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Headache – Mumps


Birth-chart constants: A wide variety, depending on the malady which expresses
as headache. A planet in Aries, especially if afflicted, tends toward headache.

Progressed constants: According to the disease, but made more likely by an aspect
involving Mars, and especially involving a planet in Aries.

Stellar Treatment: Headache may be due to afflictions of the nerves, to digestive
disturbances, to cold in the head, to fever resulting from infection, etc. Therefore,
before treatment, the disease must be determined of which it is the result. A neuralgic
headache needs different treatment than does one due to so-called biliousness. There
is nearly always congestion in the head, and this may be relieved by passes from the
top of the head downward, and through treating the congested area with lunar
electromagnetic energy. One of the most satisfactory ways of causing the pain to
cease is thus to bring about a redistribution of the electromagnetic energies of the
body. Reduction or removal of the pain, however, must not be considered as healing
the condition. The disease of which the headache is a manifestation should be
determined and treated.

Example: Chart 273. Female, March 29, 1896, 12:15 a.m. 122:30W. 38N. Sun in
Aries opposition Moon and M.C. Headaches since early childhood, due to digestive
(Moon and Mercury afflicted) trouble, and kidney (Moon afflicted in Libra) trouble.


Birth-chart constants: Sun afflicted or planet in Leo afflicted, at the same time the
constants for indigestion or stomach trouble are present.

Progressed constants: An aspect involving the Sun or planet in Leo at the same time
progressed constants for digestive disturbances are present.

Stellar Treatment: The usual cause of heart palpitation is in the digestive tract. Gas
distends the stomach and it presses against the heart impeding its action. This may
give rise to pain or to palpitation. Many people are led to believe they have heart
trouble by such pains or palpitation. And, in fact, after eating heavily of food which
does not digest, people do die because their heart is stopped by the pressure of the
stomach. But the primary difficulty to be treated is not the heart, but the digestive
disturbance. This requires proper diet and proper thinking, as well as applying the
planetary antidotes to the regions occupied by the planet mapping the cause of
indigestion. (See indigestion.)

Example: Chart 7269. Female, September 17, 1915, 10:00 a.m. CET. 7:40E. 45N.
Neptune in Leo square Asc. and opposition Uranus. Mars conjunction Saturn in
Cancer, Sun and Venus in Virgo opposition Jupiter. In December, 1940, as
progressed, with Mars conjunction Neptune p in Leo and semi-sextile Pluto r in
Cancer, had heart palpitation.


Birth-chart constants: An affliction in Leo, or the Sun severely afflicted.

Progressed constants: A progressed aspect involving the Sun, or involving the
planet in Leo, at the same time there are severe rallying forces.

Stellar Treatment: Heart trouble may result from rheumatic fever or other
infection. But it also may be due to depletion of front pituitary secretion or thyroxin,
or over-secretion of thyroxin which causes energy to be used too fast, weakening the
heart due to excessive strain. Hard work itself does not commonly place too great a
demand on the supply of thyroxin and front pituitary secretion. These glands do,
however, and especially the thyroid, respond with great sensitiveness to emotional
conditions. The feeling of hurry, of strain, or the forcing oneself to continue after one
feels exhausted, all tend unduly to deplete these hormones. It is not so much the work
accomplished, as it is the feeling of hurry, strain and high pressure which, through
glandular depletion or over stimulation, causes so many Americans to suffer from
heart trouble. Worry, in particular, reacts immediately upon the glands which are
responsible for normal heart action.Lying down for rest at given intervals, deliberateness in all actions, and especially a
philosophical and religious attitude (Jupiter) which banishes all stress and tendency
to excitement often permits those with severe heart trouble to live long lives. The diet
should contain iodine, manganese, vitamin A and vitamin B complex. The heart
itself should be given either lunar electromagnetic energy to sooth, or solar
electromagnetic energy to stimulate, as the case calls for. The affliction in Leo should
be given the energy of its planetary antidote, and the zone occupied by the Sun should
be given harmonious Jupiter planetary energy.

Example: Chart 7268. Female, February 13, 1880, 6:03 a.m. 81W. 41N. Sun square
Mars and M.C. March 20, 1947, as progressed, with Asc. square Sun r, Venus
semi-square Sun r, and Mercury square Mars p, had heart attack.


Birth-chart constants: Both Venus and Mars somewhat afflicted.

Progressed constants: An aspect involving Venus and an aspect involving Mars.

