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How to Act Under Adverse Progressed Aspects

By imponderable forces I refer to all those energies recognized by occult science
which as yet have not been investigated by the leading authorities of material
science. The objects of our environment, for instance, radiate an energy which has an
influence upon our lives. The thoughts of living people impinge upon our
consciousness. Under certain circumstances those who have passed to the next life
can contact us. Aside from their thoughts, the actions of people have a suggestive
force. The press commonly shades the news it reports in such a manner as to enlist
our sympathies with its views. Religious and other rituals come to our attention.
Astrological energies stimulate our thoughts and actions. And there is the whole
subject of ceremonial magic. All these influences, which though imponderable, may
nevertheless exert an influence upon human life, are embraced by our subject.

progressed aspects


–Some people would say a belief that any of the things mentioned has an influence
in our lives is pure superstition. Yet my object in here discussing them is, in as far as
possible, to banish superstition.

Superstition, according to Webster’s New International Dictionary, is, “An
excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is unknown or mysterious; hence the
attitude of mind of a person or persons whose beliefs are regarded as false and as
leading to idle or foolish practices; especially a religious belief regarded as irrational
and misleading.”

Now it is true that so long as an effect is observed to be produced by an unknown
force, and so long as something is shrouded in mystery, there is apt to be excessive
reverence and fear. Therefore the best way to remove that excessive reverence and
fear is not to deny the effect, which people actually see for themselves is produced,
but to find out just how it is produced.

If the energy actually is inimical to human welfare, or to the welfare of some
individual, denying its existence will not prevent its operation. But whenever it is
fully understood and is no longer wrapped in mystery, a means can be devised to
render it harmless. Thus superstition is not banished by ignoring a situation. But by a
full understanding of a situation it may be shown harmless and unworthy of fear; or if
really inimical, a means can be devised to counteract it and make it no longer
something which excites fear.

So in this Course I shall delve into all sorts of peculiar corners of existence, and shall
even explain the principles of such forbidden things as sorcery, necromancy, black
magic, and witchcraft. Not to induce fear, but to banish all fear of them. When they
are really understood, they perhaps cannot be denied, but, because understanding
them makes them harmless, at least they will no longer be reverenced or feared.

People are not superstitious because they believe in these things, but because they
have an irrational dread of them. And even about things that do not specially excite
horror, I find that numerous people are very superstitious; for they greatly exaggerate
the influence certain things exert.

The most powerful of all imponderable forces to influence our lives are our own
thoughts. But because in other Courses I have discussed their use and influence in
great detail, here I shall consider them only in so far as may be necessary to
understand the operation of other energies.

Next to our own thoughts in their ability to influence our lives, and therefore the first
imponderable force here to be considered, I believe astrological influences are the
most powerful. And although there are seven different Brotherhood of Light Courses
devoted to these influences, I find the present Course would be incomplete without
one lesson devoted to their discussion. Especially is this true because, although they
have a very real power, they are the objects of so much superstition.

The very first contact a person makes with astrology may be through a birthday
reading. Now the zodiacal sign in which the Sun was located at birth usually
impresses its quality upon the individual; but this is a single one of many positions
which must be considered to give even a character reading. Without looking in an
ephemeris for the year, the birthday denotes only the sign and degree of the zodiac the
Sun was in at birth. And while the aspects made by the transiting planets to the place
of the Sun, thus located, are not without some effect, they certainly are not of
sufficient consequence to form the basis of a reading of what is going to happen to the
individual during the year.

As there are some 1,800,000,000 people in the world, a “horoscope” based merely
upon the month of birth is equally applicable to about 150,000,000 persons. And a
“horoscope” for the year based merely upon the day of the month of birth, such as the
printed day by day readings issued in vast quantities, and the birthday information
published in some of the daily papers, is equally applicable to some 5,000,000 other
persons in the world. One certainly wants something more individualized and
specific as a guide to his endeavors.

The Daily Aspectarian

–In the ephemeris, and in other publications, all the aspects that occur between the
planets for each day are listed. After these aspects are usually to be found symbols or
words denoting whether the aspect, and therefore the day, is good or bad.

