uranus r: Invasion of
Cuba by the Americans begins with the landing of 600 marines at Guantanamo Bay,
near Santiago.
June 12, under same progressed aspects: Fifth Army Corps, 16,000
men under Shafter, sails from Tampa Bay for Santiago.
June 20, 1898, under Mars conjunction Mercury r: Guam seized by U.S.S.
June 30, 1898, under Mars semi-square Mars r: First U.S. troops reach Manila. The
outer defenses of Santiago de Cuba are carried by Shafter.
July 3, 1898, under Mars semi-sextile Neptune r: Cervera’s fleet of six war vessels,
escaping from Santiago harbor, completely destroyed by American fleet under
July 17, 1898, under Mars conjunction Venus r (2 degrees distant): Santiago with all
its forces is surrendered to Shafter.
July 23, 1898, under Mars opposition Uranus r: Spain inquires on what terms the
United States would cease hostilities. July 25, as aspects has separated 2 degrees:
General Miles lands with an army at Guanica and begins the conquest of Puerto Rico.
July 28, 1898, under Mars applying to opposition Saturn r (3 degrees distant): Ponce
August 12, 1898, under Mars conjunction Asc. r and Pluto r (3 degrees past): A
protocol is signed at Washington suspending hostilities. August 13, Manila
surrenders to General Merritt and Admiral Dewey.
February 4, 1899, under Mars sextile Moon r: Filipinos attempt to capture Manila,
but are repulsed with heavy loss. This begins the Philippine Insurrection.
July 19, 1899, under Mars square Neptune r: Sec. of War Alger resigns because of
severe criticism of conduct of Spanish War.
December 16, 1899, under Mars square Mars r: Leonary Wood appointed military
(Mars) governor of Cuba.
Mars Cycle No. 84 in the table commenced April 10, 1900, 7:31 p.m. L.M.T. 77W.
38:56N.June 21, 1900, under Mars semi-sextile Neptune r: General MacArthur issues
amnesty proclamation to Fillpinos.
November 12, 1900, under Mars sextile Neptune r: Military department of Porto
Rico is discontinued and the forces there reduced.
February 2, 1901, under Mars square Jupiter r: Army Reorganization Act. Provides
for a minimum army of 58,000 men, with a maximum of 100,000.
September 6, 1901, under Mars sextile Saturn r, conjunction Asc., and inconjunct
Venus in the house of death (eighth): McKinley shot by an anarchist. He dies
September 14. (The death is shown in the Saturn Cycle.)
December 13, 1901, under Mars inconjunct Pluto r: Findings of Court of inquiry as to
Admiral Schley’s conduct in Cuba (war) indecisive.
February 18, 1902, under Mars opposition Moon r in house of honor (tenth):
Roosevelt adds a memorandum declaring that neither Sampson nor Schley was
responsible for the victory at Santiago; it was a “captain’s fight.”
Mars Cycle No. 85 in the table commenced March 21, 1902, 6:30 a.m. L.M.T. 77W.
May 22, 1902, under Mars semi-square Mars r (2 degrees past): Military occupation
of Cuba ends.
May 31, 1902, under Mars trine Saturn r (planet of economy): Army ordered reduced
from 77,287 to 66,497.July 4, 1902, under Mars trine Venus r (2 degrees applying): General amnesty in
Philippines, and insurrection is declared at an end.
September 17, 1902, under Mars opposition Jupiter r: Secretary Hay protests against
the outrages committed on Jews in Roumania.
January 21, 1903, under Mars semi-square Moon r in house of soldiers: Dick Militia
Law provides for the optional federalization of State troops.
February 14, 1903, under Mars trine Pluto r: General Staff of the army is authorized.
Mars Cycle No. 86 in the table commenced March 29, 1903, 4:47 p.m. L.M.T. 77W.
38:56N.November 3,1903, under Mars opposition Neptune r, in the house of business
(tenth): Panama revolts from Colombia. Independence is recognized by the United
States on November 6. United States troops land to protect the canal and fend off
Colombian forces.
February 7-8, 1904, under Mars square Pluto r (2 degrees distant): Great fire in
Baltimore with loss (more clearly shown in Saturn Cycle) of $80,000,000.