Stellar Treatment: Hemorrhoids or piles are dilated or varicose veins at the anus or
in the lower inch or two of the rectum. They may be caused by chronic constipation,
sedentary habits, congestion of the liver, and commonly in women due to the
pressure of a pregnant womb preceding childbirth. The bowels should be kept free
not through severe purgatives but through fruit in the diet. Being too much on the feet
increases the difficulty. Care should be taken against getting the feet wet and cold,
and cold seats should be avoided. The diet should be that advocated for an afflicted
Mars and an afflicted Venus. Saturn planetary energy should begiven the zone
occupied by Venus, and Moon planetary energy should be given the zone occupied
by Mars.

Example: Chart 7270. Female, January 22, 1888, 8:38 a.m. 73W. 43:30N. Venus
semi-square Sun and Mercury, Mars conjunction Uranus. November 24, 1947, as
progressed, with Venus square Pluto p, and Mercury sesqui-square Mars r, was
operated on to remove hemorrhoids.


Birth-chart constants: Heavy afflictions from Mars, and usually an afflicted planet
in Virgo, Libra or Scorpio.

Progressed constants: An aspect, usually an affliction, involving Mars.

Stellar Treatment: The stellar structure mapped by Mars should be given Moon
planetary energy, and any afflicted planet in Virgo, Libra or Scorpio should be given
the planetary energies of its antidote. Electromagnetic energies, both solar and lunar,
applied at an early date to the ruptured tissues, while the thoughts command them to
heal, is very effective. Such tissues should be held properly in contact by mechanical
means to enable the healing process to take place.

Example: Chart 305. Male, February 24, 1902, 4:25 a.m. 80W. 37:15N. Moon in
Virgo square Uranus and Neptune. Mars conjunction Sun and square Pluto. In
August, 1920, as progressed, with Mars opposition Moon r in Virgo, was ruptured.


Birth-chart constants: A prominent Sun and a heavily afflicted Saturn, or a
prominent Sun and a heavily afflicted Mars.

Progressed constants: An aspect involving the Sun, or an aspect involving Mars.

Stellar Treatment: The thyroid gland responds immediately to either Sun thinking
or Venus thinking. Under discordant Sun or Venus thinking, thyroxin is poured into
the blood stream, and this stimulates the heart and contracts the blood vessels. The
hormone of the gonad glands, responding to Venus or Mars, does likewise through
its action upon adrenalin. Cortin, which responds to Mars thoughts, and adrenalin
which is secreted by Mars thoughts of anger, irritation or haste, and by Saturn
thoughts of worry, anxiety or fear, contract the arterial blood vessels, stimulate the
circulation and raise the blood pressure even more violently than does thyroxin. The
feeling of strain, hurry, or the forcing oneself to continue after one feels exhausted,
also releases adrenalin. An acid blood stream causes the blood vessels to contract,
and thus raises the blood pressure.The diet should be such as to keep the blood stream slightly alkaline. Vegetable
juices and fruit juices are beneficial for this purpose. Thoughts should be cultivated
that will reduce the mental discord and pressure. Harmonious Jupiter thoughts are
recommended. The zone mapped by the Sun should be given both lunar
electromagnetic energy and Moon planetary energy. The zone mapped by the
afflicted Mars or the afflicted Saturn should receive the planetary energy of its

Example: Chart 286. Male, November 19, 1868, 6:30 a.m. 74:15W. 40:45N. Sun
conjunction Asc. and square Mars. December 23, 1926, as progressed, with Sun
conjunction Moon r, Mars conjunction M.C. r and inconjunct Jupiter r, and Neptune
square Uranus p (stroke), died of stroke due to high blood pressure.


Birth-chart constants: Venus and upper octave planets somewhat prominent and

Progressed constants: An aspect involving Venus at the same time there is an aspect
involving an upper-octave planet.

Stellar Treatment: The prominent or afflicted upper-octave planet depletes the
parathyrin supply, making for hypersensitivity. Because of the Venus influence the
hypersensitivity manifests through the skin. Frictions or conflicts of any kind within
the mind, or over mental activity, tend to disturb the proper action of the
parathyroids. Proper thinking is essential, as well as proper diet. The diet should be
that advocated for the responsible upper-octave planet, and should include calcium,
vitamin B-1 and vitamin D. The energy of the planetary antidote should be applied to
the zone mapped by the upper octave planet, and Saturn planetary energy should be
applied to the zone mapped by Venus.

Example: Chart 7271. Female, February 13, 1915, 11:00 p.m. 94:38W. 39:07N.
Venus semi-square Sun and Moon, sextile Mercury. Uranus conjunction Mars in an
angle, Sun and Moon trine Pluto. March 4, 1943, as progressed, with Venus
semi-sextile Venus r, Mercury r and Jupiter p, with Neptune inconjunct Sun r and
Moon r, and with Uranus sesqui-square Pluto r, developed hives.