Now I have known people so superstitious–using the word as indicating an
exaggerated fear or reverence–that they will hardly stir out of the house on any day
thus indicated to be unfortunate. Yet we must consider that all the eighteen-hundred
million people in the world are subject to every aspect thus shown. Surely, all these
people do not suffer misfortune on such days, as they go about their daily

Exceptionally heavy afflictions thus shown, and exceptionally heavy benefic
aspects, it is true, are reflected by world conditions. But even the affairs of nations,
and the current events that are of importance enough to be given prominent headlines
in the daily papers, require more specific information than can be gained from the
aspects as shown in the ephemeris. That is, to make accurate predictions from day to
day as to what events of importance will happen in a country or city, a horoscope
erected for a specific hour and minute of a given day at a definite longitude and
latitude is necessary.

Except for some quite extraordinary aspects, such as occur at intervals of many years,
any specific predictions as to what will happen at any given place on a given day
requires either a cycle chart erected for the place, or the horoscope of the place; and it
is better to have both.

Because there is a severe affliction to Mars on a given day, as shown in the
ephemeris, it is quite likely that if a census of the world could be taken that it would
show more than the average number of accidents. But if you expect to verify
predictions of this kind by newspaper headlines, you will be disappointed. We have
tested out such influences very thoroughly in our research department. They are so
general in character as to produce no results that are pronounced enough and reliable
enough to warrant making predictions. And if the tendency to accident on such a day
is so unreliable as to make predictions unwarranted, it seems to me that to permit such
an aspect to deter one from going about one’s daily affairs is an exhibition of

However, if you will erect a Mars Cycle chart for the place where you reside, you will
find when Mars moves to a strong aspect to any planet in an angle in this chart that
you can predict events of the nature of Mars as affecting the things indicated by the
house of the chart occupied by the aspected planet, and that this prediction can later
be verified. In our weekly evening Mundane astrology class we make predictions for
each day of the week for a week in advance. And for a score of years such predictions
have been fully verified. And if you will watch the reports in the daily papers on those
days when Mars makes aspects to the planets as they appear in the Mars Cycle chart,
you will perceive that every strong aspect that Mars thus makes is coincident with
noticeable fires, accidents and violence.

So if you were to guide your daily affairs by aspects so general in nature that they
affect the world, the country, or even the city where you reside, as a whole, it would
be much better to refer to the aspects in these Cycle charts, because these aspects are
reliable enough in the effect they produce on groups of people that you may be sure
some of the group is going to be influenced in a very definite way.

I am not trying to disparage the use of the aspectarian in the ephemeris. Instead, I am
pointing out that many people try to make it do something which is not its true
function. They try to make the daily aspectarian do work that is the specific function
of a personal chart.

Now, on the other hand, when you commence some definite venture, or even take the
initiative, such as going to a tradesman for a purchase, or set the time for an
interview; because this is the birth of the thing at hand, so to speak, the aspects as
shown in the ephemeris become important. You can prove this by erecting the charts
for the commencement of a large series of ventures, and noting how their success or
failure compares with the aspects ruling the ventures in these charts.

In view of actual results that have followed starting ventures when the planets
favored them, as contrasted with the failures shown when ventures were started
under adverse aspects, you are fully warranted in choosing a time when the planetary
positions favor it to start any venture of importance. Furthermore, if you will check
up on your successes and failures in interviews, you will find that it is quite worth
while to have the planets, as shown in the aspectarian, favoring you when you have
such an appointment, and also, when possible, to have the interview fall in a
planetary hour favorable to the issue as you desire it.

If you are compelled to take issue with another, it is to your advantage to go to him
while there is a good aspect applying to Mars. If you would make a sale, do not
overlook the aspects to Jupiter. And if you would buy a bargain, see to it that Saturn
has a strong and favorable aspect on that day. Even these aspects, however, are quite
subordinate to the Major and Minor progressed aspects in your birth-chart. But they
have value enough to warrant you taking the trouble to notice them. They give the
best conditions that are obtainable under your heavier personal progressed aspects.

