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Friends, Enemies and Associates

Friends Enemies and Associates

THE power of the various objects and persons which an individual contacts to
influence his life and destiny either in the direction he desires or contrary to his
wishes, is determined by the amount and kind of energy they contribute to definite
groups of thought-cells within his astral body. The control of his life, and its most
effective direction into the channels of his choosing, therefore, must include an
intelligent selection of friends and inanimate associates.

Whether animate or inanimate, whether a musical tone or an unspoken thought, each
close associate radiates astral energy the quality of which may be determined. This
invisible energy finds its way, over the stellar aerials which span the astral body of
man, to the stellar cells within, and adds its activities to such of them as it thus

These stellar cells, and the thought-structures they compose, are located in the
particular compartment of the astral body relating to the department of life about
which the thoughts, impulses and emotions which furnished their substance had their
origin. And when they are furnished with additional energy from planets, from the
thoughts of the individual, or from the character vibrations of such associates as we
arc now considering, they work, with such subjective intelligence as they possess, to
attract into the life events relating to this department of life.

That is, stellar cells having had their origin in impulses relating to personal property,
when they are given new energy, work to attract into the life events having to do with
money. And stellar cells having had their origin in feelings about friendship, when
energy enough is afforded them bring into the life events relating to friendship. The
compartments of the astral body where stellar cells and stellar structures are located,
according to the department of their origin, are mapped by the houses of the

Astral energy from planets, thoughts, or character vibrations can only reach-the
thought-cells within any particular compartment of the astral body in unusual
volume through being picked up, radio fashion, by one of the stellar aerials, mapped
by an aspect, which traverses the astral body. These stellar aerials lead directly into
certain compartments and not into other compartments. The energy thus picked up
by such an aerial flows readily into the compartments mapped by its planetary
terminals. And through sympathetic response it is able to reach, although in a minor
degree of volume, the stellar cells in. the compartments ruled by the planets which
map its terminals.

Caruso’s famous, and oft’ repeated cafe demonstration with a wine glass illustrates
this principle of sympathetic response. Entering a cafe he would call for a glass, tap it
to get its tone, and instruct the waiter to place it on the farther side of the room. Then,
with his vibrant voice sounding the same tone, the wine glass across the room would
be shattered. In a less dramatic way the response of a piano string, when its tone is
sounded on some other instrument in the same vicinity, also affords a parallel

Any stellar aerial, either permanent as mapped by an aspect in the birth-chart or
temporary as mapped by a progressed aspect, is capable of picking up only astral
energy of the vibratory rates corresponding to the two planets which map its
terminals. If there is an aspect between Mars and Saturn, for instance, the stellar
aerial so mapped has the ability to pick up either Mars vibratory rates or Saturn
vibratory rates, but is unable to pick up the vibratory rates of the Sun, Venus, or
Jupiter.Furthermore, which is most important, whatever Mars energy or whatever Saturn
energy is picked up from any source by such an aerial is given either a harmonious
quality or a quality of discordant static, according to the length of the aerial as
mapped by the aspect.

Whatever comes in over an aerial mapped by a square aspect, for instance, is given so
much discord by the aerial that when it reaches the stellar cells of the compartments
where its terminals are located they are made to feel intensely uncomfortable.
Prodded to activity in a most disagreeable way they move, in their inner-plane
manner, to bring an obstacle into the life relating to their department. That is, if they
are located in the eleventh compartment, the obstacle will arise from friends; but if
they are located in the second compartment, the obstacle will be to the making or
retaining of money.

If, therefore, we possess a knowledge of the vibratory quality, or planetary rulership,
of the various things we contact, and the birth-chart of an individual, we are in a
position to determine how associating with any particular thing will influence him.
Vibratory rates which must reach the thought-cells of his astral body over an aerial
which gives them discordant static are inclined to attract to him only disagreeable
events. But vibratory rates which must reach the thought-cells of his astral body over
an aerial which gives them a harmonious trend are inclined to attract to him fortunate

Events Are Attracted Only by Increased Activity of Thought-Cells.

–And the department of life chiefly thus influenced, either for fortune or
misfortune, is the one the stellar cells of which are given the greatest activity by the
new energy received.