Birth-chart constants: Upper-octave planet prominent and Mars and Venus

Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars and an aspect involving Venus at
the same time there are severe rallying forces.

Stellar Treatment: This is a skin disease due to infection with the impetigo germ.
To prevent the infection from spreading, the blisters or lesions should not be
fingered, and should be washed with an antiseptic lotion. When the scalp is affected,
the hair should be cut short, and white precipitate ointment applied. Lunar
electromagnetic energy may be applied to the region affected to soothe the itching.
Moon planetary energy should be applied to the zone mapped by Mars, Saturn
planetary energy should be applied to the zone mapped by Venus, and its planetary
antidote should be applied to the zone mapped by the significant upper-octave planet.

Example: Chart 7272. Male, June 30, 1934, 1:01 a.m. 122:30W. 37:45N. Uranus
conjunction Asc., Mars square Neptune, Pluto conjunction Mercury, Venus square
Saturn. In June, 1938, as progressed, with Mars trine Moon r, Venus semi-square
Mercury p and M.C. p, and M.C. opposition Mercury p, had impetigo.


Birth-chart constants: Afflicted planet either in Cancer or Virgo, or the Moon or
Mercury afflicted.

Progressed constants: Discordant aspect involving the planet in Cancer or Virgo, or
a discordant aspect involving the Moon or Mercury.

Stellar Treatment: The common causes of indigestion are errors in thinking and
errors in diet. Anger, worry and mental or physical overexertion releases adrenalin,
which withdraws the blood from the digestive tract. The individual must learn to
think and feel harmony, vigor and peace. Some stomachs are slow, and others handle
certain food combinations poorly, or not at all. Fats are hard for some to digest. Those
inclined to indigestion should not eat when very tired, immediately after undue
exposure to cold, when the emotions are aroused, or when the mind is very active.
The zone of the planet in Cancer or Virgo, or the zone occupied by Moon or Mercury,
whichever is chiefly responsible, should be given its planetary antidote, and the
digestive region should be treated with solar electromagnetic energy and Sun
planetary energy to give it vital power.

Example: Chart 278. Male, December 28, 1902, 4:00 a.m. 5W. 5N. Neptune in
Cancer opposition Sun, Moon opposition Pluto. In June, 1918, as progressed, with
Mercury semi-square Uranus p, Venus semi-square Moon r, and Venus inconjunct
Neptune r in Cancer, developed lasting indigestion.I


Birth-chart constants: Mars, Uranus, Saturn and Sun prominent.

Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars, an aspect involving Sun, an
aspect involving Uranus, and usually an aspect involving Saturn.

Stellar Treatment: The analysis of the charts and progressed aspects of 100 people
who have had infantile paralysis is given, with details of precautionary actions, in the
reference book, BODY DISEASE AND ITS STELLAR TREATMENT.1Wheninfantile paralysis is suspected, the individual should be put to bed at once and a
doctor called. Complete rest is essential, and the doctor can determine if it is infantile
paralysis, and if it is he can take steps to prevent the spread of the disease. Depending
on the area affected he may be able to advise certain mechanical measures that will be
helpful. When the acute stage is past, that which is needed is the reeducation of the
nerves and muscles. As precautionary measures the diet and thoughts indicated for
an afflicted Mars, Sun, Uranus and Saturn should be employed.

Example: Chart 287. Male, January 30, 1882 8:00 p.m. 74W. 41:45N. Mars and
Moon in angles, Saturn square Sun. In July, 1921, as progressed, with Pluto
semi-sextile Mars r, Sun semi-square Saturn r and Venus r, and Uranus trine Jupiter r,
had infantile paralysis.


Birth-chart constants: A prominent and usually afflicted Mars.

Progressed constants: An aspect, especially an affliction, involving Mars.

Stellar Treatment: Infection may be from a wide variety of viruses, bacteria or
protozoa. The more specific treatment depends upon the other constants and the
precise type of infection. But as cortin and adrenalin are the chief chemicals with
which the body fights invasion and neutralizes the toxins of invading organisms, the
thoughts and diet should be such as to strengthen the power of the adrenal glands.The diet should be low in protein, but there should be plenty of variety of the proteins,
and there should be plenty of vitamin A, vitamin B-1, vitamin C and iron. Moon
planetary energy should be applied to the zone occupied by Mars, and lunar
electromagnetic energy to the infected region.

1Out of Print. See Astrology: 30 Years Research.