But for all things that are already commenced, and in the conduct of the everyday
affairs of life in which no new thing is started and no especial initiative is used, I
believe paying much attention to the aspects as they appear in the daily aspectarian is
a waste of time that should be devoted to things more specific to your own chart. That
is, other than in such ways as I have signified, your attention should be given to the
influences that come specifically to you, rather than such general and vague
conditions as are shown in the ephemeris. And to have fear merely because the daily
ephemeris shows heavy evil aspects is to exaggerate their importance far beyond
what experience shows to be their real power.

Your own observation will quickly convince you, if you watch the affairs of others,
that some people have very good luck and other people have very bad luck, in
practically every department of life during every day of the year. But you also
probably have discovered that during certain periods all the “breaks” are in your
favor, and that during other periods all the “breaks” are against you. And there are
still other times when success comes almost without effort in one department of your
life, yet in spite of all your efforts there is loss or failure at the same time in some other

This is because you are a unique individual, the thought-cells of whose finer body is
acted upon by the rays from the planets in a way different than they act upon the
thought-cells of any other person in the world just at the same time. How the world is
affected by planetary rays can be discerned only from a world chart. And how any
particular individual is acted upon by planetary energies, as a distinct member of a
larger group, can be determined only by comparing a map of his astral body with a
map of subsequent planetary positions. That is, to determine how planetary energies
will affect one individual differently than other individuals, we must possess his

To be specific, there are three distinct types of astrological influences operative in
every person’s life, each of which is of more importance to him than the various
aspects shown in the aspectarian of the current ephemeris. They are: 1. Major
progressed aspects. 2. Minor progressed aspects. 3. Transit aspects. Each of these
three as calculated specifically in relation to himself, which means, in relation to his
own timed chart of birth.

Rely on Major Progressed Aspects

–Of these three types of influence, I believe that commonly only the major
progressed aspects are of sufficient power to determine whether or not an individual
is warranted in entering upon some important undertaking. Both minor progressed
aspects and transit aspects are sufficiently important to receive consideration; but the
broad outlines of one’s endeavors, I believe, should always be determined by a
thorough consideration of the birth-chart in relation to the major progressed aspects
operating at a given time.

I consider that any individual can only live to his maximum when he has studied his
birth-chart sufficiently to know in what departments of life he may expect difficulties
and in what departments he may expect favors; and then at all times keeps apprised of
just what major progressed aspects are delivering planetary energy to him. With this
information at hand, and properly assimilated, he is in a position to weigh accurately
the possibilities of every apparent opportunity or apparent obstacle that comes to

But certainly this does not mean that because he is under adverse progressed aspects
he should cease effort, have fear, or fail to take hold of ventures that promise success.
If the aspects in the birth-chart are harmonious, he may be able to make a success of a
venture in spite of progressed afflictions.

If a man is a good mountain climber, he may be able to reach the top of the mountain
in spite of a snowstorm. The same snowstorm would probably make it impossible for
a weaker climber to reach the top. If the weaker man knew he would be caught in a
snowstorm, he no doubt would avoid disaster by not attempting the climb. Yet the
stronger man might set out in spite of knowing he would encounter a snowstorm. But
it certainly would be to his advantage, because it would enable him to prepare for it,
to know that he would have to fight his way through the snow.

Now I submit that neither the stronger nor the weaker man could prevent the
snowstorm arriving on its destined day. Nor can we, no matter how strong, prevent
the arrival of those astral discords shown by inharmonious progressed aspects. But in
either case we can estimate our strength to overcome such a storm, and whether or not
it is wiser to try to push through it, to await a more favorable time, or to abandon the
venture entirely.

Yet when I speak of strength, I speak not of physical courage and mental ability, but
of the harmony and power of the thought-cells of the astral body, as shown by the

Of this you may be sure, that as the heavier major progressed aspects form in your
chart, some of the things signified by the departments of life mapped by the houses
occupied by the aspecting planets will be brought prominently into your life. Some of
the things thus brought will be optional with you whether or not you will accept them.
Concerning other things, such as the loss of acquaintances through death, you will
have no option.