Aside from aerials leading into them the zones of the astral body mapped by the signs
of the zodiac each have a characteristic resonance. They are thus, as explained,
influenced through sympathetic response. And this sympathetic response is not
merely to the energy coming in over the aerial one terminal of which is mapped by
the ruling planet of the sign, but also to the thought vibrations and character
vibrations of the same rate as the sign.

If, for instance, an individual is closely associated with things ruled by the sign Aries,
the whole zone of the astral body mapped by the sign Aries responds to the vibrations
of these Aries things. The stellar cells thus, through sympathetic response, gain new
energy and become more active. But, because Aries energy is also received by the
stellar aerial which has Mars as one terminal, the sympathetic response to this Mars
aerial tends to determine whether the activity thus stimulated is one of harmony or
one of discord.

The most active and highly organized stellar structures in any compartment of the
astral body are mapped by planets. Wherever a planet is located in the birth-chart is a
group of thought-cells in a high state of activity. The major thought-element of which
they are composed belongs to the family ruled by the planet thus mapping them.
They form the terminal in the astral body for such aerials as are indicated by the
aspects of this planet.

Because of their organization as a dynamic stellar structure, and the energy they
receive from the aerials for which they act as a terminal, they have much more power
and more readily become active than the other cells in the same compartment not
mapped by a planet. Yet when the stellar cells surrounding them become active due
to energy received by sympathetic response, either to the vibrations of objects ruled
by the sign, or to energies picked up by an aerial mapped by any aspect to the planet
ruling the sign, this activity is communicated by direct contact to the dynamic stellar
structures mapped by planets in the sign.

Because the thought-cells mapped by a planet in the sign are so much more vigorous,
any activity imparted to the stellar cells of the compartment mapped by a sign, even
more profoundly affects the group of thought-cells thus acting as the terminal for an

The energy is conveyed to them by direct contact with other stellar cells in the
same zone; and because of their greater vigor what they accomplish is of
considerable more importance than what is accomplished by the cells, not acting thus
as aerial terminals, which convey the energy to them.

Thus if Jupiter is in Aries, such vibratory rates of the Aries frequency as are contacted
will have an influence over the life predominantly such as is indicated by the
prominence and aspects of Jupiter. Only to a less extent will the influence be that
indicated by the aspects of the planet Mars, if that planet is located in some other
house of the birth-chart.

With this information at our disposal it is no difficult matter to determine quite
definitely how close association with anything the astrological ruler-ship of which is
known will affect a given individual. If the object is under the direct rule of a planet,
the stellar cells which its vibrations will reach in greatest volume are those mapped in
the birth-chart by the planet.

This planet is located in a certain house of the birth-chart, mapping a compartment of
the astral body. It will, therefore, be a dynamic stellar structure of this compartment
which receives the major portion of this additional energy. And as the thought-cells
of this whole compartment have had their origin in impulses, feelings, and other
mental activities relating to one department, the result of their increased activity will
attract events into the life relating to this department. That is, events will be attracted
which are ruled by the house of the birth-chart containing the planet.

To a minor degree, through the activity gained by the sympathetic response of the
stellar cells there mapped, events will also be attracted ruled by any house the cusp of
which is ruled by this planet.

If the object is ruled by a zodiacal sign, and thus only indirectly under the rule of a
planet, the stellar cells which its vibrations reach more directly are those of the
compartment mapped by that zodiacal sign. The major influence, therefore will
relate to the department of life ruled by the house of the birth-chart so indicated.

Only in a less degree, because the planetary aerial picks up some of the energy of the
vibration of the sign it rules, will energy reach the compartment of the astral body
mapped by the planet ruling the sign, and thus have some influence toward attracting
events relating to it.

But when there is a planet in the sign ruling the object with which there is association,
the type of energy of this planet and its harmony or discord are more important than
are those of the planet ruling the sign and elsewhere located.

Therefore, in judging the effect of the character vibrations or thought vibrations ruled
by a planet, look chiefly to the house position and aspects of the planet. But in
judging the effect of the character vibrations or thought vibrations ruled by a zodiacal
sign, look chiefly to the house position of the sign, and to any planet in the sign. If
there is no planet in the sign, look chiefly to the house position of the sign in reference
to the department of life affected, but to the aspects of the planet ruling the sign to
determine the harmony or discord thus accentuated.