Example: Chart 7273. Male, February 9, 1873, 4:00 a.m. 88:30W. 43N. Mars in an
angle inconjunct Mercury and Uranus. January 7, 1934, as progressed, with Mars in
Scorpio (nose) inconjunct Mercury r, Mercury p inconjunct Mars p, and Saturn
opposition Uranus p, contracted a dangerous infection of the nasal passage.


Birth-chart constants: Mars, Mercury and Neptune prominent.

Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars, an aspect involving Mercury, and
an aspect involving Neptune.

Stellar Treatment: The progressed aspect involving Neptune depresses the output
of cortin and adrenalin, the aspect involving Mars makes contact with the virus more
likely, and the aspect involving Mercury indicates the intestinal or respiratory tract is
subject to the disease. Rest is imperative to permit the body chemicals to neutralize
the toxins. Fruit juices and vegetable juices should be the only food until recovery is
well on its way. In Spanish Influenza any coarse food often perforates the walls of the
intestines. This caused the deaths of many in the epidemic of 1918. The juices build
up an alkaline resistance in the blood stream and thus help neutralize the toxins.
Exertion increases the toxins in the blood stream. The zone occupied by Mercury
should be given Jupiter planetary energy, and the zone occupied by Neptune should
be given Sun planetary energy. The thinking should be positive, and of the Sun type.

Example: Chart 7238. Male, January 23, 1897, 6:00 a.m. 74W. 40:43N. Mars trine
Sun, Mercury in an angle and sesqui-square Neptune. On February 1, 1919, as
progressed, with Mars sesqui-square Mercury r, Neptune sesqui-square Mercury r,
and Mercury sextile Uranus p and Saturn r, contracted influenza.


Birth-chart constants: Severely afflicted Mercury or Moon, usually both.

Progressed constants: Heavy afflictions, and nearly always a progressed aspect
involving Mercury or the Moon, usually an affliction.

Stellar Treatment: Insanity takes many different forms, and the factors other than
Mercury or Moon affliction vary with the form. In some forms the structure of the
brain is affected, in some there is a toxic condition affecting the brain, but in most
kinds there is only a dislocation of, or conflict between, mental factors. The effort
should be made to conciliate the conflicts, and to harmonize both the thought-cells
mapped by the Moon and those mapped by Mercury. Planetary energies which are
their antidotes should be applied to the zones mapped by the planets involved in
discordant progressed aspects.The solar plexus thought treatment is especially important in most forms.

Example: Chart 2141. Male, October 14, 1912, 4:00 a.m. 90W. 38:30N. Mercury
conjunction Mars and square Uranus and Neptune. Moon semi-square Sun, Mars and
Mercury, and opposition Saturn. In September, 1933, as progressed, with Mercury
sesqui-square M.C. p and inconjunct Pluto p, and with Sun conjunction Mars p,
became insane.


Birth-chart constants: Venus prominent and afflicted, and an affliction involving
an upper-octave planet.

Progressed constants: An aspect, usually an affliction, involving Venus, at the
same time there is an aspect to an upper-octave planet.

Stellar Treatment: Parathyrin deficiency, due to the action of the upper-octave
planet, induces hypersensitivity of the nerves. Under the Venus influence this is most
marked in the skin. The skin may not be able to contact wool without itching, certain
foods, especially those rich in fat or sugar may induce itching, certain weather
conditions may induce itching, or the itching may occur apart from discoverable
external cause. The individual should try to discover and avoid the external condition
that causes the itching, and he should adopt a diet and thinking which will strengthen
the parathyroid glands. Calcium, vitamin B-1 and vitamin D in particular are needed.
Saturn planetary energy should be applied to the zone occupied by Venus, and the
planetary energy of its antidote should be applied to the zone occupied by the
responsible upper-octave planet.

Example: Chart 7239. Male, November 2, 1927, 7:30 p.m. 0:10W. 5:37N. Venus
opposition Jupiter, Neptune square Mercury. In July, 1928, as progressed, with
Venus opposition Jupiter r, Sun semi-square Venus p, and M.C. sesqui-square Pluto
p, commenced itching which continued for years.


Birth-chart constants: Mars afflicted, and Jupiter or Saturn prominent and usually

Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars at the same time there is an aspect,
usually an affliction, involving Jupiter or Saturn.

Stellar Treatment: Bile is formed by the liver cells. If its passage through the ducts
into the duodenum is blocked it is absorbed into the blood and gives rise to jaundice.
It may be blocked by a parasitic worm (Mars), by a catarrhal (Jupiter) condition of the
lining of the duct, or by a growth or gall stones (Saturn). If Jupiter is involved in the
progressed aspects, rich foods should be avoided and the zone occupied by Jupiter
should be given Mercury planetary energy. If Saturn is involved the olive oil and
other treatment indicated for gall stones may be needed. But in all cases pains should
be taken that the diet causes the blood stream to be slightly alkaline. Moon planetary
energy should be given the zone occupied by Mars.