Most Events Are Optional

–Of the optional matters–such as whether or not you will go into some business,
whether or not you will accept some position of importance, whether or not you will
remove your home, marry, take a trip, form a friendship, or what not–your decision
should be guided not merely by the progressed aspects operative, but by a careful
consideration of these in relation to the harmony or discord shown governing the
matter at hand in the birth-chart, and in relation to past conditioning and present

Just what can, and just what cannot, be done under any given set of progressed
aspects is a subject of Brotherhood of Light Astrological Research, based upon what
people have been able to do, and what people have failed to accomplish, under
different charts and different progressed aspects. I believe from a careful analysis of
the various progressed aspects operative at any particular time, and of the
background and past conditioning and present environment, in comparison with the
possibilities shown in the birth-chart, it is possible to determine in advance whether
an individual can, or cannot, make a success of a venture then entered into.

Furthermore, such an analysis will indicate how great are the obstacles that must be
overcome, and how severe the opposition. In regard to the important developments
of life, we are perfectly warranted in being guided in our decisions as to acceptance or
rejection, and in our various undertakings, chiefly by the birth-chart as modified by
major progressed aspects. Minor progressed aspects and transit aspects have quite
discernible influence, and are of great importance as influencing the details within
the larger trends which are indicated by the major progressed aspects.

Even in those things in which choice seems to be curtailed, it is as foolish to consider
astrological influences in terms of compulsion as it is to think of the weather in terms
of compulsion. It is true, of course, that there are things we can do successfully only
when the weather is clear and fine. Yet most of us find other things that are well worth
doing even when the weather is most inclement.

If you wish to photograph landscape, a rainstorm may make this impossible. But if
you knew this rainstorm was approaching, and just when it would arrive, you would
not try to take out-of-door pictures at that time. Instead, you would have arranged
your affairs so that you could take pictures indoors by artificial light, or you would
turn your attention during the stormy weather to something other than picture taking.

Of course, if instead of a severe storm, you had discerned that the day would only be
somewhat cloudy, you might have prepared to take the pictures anyway. You could
have given a longer exposure, and otherwise taken additional pains. So also if the
progressed aspect storm was comparatively mild you might have put forth the effort
to overcome whatever obstacles it held. But if the storm was severe enough, in spite
of all your pains and efforts, it would have been impossible to get good landscape
pictures. And knowing that such a rain, or astrological progressed aspect, was at
hand, you would not attempt it, but would turn your energies into something you
could do even while it rained.

Just How to Regard Major Progressed Aspects

–Now if you will regard the birth-chart as a map of yourself, as an accurate map of
your aptitudes and of your character, and therefore, of your tendency to attract certain
conditions into your life, you will have the right conception of it.

Then, if you consider every progressed aspect and position as a definite weather
condition–not a general weather condition, but as a weather condition affecting
only specific departments of your particular life–you will have as clear a picture of
their method of influence as can be obtained. They are, of course, truly astral storms
and astral sunshine; but because of the high-velocity properties of the astral world,
they affect you in a way they do not affect others, and they affect you only through
certain departments of life, and not through other departments.

It may be that you have a crop growing in the field, and the government weather
bureau sends out a frost warning. You cannot prevent the weather thus turning cold,
nor can you prevent a Saturn progressed affliction from having a chill and depressing
affect on conditions. Knowing that such conditions are at hand you may be able to do
something to save your crop, to insure it, or to mitigate the loss. Then again, you may
be so situated that nothing can save this particular crop. Or, speaking of progressed
aspects, you may be already in business in such a way that a severe affliction to
Saturn in your chart by progression is certain to bring you heavy loss in spite of
anything you can do.

But because the weather bureau sends out a warning that it is going to freeze, that it is
going to rain, that it is going to hail, or that it is going to blow a gale, should cause no
person to cringe with fear.

Fear gives no help, and paralyzes effort. Every such weather warning, or astrological
warning, presents a definite problem. That problem is: What is the very best thing to
do under the approaching atmospheric or astral condition? In every such instance
there is always a best solution to the problem. Usually Precautionary Actions can be
taken to ameliorate the difficulty. But even when nothing can be done to prevent loss,
the issue can be met courageously, spiritual values can be gained from it, and the
attention can be turned to something else that offers better promise.