Character Vibrations.–The kind of business and type of person ruled by each planet
and sign are given in Chapter 5. The part of the country, climate, part of city and
part of home ruled by each sign are given in Course VIII, Chapter 5. And in
Course VI the herbs and flowers, stones, branch of science and human function ruled
by each sign are set forth in connection with the corresponding Major Arcanum of the
tarot. Here, therefore, only the briefest mention will be made of important
associations ruled by each sign and planet.

ARIES.–Number 13. Letter M. Color, light red. Tone, high C. Talismanic gem,

TAURUS.–Number 14. Letter N. Color, dark yellow. Tone, low E. Talismanic
gem, agate.

GEMINI.–Number 17. Letter F, Ph, P. Color, light violet. Tone, high B. Talismanic
gem, beryl.

CANCER.–Number 18. Letter Sh, Ts, Tz. Color, light green. Tone, high F.
Talismanic gem, emerald.

LEO.–Number 19. Letter Q. Color, light orange. Tone, high D. Talismanic gem,

VIRGO.–Number 2. Letter B. Color, dark violet. Tone, low B. Talismanic gem,

LIBRA.–Number 3. Letter G. Color, light yellow. Tone, high E. Talismanic gem,

SCORPIO.–Number 4. Letter D. Color, dark red. Tone, low C. Talismanic gem,

SAGITTARIUS.–Number 7. Letter Z. Color, light purple. Tone, high A.
Talismanic gem, red garnet.

CAPRICORN.–Number 8. Letter H, Ch. Color, dark blue. Tone, low G. Talismanic
gem, onyx.

AQUARIUS.–Number 9. Letter Th. Color, sky blue. Tone, high G. Talismanic
gem, blue sapphire.

PISCES.–Number 12. Letter L. Color, dark purple. Tone, low A. Talismanic gem,

SUN.–Number 21. Letter S. Color, orange. Tone, D. Metal, gold. Flower,
helianthus and gaillardia.

MOON.–Number 20. Letter R. Color, green. Tone, F. Metal, silver. Flower, lily.

MERCURY.–Number 1. Letter A. Color, violet. Tone, B. Metal, quicksilver.
Flower, jasmine and honeysuckle.

VENUS.–Number 6. Letter U, V, W. Color, yellow. Tone, E. Metal, copper.
Flower, rose.

MARS.–16. Letter O. Color, red. Tone, C. Metal, iron. Flower, hollyhock.

JUPITER.–Number 5. Letter E. Color, purple. Tone, A. Metal, tin. Flower, dahlia.

SATURN.–Number 15. Letter X. Color, blue. Tone, G. Metal, lead. Flower, statice.

URANUS.–Number 10. Letter I, J, Y. Color, dazzling white. Tone, astral chimes.
Metal, uranium. Flower, clover and oxalis.

NEPTUNE.–Number 11. Letter C, K. Color, changing iridescence. Tone, music of
the spheres. Element, neptunium. Flower, arctotis.

PLUTO.–Number 22 or 0. Letter T. Color, ultra-violet and infra-red. Tone, spirit
choir. Element, plutonium. Flower, pitcher plant.

What is even of greater importance than to know that association with a particular
thing will tend to attract events relative to a certain department of life, as signified by
the house position of the sign or planet ruling the thing, is to know whether, and in
what way, events so attracted will be fortunate or unfortunate.

This, as I have pointed out, depends upon whether the stellar cells to which the new
supply of energy is added through such association, are harmonious or discordant in
their activity.

It is quite correct to say that stellar cells or stellar structures in the astral body mapped
by planets receiving discordant aspects are discordant in their activity, and that those
mapped by planets receiving harmonious aspects are harmonious and tend to attract
fortunate events. But in leaving the matter thus we are all too apt to overlook why the
thought-cells of one person attract fortunate events and the thought-cells of another
attract unfortunate events when brought in contact with the same associations.

The dynamic stellar structures mapped in the astral body by the planets in the
birth-chart are composed of stellar cells which are definite thought-compounds, the
thought-elements of which have been united under conditions that give them a
harmonious or discordant quality, or feeling. Both the intensity and the kind of
feeling which is present at the time two thoughts or impulses are brought together
influence the manner in which the thought-elements unite in a compound.