Example: Chart 289. Female, April 16, 1908, 1:00 a.m. 93:15W. 44:30N. Mars
sesqui-square Moon, Jupiter in an angle, Saturn conjunction Mercury. In January,
1931, as progressed, with Mars trine Moon r, Venus square Saturn r, Sun semi-square
Saturn r, and Mars semi-square Jupiter p, became jaundiced.


Birth-chart constants: A planet severely afflicted in Libra or Scorpio, or Venus or
Mars severely afflicted.

Progressed constants: An aspect, usually an affliction, involving the planet in Libra
or Scorpio, or involving Venus or Mars.

Stellar Treatment: The upper part of the kidneys is ruled by Venus, the lower part
by Mars. While the skin allows some of them to be eliminated, the kidneys are chiefly
responsible for filtering toxins and acids from the blood stream. Too much protein
places a strain both on the kidneys and the cortin supply. Alcohol is very hard on the
kidneys. The nuclei of red meat, when broken down, produces uric acid in quantity.
Weak kidneys deteriorate when called upon to filter too much such material. Thus
the blood stream should be kept slightly alkaline, foods hard on the kidneys should be
avoided, and the zone of the afflicted Mars or Venus or the afflicted planet in Libra or
Scorpio should be given the planetary energy of its antidote.

Example: Chart 2031. Male, November 11, 1909, 10:45 a.m. 74W. 40:43N. Jupiter
in Libra square Venus, Sun semi-square Venus, Mars square Pluto. February 13,
1915, as progressed, with Mercury in Scorpio sesqui-square Mars p, Venus
conjunction Asc. r, and Sun semi-square Asc. r, died of congested kidneys.


Birth-chart constants: A planet afflicted in Libra or Scorpio, or Venus or Mars
severely afflicted, at the same time Saturn is prominent and aspects the planet in
Libra or Scorpio or Venus or Mars.

Progressed constants: An aspect, usually an affliction, involving the planet in Libra
or Scorpio or Venus or Mars at the same time there is an aspect involving Saturn.

Stellar Treatment: In addition to the treatment indicated for kidney trouble, the diet
should be that favorable to a discordant Saturn, and Venus planetary energy should
be given the zone occupied by Saturn. The Saturn influence causes urinary calculi
–small concretions and brick-dust sediment–to be formed and passed in the urine,
accompanied by sharp pain in the kidneys, especially after severe jolting. Special
effort should be made through harmonious Venus thoughts and a diet rich in vitamins
and minerals to restore balance to the blood stream to prevent further deposits.

Example: Chart 290. Male, October 11, 1904, 1:00 p.m. 95:10W. 38:30N. Sun in
Libra opposition Jupiter and trine Saturn in an angle. Saturn square Moon and Venus.
In June, 1920, as progressed, with Mercury semi-square Mars p, Venus semi-square
Sun r, and Mars inconjunct Saturn r, suffered from kidney stone.


Birth-chart constants: A planet afflicted in Taurus, or Venus afflicted.

Progressed constants: An aspect involving the planet in Taurus or involving Venus
at the same time there is an aspect involving Mars and a discordant aspect.

Stellar Treatment: Laryngitis is made possible by a blood stream unable to oust
invading organisms, or through inhaling or swallowing irritating substances. The
resulting inflammation centers in the throat area due to the active and discordant
Venus or Taurus thought-cells. The individual should keep warm, remain in a room
of even temperature, and refrain from talking. A hot poultice over the throat often is
useful. The blood stream should be kept alkaline through proper diet. Fruit and
vegetable juices are good for this purpose. Ample vitamin A, vitamin E, iodine and
copper are needed. Wheat germ meal is a fine source of vitamin E. The zone occupied
by the afflicted planet in Taurus should receive the planetary energy of its antidote; if
Venus is afflicted, the zone it occupies should be given Saturn planetary energy. The
zone occupied by Mars should be given Moon planetary energy, and lunar
electromagnetic energy should be applied to the larynx.

Example: Chart 6303. Female, August 8, 1905, 10:00 a.m. 73W. 41:33N. Venus
conjunction Neptune and opposition Uranus. In June, 1917, as progressed, with
Venus sesqui-square Saturn r, Mars square Saturn p, and Asc. semi-sextile Mars r,
had laryngitis.


Birth-chart constants: Negative planets, especially Neptune and Saturn, prominent
and afflicted.

Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars and an aspect involving Neptune
or Saturn at the same time there are severe rallying forces.