Because Course IX goes into the details of counteracting astrological influences
through the deliberate use of specifically selected thoughts, I shall here neglect that
phase. But entirely aside from thought-power to annul the influence of undesirable
astrological vibrations, there is always, in any person’s life at any time, somewhat
more sunshine in one department than in some other department. That is, no matter
how terrific the astrological storm may be, it never strikes all phases of the life with
equal intensity. Under a whole group of adverse progressed aspects the sky may not
be wholly clear in any region but, resulting from the structure of the birth-chart alone,
there is sure to be less storm in one section than in other sections. And an analysis of
the birth-chart and the major progressed aspects will reveal this least afflicted area, as
well as those where the elements rage fiercest.

Even when it is possible to do so, I do not advise that you should always avoid the
stormy areas. Such departments of your life as are indicated by the houses in which
planets are located that make strong progressed aspects are sure to come into
prominence under these aspects. If the progressed aspect is favorable, go ahead to the
extent warranted by the possibilities of the birth-chart. And even if the progressed
aspect is somewhat adverse, a careful survey of your birth-chart, and a gauge of the
probable force of the affliction, may convince you that you can win out in spite of the
temporary astrological storm. Or a matter of principle may be involved, causing you
to feel that even though you are sure to be severely battered in the encounter, it is
better to fight and suffer than to sidestep the issue.

The storm warnings which major progressed aspects give should not serve the
purpose of frightening you, or deterring you from undertaking anything possible to
accomplish. But they should, and they do, when correctly understood, indicate the
times of approaching sunshine or storm, as affecting each section of your life. They
give you definite information when you will have difficulties to overcome in each
department of life. And by giving you a measure of the help or hindrances you are
quite sure to encounter in each line during a given period, they enable you to count
the probable cost of victory. By pointing out the cost of victory, and whether it is
possible even by paying the price, your major progressed aspects taken with your
birth-chart, give you a weather map that serves accurately to guide you as to whether
any particular venture is worth while.

Furthermore, if you decide effort in one field is useless, or that to accomplish some
particular thing will cost too much in energy expended, this astro-weather map also
indicates to you in what departments, at any given time, there is most sunshine and
least storm, and therefore, about what measure of success may be expected from a
given amount of effort in each.

These major progressed aspects may come singly, but more often there are several
operating. Often at the same time there are storm signals where investment and
money matters are concerned there are fair weather signs over the areas devoted to
domestic life, over the areas devoted to social activities, or over the areas devoted to
building up the health and vitality. When such is the case, in so far as practicable, if
you will turn your attention more to these latter departments your gains will be more

When several major progressed aspects are thus present at the same time it is quite
possible that each will work out very largely in its own terms. If one is decidedly
discordant, some unfortunate event may be attracted bearing the characteristics of
these planets and affecting the department of life ruled by one of these planets. And if
another major progressed aspect is quite harmonious, some other event may occur
almost at the same time which is decidedly fortunate, bearing the characteristics of its
planets and affecting the department of life ruled by one of these planets. Thus an
individual may have an accident on a journey at the very time he acquires a large
estate through inheritance. In such instances RALLYING FORCES have very little

But it is more common than otherwise for the individual to react so strongly in his
thinking and feeling to some one of the progressed aspects present, usually the most
powerful one, that his nervous system keeps tuned to its frequencies. And the
nervous system, through the electrical currents flowing over it is tuned, by the
thoughts and emotion to pick up, radio fashion, the type of planetary energy,
including its harmony or discord, corresponding to these thoughts and feelings. The
nerve currents thus serve as conductors to the terminals of all the aspects. If, as is
common, the nervous system through the thoughts and feelings engendered, keeps
tuned to the energies of the dominant progressed aspect, these find their way, through
the short circuit thus provided by the electrical energies, not only to the thought-cells
mapped at the terminals of this aspect, but also to the terminals of other aspects,
including all the other major progressed aspects, which are giving energy to the
thought-cells. And thus the dominant progressed aspect becomes a RALLYING
FORCE which influences what happens relative to the departments of life reached by
other progressed aspects.