It is not due to the aspects of the planets that the thought-cells in the astral body act
harmoniously or discordantly, but due to the circumstances with which the
thought-elements embraced within them were brought together. The strongest
combinations of thoughts within the astral body, the chief ingredient in one region
being mapped by one planet and the chief ingredient in another region being mapped
by another planet, are connected by a line, or aerial, through the astral body. It is this
line, which indicates how the thoughts at each end have united and formed
compounds with a less volume of the thoughts at the other end, which is mapped by
an aspect in the birth-chart.

The aspect is there because the thoughts at each end are in such relation to each other
as the aspect indicates. But as these stellar cells and dynamic stellar structures so
mapped are thought-formed, they may also be thought-changed. And when so
altered by an intelligent application of the same principles under which they
originally were formed, their activities stimulated by new energy from objects,
thoughts, or planets will be according to this new relation, and not according to the
aspect mapped in the birth-chart. The birth-chart aspect only maps their composition
at birth, and not such as is later acquired.

An indication of the circumstances under which each of the ten types of
thought-compounds is formed, therefore, is valuable both in determining what type
of harmony or discord will be attracted into the life through association with a
particular object, and in setting about to change the trend of fortune in any
department of life mapped by a house of the birth-chart, the stellar cells of which are
shown by planetary aspects to be discordant.

CONJUNCTION.–This aspect indicates that the thought-elements ruled by the
planets so joined have had a long and close association, and that the persistent
thinking or feeling along the lines indicated has given great volume and energy to the
thought-compound there located. In this repeated association of mental factors there
has been no intense pleasure or intense pain. Such harmony or discord as is indicated
belongs to the essential qualities of the thought-families so united rather than to the
circumstances of their union. A dynamic stellar structure mapped by such an aspect,
because of the volume of energy it contains, tends to bring the things ruled by both
planets into prominence. Hence it is called a PROMINENCE compound.

SEMI-SEXTILE .–When thought-elements of any two families are united by a
steady feeling of mild pleasure they form a compound such as is mapped by the
semi-sextile. Such a union of thought-elements in a dynamic stellar structure tends to
attract conditions offering many small advantages for further growth. It is, therefore,
called a GROWTH compound.

SEXTILE.–The things thought about, as indicated by one planet, when brought into
association with the things thought about as indicated by another planet, under
conditions which uniformly give rise to a feeling of pleasure, unite in a
thought-compound such as is mapped by a sextile aspect. A dynamic stellar structure
formed of such harmoniously blended thought-elements tends to attract
opportunities. Hence it is termed an OPPORTUNITY compound.

SQUARE.–This aspect indicates that two types of desires have been present at the
same time which were incompatible one with the other. As a result of the obstacles
each desire placed in the way of realizing the other, violent discord was experienced.
And because the dynamic stellar structure so built tends to attract additional
obstacles, it is called an OBSTACLE compound.

TRINE.–Things thought about in mutual association with prolonged and
enthusiastic pleasure bring a union of corresponding thought-elements into the most
harmonious of all types of stellar cells. A dynamic stellar structure composed of such
cells, because it tends to attract what is commonly called luck, is known as a LUCK

INCONJUNCT.–When endeavors, or objects, are brought together in the mind in
association with ideas of development, but with no pronounced feeling of pleasure or
annoyance, they unite in a compound which is neither markedly harmonious nor
discordant. A dynamic stellar structure composed of thought-cells so formed tends to
attract expansive conditions into the life, and thus is known as an EXPANSION

SEMI-SQUARE.–Irritations, the smaller abrasions of life, and the numerous little
anxieties, when they bring together and unite the thoughts about definite types of
activities, enter into a compound which is chronically discordant and annoying. A
dynamic stellar structure formed in this manner tends persistently to attract friction
with others and irritating circumstances, and is called a FRICTION compound.

OPPOSITION.–When the desires pull simultaneously in opposite directions,
causing a decided feeling of distress because if one course of action is followed
another desired course of action must be relinquished, a most energetic compound is
formed of the thought-elements so united. Because the dynamic stellar structure
formed in this manner tends to force asunder those things in the life which are
associated with it, it is called a SEPARATION compound.