Stellar Treatment: Poor elimination, low electromagnetic potential, inadequate
diet, and general lack of vigor predispose toward this disease. The progressed aspect
involving Mars attracts the invading bacillus leprae, and at the same time lowers the
output of cortin and adrenalin with which chemically to destroy the invading hordes.
The influence of Neptune also depresses the manufacture of these chemicals. Both
the diet and the thoughts should be such as to build up the vitality and increase the
positiveness. The diet should have wide variety in minerals, vitamins and proteins,
but not too great quantity of protein. Calcium and vitamin B-1 are especially needed.
To overcome the negativeness the attitude should be cultivated that any situation
which may arise will be completely handled, that there is power present to overcome
through constructive effort any difficulty which may arise, and that one is a
significant factor in the universal scheme. Sun planetary energy should be applied to
the zones occupied by Saturn and Neptune, and Moon planetary-energy to the zone
occupied by Mars.

Example: Chart 291. Female, April 29, 1899, 9:30 a.m. 158W. 21:15N. Moon
opposition Neptune and Asc. and conjunction Saturn. Sun sesqui-square Saturn.
Venus in an angle square Moon. In November, 1920, as progressed, with Mercury
square Mars r, Neptune opposition Saturn r, and Mars sesqui-square Moon r,
developed leprosy.


Birth-chart constants: Mars afflicted and Saturn and Neptune prominent, usually

Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars, an aspect involving Saturn, and
an aspect involving Neptune at the same time there are severe rallying forces.

Stellar Treatment: Foods should be selected which supply a wide variety of
proteins, vitamins and minerals. As the end sought is the manufacture of enough
normal red blood cells and a decrease in the manufacture of white cells, vitamin A,
vitamin B-1, vitamin C and iron are important in the diet. In this disease there is an
outstanding disturbance of ability to handle vitamin B-1. Especially should all
negative moods be avoided, and a high electrical potential should be cultivated by
positive optimistic thinking. Harmonious thoughts of the Sun type are especially
needed. Sun planetary energy should be applied to the zones occupied by Saturn and
Neptune, and Moon planetary energy should be applied to the zone occupied by

Example: Chart 6212. Female, January 28, 1920, 10:30 a.m. CST. 84W. 39:45N.
Mars square Mercury, Saturn semi-square Mars, Neptune opposition Sun. June 3,
1940, as progressed, with Sun trine Mars r, Mars trine Pluto p, Mercury opposition
Saturn p, and M.C. conjunction Neptune r, died of leukemia.


Birth-chart constants: Jupiter prominent and afflicted.

Progressed constants: An aspect, usually an affliction, involving Jupiter.

Stellar Treatment: The liver, ruled by Jupiter, is the great chemical factory and
storehouse of the body. The products formed by digestion of foods are carried to it by
the portal vein. The liver converts these products of digestion into other substances,
breaking some down and building others up, as required. Glucose derived from sugar
and starch is converted into glycogen for storage. When needed, the stored glycogen
is reconverted into glucose for distribution as fuel. Protein foods are broken down
into simple substances for use of the body, the end product, urea, being discharged
from the liver to be excreted by the kidneys. Bile, formed in the liver, is not merely a
digestive juice, but also conveys from the body waste products of the liver’s activity.
And the liver itself converts toxic matter absorbed from the bowels into harmless
substances that are then excreted by the kidneys.As the digested food must be handled by the liver, most liver trouble is due to
overtaxing its storage or destructive power. Too rich a diet, or too toxic a blood
stream, may cause it to become diseased. The diet should contain sulphur, and should
contain a minimum of sugar and fat. Cane sugar should be avoided. Most people
handle fructose, the sugar of fruits and honey, much better. Mercury planetary
energy should be applied to the zone occupied by Jupiter.

Example: Chart 7060. Male, January 6, 1899, 2:00 a.m. EST. 86:27W. 43:58N.
Jupiter square Mars, conjunction Moon, semi-square Saturn and Mercury. In
September, 1919, as progressed, with Sun square Jupiter r, Venus semi-square
Jupiter r, and Jupiter semi-square Mercury r, suffered liver attack.


Birth-chart constants: Saturn prominent and Sun afflicted.

Progressed constants: An aspect, usually an affliction, involving Saturn, and an
aspect involving the Sun.