While RALLYING FORCES made possible by the feelings and thoughts stimulated
by the dominant progressed aspect rather commonly dominate a period, the
individual, by persistently cultivating the thoughts and feelings characteristic of
some weaker progressed aspect which is also operative, can cause its energies to be
the dominant factor of the period. In other words, RALLYING FORCES often can be
used to attract the kind of events desired rather than the kind that otherwise would
have come into the life.

But other than through the short circuit provided by RALLYING FORCES, which is
made possible by the thoughts and feelings, the astral weather influences the
thought-cells, and therefore the life, only in those departments of the life shown by
the houses ruled by the aspecting planets. And whether RALLYING FORCES are
present or not, the astral weather influences the life only through the avenues
characteristic of the planets involved in the aspect. These are the chief avenues
through which each of the ten planets affect the life.

SUN: Any progressed aspect of the Sun affects the vitality, the significance, and the

MOON: Any progressed aspect of the Moon affects the mental attitude, the
domestic life, and the everyday affairs.

MERCURY: Any progressed aspect of Mercury affects the mental interests, the
facility or accuracy of expression, and increases the cerebral activity.

VENUS: Any progressed aspect of Venus affects the emotions, the social relations,
and the artistic appreciation.

MARS: Any progressed aspect of Mars brings strife, haste and increased
expenditure of energy.

JUPITER: Any progressed aspect of Jupiter affects the individual through
abundance, increased optimism, and joviality.

SATURN: Any progressed aspect of Saturn brings work, responsibility, and
economy or loss.

URANUS: Any progressed aspect of Uranus affects through something sudden,
through a human agency, and brings change into the life.

NEPTUNE: Any progressed aspect of Neptune increases the imagination, increases
the sensitivity, and attracts schemes.

PLUTO: Any progressed aspect of Pluto affects through groups, through subtle
force, and brings coercion or cooperation.

What To Do In An Astral Storm

–If there are storm signals from a certain house, unless sunshine is present from
some RALLYING FORCE you may be sure of a storm in that department of life. But
that does not signify you cannot receive help, even in this matter, from some other
house where there is sunshine. But if you are to get assistance from this other
department of your life to help you weather the storm in the one department, that help
must come through the other department; it cannot come through the department
where the storm is raging.

Here is a common example of what I mean: A man runs for some political office at a
time when the ruler of his 10th (honor and credit) is afflicted by major progression.
Now all the difficulties shown by this aspect will arrive; that is, bad weather will set
in so far as his honor is concerned. No matter how bright and shining some other
department of life may be by reason of favorable aspects, the storm shown will strike
him in the matter of his honor.

But if, at the same time, his chart shows a fine sunshiny spell where his 11th house is
concerned (his friends), he may look for great help from his friends. Now a friend
may lend one an umbrella, a friend may come out in a boat and rescue one from
drowning, or a friend may be of various kinds of assistance in a storm or deluge. So
while the storm rages, as indicated by the affliction in his house of honor; his friends
may be loyal enough, and have ability enough, to rescue him from what otherwise
would be a 10th house disaster. And many a man has obtained political office when
by progression his 10th was badly afflicted, by at the same time having strong
benefic aspects from the house of friends, or from the house of money. These aspects
have not been to the ruler of the 10th, but he obtained money enough to buy his way,
or his friends were good enough to carry him, through the storm in his 10th.

I do not think that any person, no matter whom he may be, can get the utmost out of
life without the astro-weather map furnished by his birth-chart and major progressed
aspects. If you are discerning, even though you are no expert in astrology, you
quickly come to know just about how hard it is, on the average, to make satisfactory
progress in each field of your interest.

Your Own Weather Chart

–You should have at hand, at all times, a birth-chart, with all the major progressed
aspects that are within one degree of completion marked down at the side of it; and
the date when each of these major progressed aspects is completed; or if past, when it
was completed. Just bear in mind that each such progressed aspect, at all times while
within one degree of perfect, tends either to sunshine or storm in the department of
life ruled by each planet. The closer the progressed aspect comes to completion, the
more violent the storm, or the more balmy the sunshine, as the case may be.