SESQUI-SQUARE. –Thoughts about things which at one time were pleasureable
but later became painful, the reaction being accompanied by a high degree of
distaste, tend to enter into a thought union which is disruptive, and which operates to
break up, at intervals, the previously existing condition. A dynamic stellar structure
thus formed, because agitation is the common mental state when the break-up is
either contemplated or takes place, is called an AGITATION compound.

PARALLEL.–This aspect indicates that the thought-elements ruled by the planets
have had a long association of rather indefinite quality in which neither pleasure nor
pain was pronounced, but of sufficient volume to build, although in a somewhat
loose manner, quite a powerful stellar structure. The dynamic stellar structure so
formed, because it gives intensity to the power of attracting the things ruled by the
two planets, is known as an INTENSITY compound.

GRAND TRINE.–When three planets are located in a chart so as to form a complete
equilateral triangle, each planet being within orb of a trine to both the others, it is
called a Grand Trine. Our research department has conducted a statistical analysis of
such Grand Trines in connection with those who have made money, attained honor
and attracted other types of success. Because thoughts from three distinct
departments of life are harmoniously associated, as indicated by the analyses
mentioned the Grand Trine proves to be the most fortunate configuration that can
occur. And in so far as the person can live his life in association with the things so
indicated will he attract unusual good fortune.

GRAND SQUARE.–When four planets in a chart are so located that they form a
complete cross, all four arms of which are occupied by a planet, each planet being
within orb of a square aspect to its neighbors, and in opposition to the one across the
zodiac, it is called a Grand Square. Our research department, through statistical
analysis, has found such a Grand Square to be the most unfortunate configuration
that can occur in a chart. In the thousands of birth-charts with progressed aspects of
people suffering from the 160 different diseases considered in Course XVI, we found
that when there was a Grand Square in the chart the disease almost invariably was
indicated by the planets involved in it.

Already, in preceding lessons, it has been shown that the abilities, temperament,
disposition, business qualifications and attraction for money which any individual
possesses, and which are mapped in the birth-chart, are due Co the thought-cells
which have been built by experiences of parallel significance into his astral body.
And now that we also know the manner in which thoughts about different things
unite to form definite compounds which build up with the stellar cells so formed the
dynamic stellar structures mapped by the planets, we are in a position to extend the
principle involved to all other departments of life, including friends, enemies,
studies, travels and associations.

Instead of considering astrology as the writing of the hand of inevitable fate, if this
grand science is used according to its true function, as the Golden Key to unlock the
cause of conditions and reveal the processes of nature, it becomes a great boon to
mankind. And thus applied in natal astrology, it indicates why–through the thought
organization of the astral body, and the receiving of new energy by the stellar cells in
a given compartment of the astral body at a specified time–a life has qualities,
attracts the conditions, and on given dates undergoes the fortune or misfortune it

And in addition, because all are due to the thought-composition of the finer form, it
shows just how to go about it, through altering the thought-composition of the astral
body and supplying additional energy to the more fortunate thought groups, to make
the life and fortune more as desired. When intelligently and persistently applied, as
proved by the letters we receive from students who do this very thing, these methods
bring the desired results.


–Because the stellar cells in the compartment of the astral body mapped by the 11th
house of the birth-chart have been acquired through thoughts and impressions
relating to friendship, both the kind of friends attracted, and the type of influence they
have in the life, are to be judged from this house.

As the most active thought-cells within the astral body are those mapped by the
planets, and as each planet maps thought-cells which belong to a certain family as
they have entered into the composition of a dynamic stellar structure, the location of
a planet in a house of the birth-chart indicates the type of conditions attracted to this
department of life.

If Neptune is in the 11th house, as in the charts of Wm. Jennings Bryan, Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle and David Belasco, it signifies that the most influential friends in the
life will be idealists, psychics and mediums, or people of dramatic talent; because the
stellar cells in the friendship compartment of these notables’ lives have been built
chiefly of the thought-elements of the same family to which the people so attracted

In the birth-chart of Professor Nicholas Murray Butler, with the Moon in the 11th, the
stellar cells in this compartment of his life have had their origin in contacts with the
widest variety of people. Consequently he attracts to him, as friends, those from all
walks of life. But Professor A. Vander Nailen, also with honor in college work, has
Mars and Uranus in the house of friends. He, therefore, attracted to him occult
students and engineers, eccentric characters and soldiers, because the stellar cells
that had been built into this compartment of his astral body were of the same
thought-family as these people.