Mars Cycle No. 87 in the table commenced February 28, 1904, 5:40 a.m. L.M.T.
77W. 38:56N.
April 15, 1904, under Mars, ruler of the house of gifts (eighth), square Venus r in the
house of chances (fifth): Andrew Carnegie establishes a Hero (Mars) Fund of
June 8, 1905, under Mars trine Sun r in house of war (seventh): Roosevelt offers his
good offices to end the Russo-Japanese War.
Mars Cycle No. 88 in the table commenced February 6, 1906, 3:07 a.m. L.M.T. 77W.
38:56N.September 22-24, 1906, under Mars trine Uranus r (planet of riots): there are race
riots in Atlanta; eighteen Negroes and three whites killed.
September 29, 1906, under Mars sextile Moon r in the house of war: Military control
over Cuba is resumed because of disturbed conditions there.
November 6, 1906, under Mars inconjunct Saturn r: Roosevelt directs the dismissal
of three companies of Negro regulars for disturbances at Brownsville, Texas, on
August 13.
February 6, 1907, under Mars trine Mars r in the house of relief (twelfth): Graduated
pensions are granted to veterans of Mexican and Civil wars of 62 years of age or
more; following an executive order making 62 years a pensionable disability.
December 16, 1907, under Mars trine Moon r in house of war (seventh):
Around-the-world voyage of the American fleet of 16 battleships with destroyers
begins at Hampton Roads, intended as a peaceful display of force, especially to
influence Oriental conditions.
Mars Cycle No. 89 in the table commenced January 11, 1908, 9:35 p.m. L.M.T. 77W.
38:56N.January 28, 1909, under Mars inconjunct Neptune r in house of business (tenth):
Second military occupation of Cuba by United States troops terminates.
Mars Cycle No. 90 in the table commenced November 25, 1909, 3:45 p.m. L.M.T.
77W. 38:56N.
October 17, 1910, under Mars in house of illness (sixth), opposition Saturn r in house
of hospitals (twelfth): The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research is formally
opened at New York City.
November 2, 1910, under Mars semi-sextile Mercury in the house of foreign
countries (seventh): A fleet of sixteen American battleships sails, in two
detachments, to pay visits at ports of England and France.
March 7, 1911, under Mars inconjunct Pluto r, ruler of the house of foreign countries
(seventh): In consequence of revolution in Mexico, the president orders 20,000
troops to San Antonio and along the Mexican frontier, for division maneuvers and to
check filibustering and border fighting on the American side.
That the student may have for reference all the Mars Cycles from 1889 to 1938, I will
now list both their numbers in the table at the front of this booklet and the data on
which they were erected:
No. 91, Mars Cycle, June 9, 1911, 12:10 a.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
No. 92, Mars Cycle, May 12, 1913, 12:24 a.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
No. 93, Mars Cycle, April 19, 1915, 6:42 p.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
No. 94, Mars Cycle, March 29, 1917, 12:36 a.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
No. 95, Mars Cycle, March 8, 1919, 1:42 p.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
No. 96, Mars Cycle, February 14, 1921, 1:09 p.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
No. 97, Mars Cycle, January 22, 1923, 6:55 a.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
No. 98, Mars Cycle, December 20, 1924, 7:15 a.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
No. 99, Mars Cycle, June 23, 1926, 7:28 a.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
No. 350,Mars Cycle, May 21, 1928, 9:21 a.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
No. 351,Mars Cycle, April 27, 1930, 11:04 p.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
No. 352,Mars Cycle, April 5, 1932, 7:18 p.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
Illustration Mars Cycle, March 16, 1934, 8:35 a.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
No. 353,Mars Cycle, February 23, 1936, 9:30 p.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
Another Mars Cycle, January 31, 1938, 1:55 p.m. L.M.T. 77W. 38:56N.
