Tornadoes and Hurricanes
- loe_siteadmin
- on Jun, 29, 2018
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hen all three weather charts show unusual violence at the place for which
they are erected, and especially if at the time erected there is a progressed
aspect to the Ascendant, we may be sure that storms or other destructive
weather will occur in the region covered by the charts.
If the chief destruction is through extreme temperature, we look chiefly to the aspects
made to the Ascendant of the Temperature Chart to show the day the event will take
place. If the chief destructive force indicated is rain, hail, snow or flood, we look
chiefly to the aspects made to the Ascendant of the Moisture Chart to indicate the day
the destruction will take place. But if the destruction is to be caused by wind, we look
most to the aspects made to the Ascendant of the Air Movement Chart to indicate the
days of the storm. However, almost always there is a progressed aspect to the
Ascendant of all three weather charts at the time of a destructive storm.
In Chapter 06 we considered most of the other kinds of unusual weather, leaving
the consideration of the most destructive types of storms, tornadoes and hurricanes,
to be taken up in this lesson. Here, therefore, I shall present a brief analysis of ten
tornadoes and six hurricanes. Each and every one, picked at random, show
exceptional elements of violence and wind.
That we may have a clear and definite idea of what a hurricane is, and how it is
distinguished from a tornado, I will quote from The Realm of the Air, by Charles
Fitzhugh Talman:
“The name ‘West India Hurricane’ is applied to the violent whirling storms of
cyclones that occur in the region of the West Indies and the adjacent waters to the
west and east, namely the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea and a tract of the
Atlantic Ocean extending eastward nearly to the African coast. Storms having
essentially the same characteristics occur in other tropical oceanic areas. In the Far
East they are called ‘Typhoons’ or in the Philippines sometimes ‘Baguois.’ In the
Indian Ocean they are known as ‘Cyclones,’ while the name ‘Hurricane’ prevails in
the South Pacific.
“‘Tropical cyclone’ is a name that embraces all of them, but also applies to numerous
mild disturbances of the tropical atmosphere that do not rank as tempests.
“The winds in these Storms blow around a center of low barometer with a velocity
that often exceeds one-hundred miles an hour. The storm as a whole travels at a very
moderate speed–say ten to fifteen miles an hour–and may even remain almost
stationary for awhile. Hence it is the rotary and not the progressive movement of the
storm that causes havoc.
“It may help the reader to crystallize his ideas concerning tropical cyclones if he
bears in mind that these whirls of low latitudes are intermediate in size between two
other types of revolving storms, namely, the huge ‘extra tropical’ cyclone of the
temperate and polar zones, and the small tornadoes that are confined chiefly to
continental interiors of the north temperate zone. The extra tropical cyclone has an
average diameter of about fifteen-hundred miles, while a large speciman may, for
example, cover the entire north half of the North Atlantic Ocean. The diameter of a
tropical cyclone (hurricane) is sometimes less than fifty miles and seldom as great as
three-hundred miles. The tornado is a mere dot on the map–from a few rods to half a
mile or so in diameter.
“For concentrated fury and destructiveness no other wind on earth–except, perhaps,
the blast in front of a great avalanche or landslide–rivals the tornado.
“A tropical hurricane is a vast whirlwind that sweeps for days together on sea and
land and is capable of doing a greater aggregate of damage than the tornado on
account of the much larger area embraced in its path. It leaves ruin in its wake, yet
stout buildings withstand its assaults and well-found ships plow safely through it.
“The entire life history of the tornado is usually compassed within less than half an
hour and the path of destruction is seldom more than a quarter of a mile wide and
some score of miles long. At any one place along the path the whole thing is over in a
minute. Within these narrow limits of space and time it does its deadly work with a
thoroughness only rivaled by the deviltries of modern warfare.
“The tornado is borne along as a local episode in a wide-spread belt of squalls and
“Usually the first warning of a tornado is when someone sights the black funnel a few
miles away on the horizon. But, not infrequently, the knowledge that a hurricane is
approaching is known a day or two before its arrival, and people board up their
windows, and perhaps go by train loads to higher ground where danger of the water
of the sea piling in on them is less great.
A waterspout is merely a tornado-like funnel which, passing over water, sucks the
water up. Waterspouts usually are much smaller than the larger tornadoes, and
usually are much less destructive.