When the 11th house of the birth-chart is unoccupied by a planet, because the more
active thought-cells are elsewhere located in the astral body, the influence of close
friends, either for fortune or misfortune, is much less than when one or more planets
are so located. Such a chart, for instance, is that of David Lloyd George.

Such influence as friends do have, however, must be determined, not merely by the
planets in the 11th, or by the ruler of the cusp of the 11th, but by also taking into
consideration the aspects of these planets. Henry Ford, with Jupiter well aspected in
the 11th, benefitted greatly by influential friends. He was a close friend of John
Burroughs, the writer, as indicated by the sextile of Jupiter to a planet in the 9th,
was aclose friend of Harvey Firestone and George Eastman, manufacturers, as indicated
by the sextile of Jupiter to Mars, and was a close friend of Thomas A. Edison, the
inventor, as revealed by Jupiter trine Uranus.

But that fine old gentleman, A. Vander Nailen, with Mars conjunction Uranus in the
11th, suffered persecution from his former friends when he departed from
materialism and embraced occult doctrines. And the occult friends and their
influence in his life estranged him from his children, as indicated by Mars and
Uranus opposition Saturn in the 5th, and they were a severe affliction to him
personally, as indicated by the square of Mars and Uranus to the Sun in his 1st.


–Not only the impulses and thoughts relating to physical friends, but also to those
mental friends and almost constant companions which we call hopes, are embraced
within the compartment of the astral body mapped by the 11th house. Not merely the
kind of friends, therefore, but the kind of hopes, are indicated by any planet in the
11th, and to a less degree by the planet ruling the cusp of the 11th.

The two great hopes of Abraham Lincoln were to win the war, as indicated by Mars in
the 11th trine Sun and square Mars, and eventually to free the slaves, as indicated by
the freedom planet, Uranus, in the 11th, trine Mercury. And, although at great cost,
for Mars gains its ends only through strife, the trines of these planets enabled him to
realize these hopes.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as indicated by Neptune in the 11th, hoped to convert the
world to spiritualism. He toured the globe in the endeavor, and wrote copiously,
these activities being indicated by the Moon in the 9th, sextile Neptune. His
influence in this direction was probably greater than that of any other man; but, as
indicated by Neptune square Jupiter in the 1st, the obstacles encountered were
terrific, and his hopes were only partially realized.

Wm. Jennings Bryan hoped for a new ratio between gold and silver in coinage, as
indicated by Mercury in the 11th, square Jupiter in the house of money. This he did
not get. He hoped for many socialistic reforms, as indicated by Neptune in the 11th,
and hoped to become President of the United States, as indicated by the Sun in the
11th. He was able to exert a powerful influence, but he never became President; and
his hope of success as Secretary of State, to which office he had been appointed, was
blighted, as indicated by Neptune and the Sun in the 11th square Mars in the house of
war. His conscientious objections were such an obstacle that when the U. S. entered
the war he resigned this one important position which he held.


–The thoughts, feelings and emotions relating to sorrows, restrictions and
disappointments are built into the stellar structure mapped by the 12th house. An
individual may realize important hopes in one direction and have equally keen
disappointments relating to other things.

Mr. Bryan had three planets in his 12th house. His disappointments were no less
outstanding than his realizations. His sorrow when the U. S. entered the World War
knew no bounds; for Pluto, the planet of universal welfare, in the 12th was for peace
at any price.Abraham Lincoln’s early love for Ann Rutledge, instead of resulting in
marriage–Mercury square planets in the 12th–was defeated by her death– Mars
ruler of 5th, square Moon, ruler of the 8th. Saturn and Neptune in the 12th made of
him a man of many sorrows.

People with many planets in the 12th may attain as great success as those with no
planets in this house; but because the thought-cells relating to disappointments are so
energetic they attract to themselves many sorrows. Quite frequently these
disappointments are due to their own attitude or actions; although others may be the
result of the actions of secret enemies, or due to circumstances of which they have no

These actions which bring disappointments may be due to inability to appreciate the
effect of a certain course of conduct, or it may be due to premeditated conduct in spite
of recognized consequences. Win. J. Bryan was quite aware that his radical views
would bring him difficulties (Uranus in 12th, conjunction Asc.), and he resigned as
Secretary of State as a conscientious objector to war.