Later Mars Cycles, previous to their commencement, will be Published in THE
And now, to furnish examples, not of what is to be expected in the way of events from
heavy and exceptional aspects in a Mars Cycle, but to give a clear picture of what
should be expected also from the weak aspects, and those that occur at rather short
intervals, it seems that the best method to follow is to take all the aspects that Mars
forms within a given period in its cycle chart, and note one Mars event which actually
was coincident with each such aspect. Commencing, therefore, with the Mars Cycle
of March 16, 1934, which forms the illustration at the front of this booklet, I will list
ALL the progressed aspects in the chart following its date, going as far as space
permits, and quote the date, and the event attracted, from the WORLD ALMANAC,
my own comments being placed in parentheses. As only the most important events of
each day are listed in the WORLD ALMANAC, it will be apparent these events are
not inconsequential. When the event falls on a day other than that on which the aspect
is perfect, this will be duly noted.
March 20, 1934, Mars semi-square Asc. r (people): Fire at Hakodate, Japan, killed
over 1,500, hurt 2,000, and destroyed 23,000 homes. At N. Y. City, 7 were killed by
fire in a tenement on 2nd Ave.
March 23, 1934, Mars semi-sextile Mercury r: March 24, at Lynchburgh, Va., fire
killed 14 at Federal Transient Relief (progressed Mars in house of relief, twelfth)
Bureau, and injured 75 others.
March 26, 1934, Mars conjunction Moon r in house of relief (twelfth): At
Washington, the Senate and the House passed the “billion dollar” Independent
Office Bill granting $228,000,000 in larger allowances to War veterans and
government employees.
March 28, 1934, Mars inconjunct Neptune r (inflation): The United States Steel
(Mars) Corporation and the Bethlehem Steel Corporation joined the movement to
raise the wages of all steel workers 10 per cent.
April 1, 1934, Mars semi-sextile Venus r (in the house of the President): The
President of the United States conducted divine service on the quarterdeck of the
Nourmahal, Easter morning, attended by the officers and men of the U.S. Destroyer
(Mars) Ellis.
April 11, 1934, Mars opposition Jupiter r from the house of imprisonment (twelfth):
At Tokyo, Gen. Senjuro Hayashi, Minister of War (Mars) resigned from the Cabinet
after his younger brother was sentenced to ten month’s imprisonment for bribery.
April 12, 1934, Mars square Pluto r in house of short journeys (third): His plane
caught in a “sleeve target” towed by another airplane, First Lieutenant David L.
Cloud Jr., a Marine (Mars) Corps pilot whose squadron held the Schiff award for safe
flying, plunged 3,000 feet to his death.
April 14, 1934, Mars sextile Saturn r, in house of elections (tenth): At San Juan, P.R.,
fire in the Capitol basement destroyed part of Puerto Rico’s basic election records.
April 16, 1934, Mars conjunction Uranus r (unusual), semi-sextile Sun r in house of
governor (eleventh): In Oklahoma, the National Guard (Mars) carried out the
Governor’s orders to stop delinquent tax sales of real estate.
April 23, 1934, Mars square M.C. r (honor): At Crocket, Texas, Ben Ellis shot to
death in a crowded courtroom a Negro accused of slaying his uncle who had tried to
collect a $3.00 debt.
April 24, 1934, Mars semi-sextile Mars r (war equipment): At Balboa, C. Z.,
commercial vessels started late in the day to follow the last of the more than a
hundred ships of the U.S. fleet which have been pushing through the Panama Canal
toward the Atlantic in an unbroken line.
May 1, 1934, Mars sextile Mercury r: At Paris, May Day brought riots, with
Communists firing at police from behind barricades. At Havana 10 were wounded
when soldiers fired into a worker’s parade.
May 5, 1934, Mars semi-sextile Moon r: N. Y. City Controller W. Arthur
Cunningham, 39, was stricken with a heart attack while horseback riding at Duck
Island, L. I. He fell (Mars) to the ground and was dead when a physician arrived.
May 6, 1934, Mars trine Neptune r (aviation), semi-square Sun r: May 7, the Army
(Mars) Air Corps ended its task of flying the transcontinental mail with a flying
May 11, 1934, Mars square Venus r in house of business (tenth): In Illinois, the
Legislature enacted that, on and after July 1, State and municipal employees of
Illinois will become the policing (Mars) agency behind all national codes.