When the heavy planets in the sky make squares and oppositions we may be sure of
destructive weather conditions on the earth. And when the planets forming these
heavy discords in the localities where the weather charts are erected, if the localities
are in a tornado region and it is the time of year when tornadoes are more common,
we may expect tornadoes. But when the same afflictions occur in those regions
where tornadoes are rare, but where the destructive storms are hurricanes, we may
expect hurricanes. And the same charts in the Great Basin region, where tornadoes
and hurricanes do not occur, indicate cloudbursts, sandstorms, and destructive
The general principle to follow in judging such storms is that the more violent and
destructive the inner-plane weather, as shown by the three weather charts, the more
violent and destructive will be the storms on earth.
As tornadoes are more local affairs, and the most vicious of all storms in the limited
area where they do strike, let us briefly analyze some typical cases; and then close
with those larger storms, which due to their size, in the aggregate often create more
havoc than any others. These are hurricanes.
Tornado, April 29-30, 1933
–A tornado on the indicated date struck near midnight in both Arkansas and
Mississippi, sweeping a wide path of destruction. Six were killed and 50 injured,
with a property damage of half a million dollars. The heaviest damage was reported
at Yazoo City, Miss., for which the three following weather charts were erected.
Temperature Chart No. 220, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the
houses of which are given at the front of this lesson, has stormy Saturn and the wet
Moon in the fourth house, the Moon being opposition violent Pluto and square violent
Uranus. Stormy Capricorn is on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Saturn, is in violent
Aquarius. This accounts for ½ of the influence of the chart.
Windy Libra is on the cusp of the first, and Venus, its ruler, is in mild but wet Pisces.
This accounts for ¼ of the influence of the chart.
Mars, ruling the sign occupied by the Sun, is in windy Virgo. This accounts for 1/8 of
the influence of the chart.
The calm Moon, windy and violent Uranus, and stormy Saturn are in angles. This
accounts for 1/8 of the influence of the chart.
Air Movement Chart No. 221, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and
the houses of which are given at the front of this lesson, has pleasant Jupiter in the
fourth house. Windy Virgo is on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Mercury, is in v
iolent Aries. This accounts for ½ of the influence of the chart.
Violent Pluto is in the first house, square both Sun and Uranus. Windy Gemini is on
the cusp of the first, and its ruler, Mercury, is in violent Aries. This accounts for ¼ of
the influence of the chart.
Mars, ruling the sign occupied by Mercury, is in windy Virgo. This accounts for 1/8
of the influence of the chart.
Of the planets in angles, Jupiter is mild, but Pluto is violent. This accounts for 1/8 of
the influence of the chart.
Moisture Chart No. 222, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses
of which are given at the front of this lesson, has the violent sign Scorpio on the cusp of the
fourth, and one of its rulers, Mars, in windy Virgo, and the other of its rulers, Pluto, in
mild Cancer.Pluto, however, is closely square violent Uranus. This accounts for ½ of
the influence of the chart.
Violent Mars and Neptune are in the first house. Calm Leo is on the cusp of the first,
and its ruler, the Sun, is in wet Taurus. This accounts for ¼ of the influence of the
Venus, ruling the sign occupied by the Moon, is in mild Taurus. This accounts for 1/8
of the influence of the chart.
Both planets in angles, Mars and Neptune, are violent. This accounts for 1/8 of the
influence of the chart.
At the time of the tornado, progressed Jupiter was parallel the Asc. of the
Temperature Chart, progressed Pluto was parallel the Asc. of the Air Movement
Chart, and the Moon on the day of the tornado had made the conjunction of the Asc.
of the Air Movement chart. All during the period covered by the Air Movement
chart, up to a day and half before the tornado, Saturn, the storm planet had been
within the one degree of effective orb of progressed sesqui-square the Asc. This
added to the charts violence.
Tornado, September 14, 1928
–On this date there was a tornado at Rockford, Ill., at about 3:20 p.m. The tornado
path was from 200 to 500 feet wide, and had a length of 25 miles. There were 14
deaths, about 100 injured, and property damage in Rockford alone was $1,200,000.
Temperature Chart No. 223, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the
houses of which are given at the front of this lesson, has the storm planet Saturn in the fourth.