Stellar Treatment: Under the influence of fear, worry, anxiety, or overwork
adrenalin is released, and this contracts the blood vessels and stimulates the heart
action, and thus causes the blood pressure to rise. But if the system has become too
depleted from lack of adequate diet, from negative thinking, or other cause, the
adrenals become exhausted and can no longer manufacture adrenalin. The thyroid
and front pituitary glands may also lose their power The low output of adrenalin,
thyroxin and front pituitary hormone tends to relax and widen the individual’s
capillaries, the heart action becomes poor, and he develops low blood pressure. The
thinking should be positive and harmonious, and the diet should be that favorable to
an afflicted Saturn. The vitality should be built up. Jupiter planetary energy should be
given to the zone occupied by the Sun, and Venus planetary energy should be applied
to the zone occupied by Saturn. General treatment with solar electromagnetic energy
is beneficial.

Example: Chart 6278. Female, February 12, 1876, 9:48 p.m. 84:31W. 39:06N.
Saturn conjunction Sun and Mercury, Sun opposition Uranus. In September, 1940,
as progressed, with Sun parallel Saturn p, Mars square Saturn p, and Asc. square
Saturn p, suffered from low blood pressure.


Birth-chart constants: A planet afflicted in Libra or Venus severely afflicted at the
same time there are afflictions from Mars and Saturn.

Progressed constants: An aspect involving the planet in Libra or Venus and an
aspect involving Mars or Saturn, usually both.

Stellar Treatment: Lumbago is either cold or rheumatism which because of the
discord in Libra or of Venus settles in the back in the region of the kidneys. Exposure
should be avoided, and the blood stream kept slightly alkaline. The diet should be
that recommended for a discordant Saturn, excess of meat and acid producing foods
being avoided. The afflicted planet in Libra should be given the planetary energy of
its antidote, or the zone occupied by the afflicted Venus should be given Sun
planetary energy. The zones occupied by Mars and Saturn should be given the
planetary energy of their antidotes. Solar etheric energy should be applied to the
region where the stiffness and pain are located.

Example: Chart 292. Male, July 14, 1880, 4:30 p.m. 89:15W. 44:30N. Moon in
Libra opposition Jupiter and Saturn and sextile Mercury and the Sun. Mars square
Pluto. In May, 1912, as progressed, with Jupiter opposition Moon r in Libra, Asc.
trine Venus p, Saturn semi-sextile Pluto p, and M.C. semi-square Mars p, suffered
from lumbago.


Birth-chart constants: Mars prominent and Neptune, Saturn or Pluto prominent
and afflicted.

Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars and an aspect involving Neptune,
Saturn or Pluto, especially Neptune.

Stellar Treatment: Malaria occurs in three chief types, and is due to the presence in
the red blood corpuscles of animal parasites of the genus Plasmodium. In their adult
form they live in the tissues of the Anopheles mosquito. The young parasites destroy
the human blood cells, liberating in the blood plasma an immense number of spores,
which release coincides with the chills and fever. The fever results from the cortin
and adrenalin destroying the spores and neutralizing the other poisons liberated. The
diet should be that favorable to the discordant negative planet, and in addition should
contain plenty of iron, copper, manganese and a variety of proteins that can be used in
building new red blood cells to replace those destroyed. The adrenal glands should be
favored as much as possible by avoiding strain or excitement, so that they may
supply additional adrenalin and cortin. The zone of the responsible negative planet
should receive the planetary energy of its antidote, and the zone occupied by Mars
should receive Moon planetary energy. Lunar electromagnetic energy and sponging
with tepid water should be used to reduce the fever.

Example: Chart 6330. Male, February 7, 1873, 4:00 a.m. 84:45W. 38:50N. Mars in
an angle square Mercury and Uranus. Saturn in an angle opposition Uranus, Pluto
square Sun, and Neptune in an angle square Saturn. In March, 1893, as progressed,
with Mars semi-square Asc. r, and Sun semi-square Neptune r, had malaria.


Birth-chart constants: Saturn and Moon afflicted and in aspect with each other,
usually a discordant aspect.

Progressed constants: A discordant aspect involving Saturn or the Moon.

Stellar Treatment: Saturn- Moon afflictions not only tend to affect the ears, but also
frequently cause difficulty in the adjoining mastoid region. Mastoid operations are
often resorted to, in the endeavor to relieve the condition, and when such an operation
is performed there is sure to be a progressed aspect involving Mars. This not merely
indicates the operation, but that the cortin and adrenalin supply are insufficient to
counteract the acidity of the blood and overcome the inflammation or infection. The
diet should be that indicated for an afflicted Saturn. Mars planetary energy should be
given the zone occupied by the afflicted Moon, and Venus planetary energy and Sun
planetary energy should be given the zone occupied by Saturn. If there is severe
inflammation it may be soothed by applying to the mastoid region lunar
electromagnetic energy.