Arthur Conan Doyle well realized that he would be persecuted for espousing
spiritualism, but the ruler of his Asc. was in the 12th, conjunction the universal
welfare planet, Pluto; therefore, he went ahead with what he considered his duty, in
spite of its effect upon him personally or upon his reputation (ruler of 10th in 12th).

Studies, Writing, Publishing, Brethren.

–The thoughts, impulses and feelings relative to physical brethren and to those
mental brethren which are the studies are chiefly retained in the thought compounds
of the compartment of the astral body mapped by the third house.

In general, therefore, the type of brothers and sisters an individual has, and more
particularly the amount of fortune or misfortune of their influence in the life, may be
determined by the planets and their aspects relating to the 3rd house. Furthermore, at
those times when their influence will be marked in the life there will be found a
temporary stellar aerial leading to this compartment as mapped by a major
progressed aspect within one degree of perfect to the ruler of the 3rd house. For
instance, the reference book, When and What Events Will Happen,*
shows by detailed analysis that when brother or sister dies there is always a major
progressed aspect within one degree of perfect both to the ruler of the 3rd and to the
ruler of the 8th.

The private studies and the writing that results from them are also to be judged from
the 3rd house. Thus Saturn here gives depth of thought; although the mind unfolds
more slowly. Mars in the 3rd tends to an early and energetic development of the
mind. Uranus gives originality in thought and studies, and Neptune supplies
imagination. A number of planets in the 3rd house increases the tendency to study.
But of even greater importance in conferring ability to study, write and travel are the
prominence and aspects of the three planets, Mercury, Uranus and the Moon.

Discordant aspects to the ruler of the 3rd, or to the three mental planets mentioned, do
not impair the power of thought; but they attract unfortunate events according to the
inharmony shown.

The public expression of the thoughts, through teaching, lecturing, advertising or the
medium of printed books or periodicals is related to the stellar cells contained within
the compartment of the astral body mapped by the 9th house. Conan Doyle, for
instance, had the Moon in the 9th, indicating that to the extent they were received his
writing would have a universal appeal. The Moon makes some aspect to each of the
six planets in his 12th house, the house of crime, mystery and detectives. His fame
rests upon his Sherlock Holmes detective stories. Mercury, Uranus and the Moon all
are prominent.

A. Vander Nailen had no planets in his 9th, but the ruler of the cusp of the 9th is
Jupiter. Jupiter is the religious planet, is in conjunction with Neptune, the mystical
planet, and both are trine the writing planet, Mercury, in the 1st. His contributions to
science were overlooked; but his mystical-religious novels are still widely read.
Mercury, Moon and Uranus are all prominent.


–The type of religion an individual embraces must be determined from the chart as a
whole, as the prominence of the upper-octave planets indicates a progressive trend.
But the influence on the life of the public expression of whatever religious,
philosophical, or other beliefs are held may be determined from the 9th house.

If Mars is there the publicly expressed beliefs will bring strife, if Uranus is there the
individual will be considered eccentric, if Neptune is there people will think him
visionary in his doctrines. Conan Doyle’s detective novels brought the acclaim of his
Moon trine Sun and Uranus; but his deeper thoughts, as indicated by Saturn in the
3rd, in opposition to the Moon, when expressed, brought him opposition, and the
obstacles indicated by the Moon square Mercury and Pluto in the 12th.

Secret Enemies and the Influence of Astrals.

— The more active, as shown by planets in the 12th, the stellar cells are which
compose the compartment of the astral body relating to enemies, the more secret
enemies will be able to influence the life. But their power to damage must be gauged
by the nature of the planets in the 12th and their aspects.

Conan Doyle’s chart, because so many planets are in the 12th, attracted many secret
enemies. They were of all six types indicated by the six planets there. And as the 12th
also indicates the compartment of the finer body where contact is made with astral
entities, his contact with the invisible world was wide and varied, and not confined to
well-disposed humans who had passed from earth life. But the power of either
physical or astral enemies to injure him was limited by the splendid aspects, Venus
sextile Jupiter, and Sun trine Moon.