May 19, 1934, Mars conjunction Asc. r: Fire at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago,
burned its way over 8 square blocks destroying 40 per cent of the cattle pens, and the
livestock in them.
May 22, 1934, Mars inconjunct Jupiter r: Mexico proclaims an embargo on shipment
of arms (Mars) to Bolivia and Paraguay.
May 24, 1934, Mars square Saturn r in house of business (tenth): At Toledo, 2 men
were killed and more than 25 persons were injured in two battles between Ohio
National Guardsmen and strikers.
May 25, 1934, Mars semi-square Moon r in house of crime (twelfth): At East
Chicago, Ind., two policemen were shot to death when they tried to halt an auto
supposed to contain John Dillinger.
May 27, 1934, Mars sextile Sun r (political authority): At Havana, Cuba, gunmen
fired several shots at his home as U.S. Ambassador Jefferson Caffery was preparing
to leave.
June 4, 1934, Mars sextile Mars r: Near Norman, Oklahoma, members of a
seismograph oil exploration party were killed in an accidental explosion of a
roadside dynamite magazine.
June 11, 1934, Mars square Mercury r, sesqui-square Jupiter r: Prof. Rexford G.
Tugweli, ex-farmer, Presidential nominee for Undersecretary of Agriculture, under
examination as to his qualifications by the Senate (Mercury in house of Senate)
Committee on Agriculture, denies he is a Red or a Bolshevik Communist.
June 13, 1934, Mars semi-square Pluto r (gangsters): Bandits fatally shot C. N. Nunn,
55, of Muskogee, Democratic candidate for presidency.
June 15, 1934, Mars sextile Moon r in house of secret enemies (twelfth): In Cuba a
bomb hidden under a stairway exploded in the naval station, killing a sailor and
seriously wounding 11 others.
June 17, 1934, Mars semi-square Uranus r (revolution), square Neptune r: In Cuba, at
Havana, 14 persons were killed and more than 60 wounded when a parade of 80,000
members of the ABC revolutionary organization was attacked by machine gunmen.
June 22, 1934, Mars trine Venus r: The yawl Cumberbunce II was stolen at New
London, Conn., after the Harvard-Yale rowing race. On June 29, James A. Newton,
43, a farmer of Marlow, N. H., was found shot to death on the yawl in Cohasset
June 30, 1934, Mars semi-sextile Asc. r: In Germany (Mars rules the house of other
lands, seventh), a plot by prominent Nazi leaders to overthrow Adolph Hitler was
discovered; Ex-Chancellor Gen. Kurt von Schleicher, 51, was shot to death, his wife
killed, Capt. Ernst Roehm, 46, national commander of the Nazi Storm Troopers was
deposed and executed. In all 77 were killed.
July 3, 1934, Mars trine Jupiter r: In Germany (Mars rules the house of foreign
countries, seventh), Chancellor Hitler flew to Neudeck to consult President von
Hindenburg; von Papen’s home was watched by Storm Troopers (Mars).
July 4, 1934, Mars semi-sextile Pluto r (drastic): Over 2,200 were hurt by fireworks
during Independence Day celebrations at New York City.
July 6, 1934, Mars trine Saturn r in house of business (tenth): A bomb planted in a war
of rival labor unions destroyed the ventilation plant of the Capital Coal Mining
Company near Springfield, Ill., endangering 350 men working below.
July 9, 1934, Mars square Sun r, sextile Uranus r: A Negro, Andrew McLeod, 26, at
Bastrop, La., charged with having tried to attack a white girl, was lynched by a mob.
July 14, 1934, Mars sesqui-square Venus r in house of business (tenth): Over 7,000
National Guardsmen and 2,000 policemen were put on duty in the bay district and
Oakland (due to strike).
July 16, 1934, Mars inconjunct M.C. r (business): National Guard tanks and machine
guns were put at strategic points (S. F. strike).
July 18, 1934, Mars square Mars r: At San Francisco, the General Strike Committee
lifted the embargo on all foods, gasoline and fuel oil. At Oakland, across the bay,
citizen-vigilantes guarded food and milk trucks.