Breezy Sagittarius is on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Jupiter, is in mild Taurus.
This accounts for ½ of the influence of the chart.
Windy Virgo is on the cusp of the first, and its ruler, Mercury, is in calm Cancer, but
is conjunction violent Pluto, semi-square violent Neptune, and square windy and
violent Uranus. This accounts for ¼ of the influence of the chart.
The Moon, ruling the sign occupied by the Sun, is in Leo conjunction violent
Neptune. This accounts for 1/8 of the influence of the chart.
Of the planets in angles, the Sun is calm but Saturn is stormy. This accounts for 1/8 of
the influence of the chart.
Air Movement Chart No. 224, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses
of which are given at the front of this lesson, has violent Aquarius on the cusp of the
fourth, and its ruler, Uranus, in violent Aries. This accounts for ½ of the influence of
the chart.
Violent Scorpio is on the cusp of the first, and one of its rulers, Mars, is in windy
Gemini, and the other ruler, Pluto, is in calm Cancer. This accounts for ¼ of the
influence of the chart.
Venus, ruling the sign occupied by Mercury, is in windy Libra. This accounts for 1/8
of the influence of the chart.
Of the planets in angles, the Sun is quiet and the Moon is quiet, Jupiter is pleasant, but
Neptune is violent. This accounts for 1/8 of the influence of the chart, except that
Jupiter is in progressed opposition the Asc. and thus stirring up discord.
Moisture Chart No. 225, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses of
which are given at the front of this lesson, has violent Pluto in the fourth house. Wet
Cancer is on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, the Moon, is in windy Virgo making
a progressed square to Mars. This accounts for ½ of the influence of the chart.
Pleasant Jupiter is in the first house, but violent Aries is on the cusp of the first and
Mars, its ruler, in windy Gemini makes a progressed square with the Moon. This
accounts for ¼ of the influence of the chart.
Mercury, ruling the sign occupied by the Moon, is in windy Libra. This accounts for
1/8 of the influence of the chart.
Of the planets in angles Jupiter is mild but Pluto is violent. This accounts for 1/8 of
the influence of the chart.
September 14, 1928, when the tornado struck, progressed Neptune was conjunction
the Asc. of the Temperature Chart, progressed Jupiter was opposition the Asc. of the
Air Movement Chart, and the progressed Moon was inconjunct the Asc. of the
Moisture Chart.
Tornado, March 11, 1917
–This is the date on which there occurred the first well defined tornado in
Cincinnati, Ohio, of which there is a record. Three people were killed, 32 injured, and
90 houses partly wrecked, with a damage of $250,000.
Temperature Chart No. 226, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses
of which are given at the front of this lesson, has the Sun in the fourth house opposition
violent Pluto. Sagittarius is on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Jupiter, is in
violent Aries. This accounts for ½ of the influence of the chart.
Windy Virgo is on the cusp of the first, and its ruler, Mercury, is in stormy Capricorn
in progressed conjunctions with violent Mars. This accounts for ¼ of the influence of
the chart.
Saturn, ruling the sign occupied by the Sun, is in mild Cancer, but conjunction
violent Neptune. This accounts for 1/8 of the influence of the chart.
Of the planets in angles, the Sun is calm and Pluto is violent. This accounts for 1/8 of
the influence of the chart.
Air Movement Chart No. 227, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses
of which are given at the front of this lesson, has windy Mercury and mild Venus in the
fourth house. Stormy Capricorn is on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Saturn, is in
mild Cancer. This accounts for ½ of the influence of the chart.
Windy Libra is on the cusp of the first, and its ruler, Venus, is conjunction windy
Mercury in violent Aquarius. This accounts for ¼ of the influence of the chart.
Uranus, ruler of the sign occupied by Mercury, is conjunction the Sun in violent
Aquarius. This accounts for 1/8 of the influence of the chart.
Of the planets in angles, Venus and Jupiter are mild, Saturn is stormy, Mercury is
windy, and Neptune is violent. This accounts for 1/8 of the influence of the chart.
Moisture Chart No. 228, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses of
which are given at the front of this lesson, has violent Scorpio on the cusp of the fourth
with one of its rulers, Mars, in wet Pisces, and the other of its rulers, Pluto, in wet
Cancer in progressed semi-sextile with violent Neptune. This accounts for ½ of the
influence of the chart.