Do not think, however, that the event indicated by this storm or sunshine necessarily
will arrive exactly on the date when the progressed aspect is complete. It may do so,
of course. That is, you may have enough pressure brought to bear upon you just when
the storm rages fiercest that you then go out into it. Or it may be that the sunshine is so
alluring when strongest that you are impelled right then to take advantage of it. But,
on the other hand, while the aspect is within one degree of perfect, yet not complete,
or even past completion, there may be minor progressed aspects, or even strong
transits, that in combination with the influence of physical environment cause you to
move into such sunshine or storm as is signified by the heavier progressed aspect.

Yet you should get this clear in your mind: that even when you feel no effect of such
astro-weather conditions, if the major progressed aspect is within one degree of
perfect, the storm is there, or the sunshine is there, which it indicates. Your not being
affected by it is due to your remaining within an appropriate shelter. That is, you have
refused to become active within the departments of life affected by the progressed

Minor Progressed Aspects and Transits

–And right here Minor progressed aspects, and to a less extent Transits, come in.
For during a storm in a certain department of life, a Minor progressed aspect or even a
strong Transit aspect may come along from one of the planets involved in the storm.
If the Minor progressed aspect or Transit aspect is also stormy, it indicates a gust
added to the strength of the general storm for a few days, which added violence may
precipitate the condition threatened by the storm. But if the Minor progressed aspect
or Transit aspect is itself sunshiny in nature, it indicates that within the storm there is
a glimpse of fine weather. And because of this illusory promise of fair weather you
may be lured into the storm Yet the storm as a whole may be so strong that the little
bright spot in it has no power to afford shelter.

Thus while a major progressed aspect affecting a certain department of life is
operating strongly, any minor progressed aspect or transit aspect also directly
affecting that department of life is likely to indicate the time of its most pronounced
effect. Under such astro-weather conditions, when action becomes necessary, it is
better to avoid even the good minor progressed aspects and transit aspects of the
planets causing the more general storm. Instead, action should be taken under
whatever indirect shelter can be found in the sunshiny minor progressed aspects and
transit aspects of planets not directly involved in the storm.

Timid People

–I have seen people, and so have you, who dash madly to cover if even a gentle
spring shower comes up. Just a pleasant breeze is sufficient excuse for them to
neglect their daily duties. And there are astrological students who are frightened over
any little discord that shows up in the progressed aspects of their chart. Neither of
these groups gets very far in life. They lack the very essence of success, which is
discretion and courage.

Let me implore you not to scan your chart to find something to fear. If a government
weather map gives you a nervous chill when it shows a little bad weather ahead, it is
better for you not to see such a map. Our desire to know what kind of physical
weather will be at hand on a certain day is not so we can run like a whipped cur if we
perceive it is to be cloudy. It is so we can go about the necessary duties of life in
greater comfort and with greater efficiency than we otherwise could. If it is necessary
for us to go to the office, we go in spite of impending rain; but we take along an
umbrella or a raincoat to use when we are on the way home.

A chart showing there will be a late frost does not prevent us from planting our crop;
it just enables us to delay planting until the indicated frost has passed.

So, with a map of the major progressed aspects for your chart before you, try to
realize that every discordant progressed aspect signifies stormy weather in the
departments of your life it influences; and every harmonious progressed aspect
signifies fine, clear weather in the departments of your life it influences. Such
weather obtains all the time the aspect is within one degree of perfect, but grows in
intensity up to the time the aspect is complete, then gradually diminishes. From this,
together with the birth-chart, try to form a clear image in your mind just how strong
the storms, or the fair conditions, are as affecting each of your affairs.

Then, with this information before you, plan your life accordingly. Do not be afraid
of storms; getting a little wet may be good for you in the long run. Going out in the
wind once in a while may wake you up. But, at least, know where and when the
storms are, and where and when is the clear fine weather. And then adjust your life by
the aid of this information. As a trader uses the market quotations to guide his buying
and selling, use the knowledge of your major progressed aspects as the chief guide to
all your activities.