July 25, 1934, Mars trine Mercury r: At Vienna (Mars rules the house of foreign
countries, seventh) a group (Nazi) seized the building used by the Cabinet, shot
Chancellor Engelbert Dollfus, 41, to death, and tried to hold other members as
July 29, 1934, Mars square Moon r in house of crime (twelfth): At Vienna, Otto
Planetta, 36, dismissed from the Austrian Army as a Nazi, was put on trial charged
with the actual shooting of Chancellor Dollfus.
July 31, 1934, Mars sextile Neptune r: August 1, at Port Au Prince, the United States
relinquished control of Haiti in brief ceremonies marking the taking over of the
Haitian Army (Mars) by its own officers.
August 6, 1934, Mars inconjunct Venus r: August 7, at Vienna, the only active
member of the Austrian Army (Mars rules the house of foreign countries, seventh)
who participated in the raid on the Chancellery was court-marshaled and hanged.
August 14, 1934, Mars trine Moon r: In Colombia, 17 were killed, 20 hurt, at Tolime
Farm, in a clash between peasants and Civil Guards.
August 17, 1934, Mars sesqui-square Mercury r, ruling house of games (fifth),
square Jupiter r: August 18, at Pontiac, Ill., a fight over a baseball game at the State
Reformatory, caused a riot and the shooting of 23 convicts.
August 19, 1934, Mars conjunction Pluto r (gangster): Alphonse Capone (gangster)
is one of 43 en route in barred railway cars from the Federal Penitentiary at Atlanta,
Ga., to Alcatraz Island.
August 20,1934, Mars inconjunct Saturn r in house of government (tenth): In
Louisiana, Governor Allen signed the 27 Huey P. Long “dictator (Mars conjunction
Pluto, the dictator, yesterday) bills.” Meantime State troops and 500 special police
under Mayor Wamsley are rival guards at the registration office in New Orleans.
August 23, 1934, Mars trine Sun r, square Uranus r, semi-square Neptune r: Homer
Van Meter, 35, paroled convict from the Michigan City (Ind.) prison (Uranus in
house of prisons, twelfth) and one of the members and best gunner of the gang that
was headed by John Dillinger, was shot and killed in a street battle with St. Paul
August 31, 1934, Mars opposition M.C. r (business): Extension of the textile strike
call to 150,000 wool and worsted workers in N. J. was announced.
September 1, 1934, Mars trine Mars r: Strike orders applying to the entire textile
weaving industry of the U.S. went into effect.
September 10, 1934, Mars inconjunct Mercury r ruler of fifth: At Tyler, Texas, J. B.
Willis, 41, ex-convict, was sentenced to death for tying a young husband nude to a
tree and then stripping and assaulting the bride.
September 16, 1934, Mars sesqui-square Sun r, semi-sextile Neptune r: September
17, the textile strike brought martial law and concentration camps in Georgia.
September 22, 1934, Mars opposition Venus r: Pointing at the guards pistols made of
soap, two cronies of the late John Dillinger tried to escape from death cells, both were
killed.September 24, 1934, Mars sesqui-square Mars r: At Lyman, S. C., 400 former
strikers were driven away by the bayonets of National Guardsmen.
September 30, 1934, Mars square Asc. r (people): In a radio speech to the nation,
Roosevelt called a truce between capital and labor.
October 3, 1934, Mars sextile Jupiter r: Assignment of naval officers to American
merchant ships to inspect safety devices and lifeboat drills.
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Quote of the Light
I have pierced the illusion of matter and seen that I am Divine. — Zanoni
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- I Laws Of Occultism
- II Astrological Signatures
- III Spiritual Alchemy
- IV Ancient Masonry
- IX Mental Alchemy
- V Esoteric Psychology
- VI The Sacred Tarot
- VII Spiritual Astrology
- VIII Horary Astrology
- X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope
- X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope
- XI Divination and Character Reading
- XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life
- XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion
- XIII Mundane Astrology
- XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life
- XIX Organic Alchemy
- XV Weather Predicting
- XVI Stellar Healing
- XVII Cosmic Alchemy
- XVIII Imponderable Forces
- XX The Next Life
- XXI Personal Alchemy