Wet Moon in the first house is in close opposition to violent Mars. Calm Leo is on the
cusp of the first, and its ruler, the Sun, is in wet Pisces in close conjunction with
violent Mars. This accounts for ¼ of the influence of the chart.
March 11, 1917, when the tornado struck, progressed Moon was semi-square the
Asc. of the Temperature Chart, progressed violent Mars was parallel the Asc. of the
Air Movement chart, and progressed windy Mercury was parallel the Asc. of the
Moisture chart.
Tornado, November 10, 1915
–This is the date when a tornado struck Great Bend, Kansas at 7:07 p.m., killing 11
persons and destroying $1,000,000 worth of property.
Temperature Chart No. 229, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses
of which are given at the front of this lesson, has calm Leo on the cusp of the fourth, with
its ruler, the Sun, conjunction Venus, and both sextile Neptune and square Pluto.
Windy Gemini is on the Asc., and progressed Venus is trine the Asc., progressed
Pluto is semi-square the Asc., and progressed Venus is square Pluto. This is a violent
Air Movement Chart No. 230, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses
of which are given at the front of this lesson, has violent Mars in the fourth opposition
violent Uranus.
Mild Taurus is on the cusp of the first, but its ruler, Venus, in violent Scorpio, is in
progressed square with violent Mars.
The only two planets in angles are Mars and Uranus, both violent. This is an
extremely violent chart.
Moisture Chart No. 231, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses of
which are given at the front of this lesson, has Sagittarius on the cusp of the fourth, and
Jupiter in an angle, indicating some fine weather during the 7 days it rules. The cusp
of the first, however, is windy Virgo, and its ruler, Mercury, in windy Libra, is in
progressed semi-square to the Asc. This indicates plenty of wind.
At the time of the tornado on Nov. 10, progressed Neptune was sextile the Asc. of the
Temperature Chart, progressed Neptune was parallel the Asc. of the Air Movement
chart, and progressed Mercury was parallel the Asc. of the Moisture Chart.
Tornado Day, April 10, 1929
–It is called tornado day in Arkansas because on that date there were eight tornadoes
in the northeast part of that state during the afternoon and early part of the night. The
first storm hit three miles west of Calico Rock, about 3:00 p.m. The last storm, about
8:30 p.m., made a path from Calico Rock eastward 100 miles. 56 persons met death,
213 were injured, and property damage was reported as $795,000.
Temperature Chart No. 232, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses of
which are given at the front of this lesson, shows violent Aquarius on the fourth, and its
ruler, Uranus, conjunction Sun, in progressed conjunction with Venus, and both in
progressed trine with the Moon. This shows much action from windy and violent
Air Movement Chart No. 233, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the
houses of which are given at the front of this lesson, shows the storm planet Saturn in
the fourth house in progressed square with windy Mercury. This indicates storm in no
uncertain terms.
Moisture Chart No. 234, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses of
which are given at the front of this lesson, has violent Scorpio on the cusp of the fourth,
and Mars, one ruler, in wet Cancer in conjunction with the other ruler, violent Pluto,
and square windy Mercury and windy and violent Uranus.
Windy Virgo is on the cusp of the first, and its ruler, Mercury, is conjunction violent
Uranus, while stormy Saturn makes a progressed trine to the Asc. This also indicates
storm in no uncertain terms.
On April 10, when the storms struck, progressed Neptune was sextile the Asc. of the
Temperature Chart, progressed Sun was sesqui-square the Asc. of the Air Movement
Chart, and both progressed Moon and progressed Neptune were parallel the Asc. of
the Moisture Chart.
Tornado, April 5, 1925.
–On this date there was a tornado and hail storm near Miami, Florida, in which 5
persons died, 35 were injured, and property damage reached $200,000. Preceding the
tornado the ground was covered with hail.
Temperature Chart No. 235, the planets of which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses
of which are given at the front of this lesson, shows the wet planet Venus in progressed
conjunction with eccentric Uranus in the fourth house. Violent Aquarius is on the
cusp of the fourth.