Lloyd George had secret enemies of three types, as shown by three planets in his
12th. But Mercury there, trine Uranus, enabled him more frequently to defeat them.

George Bernard Shaw also has three chief types of secret enemies, as indicated by
three planets in the 12th. And to a less degree than Doyle, both he and Lloyd George
have ability to get to the bottom of things; for the 12th not only has to do with secret
enemies, hospitals, places of detention and underhanded plots, but also relates to
crime detection. Shaw, similar to Doyle and Bryan, has both the expose planet,
Uranus, and the universal welfare planet, Pluto, in the 12th. He dotes on turning up
and exposing the methods employed by the wealthy in exploiting the downtrodden.

Open Enemies

–The thoughts, feelings and mental attitudes toward those who are met publicly are
retained in the compartment of the astral body mapped by the 7th house. Therefore,
because these determine the conditions surrounding open contact with others, not
only the public enemies, but the general reception from the public, and the
circumstances surrounding contacts with the public, are to be judged from the 7th

The writer of these lessons has Jupiter in the 7th, and aside from writing has for many
years appeared before the public in person as a lecturer on THE RELIGION OF THE
STARS, and as a naturalist, having been associated with clubs devoted to nature
study also for a long time, just now being president of The Nature Club of Southern
California. The only public enemies he has ever made, in so far as he is aware, have
been due to his religious views.

Jupiter is the ruler of the 7th in Conan Doyle’s chart, and is conjunction with Mars in
the 12th and square Neptune in the 11th. His open enemies, as well as those more
secret, were also due to his religious opinions.

Lloyd George, with Saturn in the 7th, contacted his public in the serious
statesmanship of handling practical affairs. He has had powerful public enemies
among the conservatives indicated by Saturn, and also among the socialists, as
indicated by Neptune in opposition to Saturn. As this is written the socialistic
opposition thus shown, headed by Ramsey MacDonald, has forced him into
comparative obscurity. But during the World War, Saturn in the house of war, trine
Venus and Mercury, enabled him as head of the British Government, to bring about
the defeat of her opponents.

Wm. Jennings Bryan, with Mars in the 7th, had open enemies of a different kind. His
peace-at-any-price caused army men to hate him, and his violent assaults on
intoxicants, also ruled by Mars, made the liquor interests furious. War caused him to
resign the most important office he ever held, and he was constantly fighting for the
under dog. It was this willingness to fight for the interests of the common people, as
indicated by Mars in the 7th, sextile Moon in the 10th, that not only won him public
enemies, but which gave him the great popularity that he deservedly possessed.


–The experiences with long journeys, and the thoughts and feelings so engendered,
are retained in the stellar cells of the compartment mapped by the 9th house; and
those derived from short journeys are a part of the composition of the stellar structure
mapped by the compartment of the astral body mapped by the 3rd house.

The more activity these stellar cells, and the stellar structures they form, possess the
more strongly are journeys attracted into the life. But, as accentuating this influence,
the three travel plants, Mercury, Moon and Uranus also must be considered. Their
stellar structures, to the extent these planets are prominent and have powerful
aspects, tend toward not merely mental activity, but also toward change and travel.

But the circumstances surrounding the journeys are to be judged from the 9th house
for long journeys and from the 3rd house for short journeys. In compiling the
information on journeys in the reference book, When and What Events Will
Happen,* in which 100 long journeys and 100 short journeys are analyzed,
it was evident that progressed aspects to the travel planets made travel more certain,
but that people do not take journeys under progressed aspects to these or other planets
unless at the same time, in the case of long journeys there is a progressed aspect to the
ruler of the 9th, and in the case of a short journey there is a progressed aspect to the
ruler of the 3rd.

What fortune or misfortune accompanies such journeys, and the general nature of
them, must also be judged from the planet ruling the house in the birth-chart. If Mars
is in the 3rd, short journeys will be accompanied by strife or danger. If Uranus is chief
ruler of the 3rd, short journeys will be taken abruptly and with little preparation. If
Saturn is chief ruler of the 9th, long journeys will be tiresome and laborious. If
Neptune is in the 9th, sea journeys are indicated, or at least the long journeys will
have a romantic setting.

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