House Transits

–I am not advising you completely to ignore transits and minor progressed aspects.
Look upon the transits of the slowly moving planets through the houses of your chart,
not as storms and spells of brightness, but as seasons that are unusually hot, unusually
cold, unusually wet, or unusually windy. The transits of the planets through the
houses do not give rise to storms and sunshine governing the departments of life so
affected. They give seasons of a certain type, within which the sunshine and storm
indicated by progressed aspects take place. As seasons of a particular type they
deserve consideration.

Less Important Affairs

–But the minor progressed aspects and heavier transit aspects, such as the
conjunction of a planet with the degree on the ascendant, or the degree occupied in
the birth-chart by a planet, are not so general. They are little spells, within the larger
storms or fine periods. In themselves they are not strong enough to produce weather
of such permanence as to offer great hindrance or great help. Yet they do indicate the
little flurries of rain, the brief gusts of wind, and the other temporary weather
conditions that often make for the success or defeat of our day to day or week to week

You can well afford to watch your heavier minor progressed aspects, and even some
of the heavier transit aspects; for within the more important periods, and when the
astral weather is little affected by major progressed aspects, they give you a map of
the days, and the weeks, when the astro-weather will favor or hinder your ventures.

In all those little affairs of life over which you have the power to choose whether you
will do a thing or not, and when you will do it, you will find that a knowledge of what
minor progressed aspects are operative will make your life far more pleasant and less
subject to discomfort and little annoyances.

It is not a disaster to plan an outdoor picnic for a certain day, and to awaken on that
day to find it raining. Nor is it a matter of grave importance that you go on a visit to
relatives just when they have left for other parts, or their children have just been
quarantined for scarlet fever. But such things are awkward and annoying.

Then again, to go for a social evening with friends to find that they have just had one
of their quite infrequent but rather violent family rows, is somewhat disconcerting.

Yet for all such small occasions as I have mentioned, and the score of others that
readily come to your mind, if you will consult the astro-weather map of your minor
progressed aspects, you will be able to avoid picking the times when irritations are
sure to be in the offing. You can quite easily learn to pick fair-weather minor
progressed aspects for all these little ventures. Of course, if you ignore minor
progressed aspects entirely, yet have a thorough knowledge of your map of major
progressed aspects, you will be able to make a success of your life. You will take the
proper time for the big things, and direct your chief energies wisely. But if you do not
also know your minor progressed aspects. you will have to fight through a lot of
disagreeable trifles that they would enable you completely to avoid.


–At all times, regard your birth-chart as of far more consequence than any other
astrological influence. Consider it as a map of your character, your aptitudes, and
your peculiar susceptibility to certain types of astral storm or astral sunshine.

Next, consider only the major progressed aspects as of sufficient influence to afford a
reliable map to guide you in deciding the really important issues of your life. Yet
every major progressed aspect should be carefully weighed as to its possibilities and
probabilities. Gauge the volume of influence, the time when it reaches its maximum,
and the departments of life which it may influence, of every major progressed aspect.

But never consider progressed aspects as events in your life. Instead, look upon them
only as astro-weather conditions that either favor you or hinder you in specific hopes
and endeavors. So, weigh each carefully, to determine how best to act; for while you
cannot prevent the weather from being what it is, you can direct your actions under
such weather conditions as obtain.

Look upon the transit of a heavier planet through a house as a season corresponding
in quality to the planet, and as affecting the department of life ruled by that house.

Make use of minor progressed aspects and even of the stronger transit aspects; but
especially the minor progressed aspects of the Sun. Consider them merely as little
spells of sunshine or little squalls, within the astro-weather conditions shown by the
major progressed aspects.

Keeping in mind that the astro-weather conditions shown by the major progressed
aspects and minor progressed aspects are the most important influences that bear
upon the success of all ventures, when you commence something of importance, take
the initiative in any enterprise, or choose a day for some special purpose, also consult
the aspectarian in the back of the current ephemeris, and select a time which gives
strength and harmony to the planet ruling the particular venture.

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