Example: Chart 293. Male, May 10, 1924, 8:10 a.m. 122:15W. 38N. Moon square
Saturn. In December, 1930, as progressed, with Sun inconjunct Saturn p, Jupiter
sesqui-square Moon r, and Mercury square Mars p, had a mastoid operation.


Birth-chart constants: Mars prominent and Saturn, Neptune or Pluto prominent.

Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars and an aspect, usually an
affliction, involving Saturn, Neptune or Pluto.

Stellar Treatment: The diet should be such as to build up an alkaline reserve in the
bloom stream, and such as indicated by the negative planet chiefly involved. Sun
electromagnetic energy should be applied to the zone occupied by the responsible
negative planet. Cooling drinks are beneficial; but too stimulating a diet is harmful.
Irritation of the skin should be prevented and there should be protection from drafts
and anything that may cause chilling. As this is a highly infectious fever the patient
should be isolated. Lunar electromagnetic energy may be used to help reduce the
fever. Good nursing is quite effective in this disease.

Example: Chart 294. Female, June 23, 1876, 12:30 a.m. 93:10W. 44N. Neptune and
Pluto in the first, Saturn trine Sun, Mars in the fourth conjunction Moon and square
Asc. In May, 1914, as progressed, with Asc. sextile Mars p, Sun inconjunct Saturn r,
and Saturn sesqui-square Moon r, had measles.


Birth-chart constants: Venus severely afflicted.

Progressed constants: An aspect, especially an affliction, involving Venus, at the
same time there are severe rallying forces.

Stellar Treatment: The difficulty arising at this period is due to change in hormone
secretion. The gonad hormones become less abundant, and instead of finding a more
external outlet they may enter the blood stream in small amounts, giving rise to hot
flashes. Hormone injections are now used to overcome menopause difficulties with
great success. But to be administered in the proper amount they require the service of
a very skilled doctor. The diet should contain plenty of vitamin E. The best source is
wheat germ meal. Saturn planetary energy should be applied to the zone occupied by
Venus, and constructive Saturn thoughts should be cultivated to establish calm and
emotional stability.

Example: Chart 296. Female, May 11, 1885, 5:08 p.m. 86W. 45N. Venus
conjunction Neptune and square Jupiter. During the 12 months of the menopause
change, 1930-1931, as progressed, with Venus parallel Sun p, Asc. inconjunct Mars r
and opposition Pluto p, Sun semi-sextile Mars p, and M.C. square Saturn r, there was
excessive (Mars increases blood flow) menstruation.


Birth-chart constants: A malefic planet in the fifth house, or the ruler of the fifth
severely afflicted. Venus or Mars affliction, especially to each other, increases the
danger of this mishap.

Progressed constants: An aspect to the ruler of the fifth house.

Stellar Treatment: The diet, application of planetary energy, the thoughts, and
hygenic measures should have for objective strengthening the stellar structure
mapped by the fifth house. Lunar electromagnetic energies (but not solar) may be
applied to the region of the uterus to sooth and relax and strengthen. Vitamin E is
essential, and lack of any of the vitamins increase the danger. Hormone injections are
being used with great success to prevent miscarriage.

Example: Chart 295. Female, May 12, 1906, 9:00 a.m. 94:45W. 39N. Mars and
Pluto rule the fifth. Mars is conjunction Venus and Jupiter and square Saturn. In
February, 1932, as progressed, with Asc. semi-square Pluto r, and M.C. semi-square
Mars r, had a miscarriage. She later had two children without mishap.


Birth-chart constants: Mars prominent and Saturn, Neptune or Pluto prominent.

Progressed constants: An aspect involving Mars, and an aspect involving Saturn,
Neptune or Pluto, at the same time there are progressed afflictions.

Stellar Treatment: Usually the chief seat of the disease, which is contagious, is the
parotid gland (the largest salivary gland), but it may transfer to the Scorpio region
and there cause serious trouble. Meats and proteins in particular should be avoided
for a few days, and fruit and vegetable juices made the main part of the diet. The diet
should be such as to favor Mars and thus the cortin and adrenalin supply. Sun
planetary energy should be applied to the zone occupied by the responsible negative
planet, Moon planetary energy should be applied to the zone occupied by Mars, and
lunar electromagnetic energy should be applied to the swelling, and to reduce the

Example: Chart 1870. Female, February 6, 1894, 11:27 p.m. 74W. 42N. Mars
sextile Sun and Mercury, Saturn trine Sun and Mercury, Pluto and Neptune square
Moon. In July, 1923, as progressed, with Mars sextile Uranus r, Jupiter inconjunct
Mars r, and Pluto sesqui-square Saturn p, had slight case of mumps.

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