Violent Scorpio is on the cusp of the first, and one of its rulers, Mars, is in the seventh
house semi-square the other ruler, Pluto, and semi-square windy Mercury.
Air Movement Chart No. 236, the planets for which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses
for which are given at the front of this lesson, has windy Virgo on the cusp of the fourth
and windy Gemini on the cusp of the first. The Moon is conjunction violent Pluto in
the first, and Uranus in an angle is closely square the Asc. Much wind is indicated.
Moisture Chart No. 237, the planets for which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses
for which are given at the front of this lesson, has violent Mars in the fourth house and
violent Aquarius on the cusp of the first. The most significant thing about this chart is
the progressed inconjunct of Moon and sextile of Sun to the Asc., and the progressed
inconjunct of Pluto to the Asc., connecting the degree on the Asc. with the violent
progressed square of Sun to Pluto and conjunction of Moon with Pluto.
April 5, when the tornado struck, progressed Neptune was square the Asc. and
progressed Jupiter was sextile the Asc. of the Temperature chart, progressed Jupiter
was semi-sextile the Asc. of the Air Movement chart, and progressed Pluto was
inconjunct the Asc. of the Moisture chart.
Tornado, September 29, 1927
–On this date there was a severe tornado at and near St. Louis, Mo., in which 79 lives
were lost, and property damage was $25,000,000.
Temperature Chart No. 238, the planets for which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses
for which are given at the front of this lesson, has stormy Capricorn on the cusp of the
fourth, and its ruler, Saturn, in an angle. Somewhere during the season there would be
violence, due to the T-square made by Mars to the close opposition of Sun and
Uranus, and as stormy Saturn aspects Sun and Uranus closely, and connect them up
with the Asc. by making a progressed inconjunct to it, it was likely to be this region.
Air Movement Chart No. 239, the planets for which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses
for which are given at the front of this lesson, has violent Pluto in the fourth and stormy
Capricorn on the cusp of the fourth, with Saturn, its ruler, in progressed sextile to
Mars and in progressed trine to Uranus, Mars and Uranus being in progressed
opposition. Mercury, the wind planet, is closely conjunction Mars and closely
opposition Uranus. Violent Aries is on the Asc., and Mars, its ruler, involved in the
indicated aspects. This is a very violent chart.
Moisture Chart No. 240, the planets for which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses for
which are given at the front of this lesson, has windy Gemini on the cusp of the fourth,
and violent Aquarius on the cusp of the first, with its ruler, violent Uranus, making
the progressed opposition to Sun and Moon. This also is a very violent chart.
September 29, when the tornado struck, progressed Saturn was inconjunct the Asc. in
the Temperature chart, progressed Mercury was opposition the Asc. of the Air
Movement Chart, and progressed Moon was both parallel and square the Asc. of the
Moisture Chart.
Tornado, May 1, 1933
–On this date a tornado struck Mindon, Louisiana, 68 were killed, 55 of them in
Mindon, and 50 were injured.
Temperature Chart No. 241, the planets for which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses
for which are given at the front of this lesson, has stormy Saturn in the fourth, and
stormy Capricorn on the cusp of the fourth. Wet Moon is also in the fourth in
opposition to violent Pluto in the tenth, and Pluto makes the progressed square with
violent Uranus in the seventh. This is a destructive combination.
Air Movement Chart No. 242, the planets for which are given in Chapter 06, and
the houses of which are given at the front of this lesson, shows pleasant
Jupiter in the fourth, but windy Virgo on the cusp of the fourth. Windy Gemini is on
the cusp of the first, and its ruler, Mercury, is in an angle. The ominous thing about
the chart, however, is Sun conjunction Uranus, and both square Pluto, and this
violent aspect connected with the Asc. by progressed Sun sextile Asc.
Moisture Chart No. 243, the planets for which are given in Chapter 06, and the houses
of which are given at the front of this lesson, shows violent Scorpio on the cusp of the
fourth, and one of its rulers, Mars, conjunction violent Neptune, and the other ruler,
Pluto, closely square Uranus. This Mars conjunction Neptune occurs in the first
At the time the tornado struck, on May 1, progressed Mars was semi-square the Asc.
in the Temperature Chart, progressed Pluto was parallel the Asc. of the Air
Movement Chart, and progressed Mercury was trine the Asc. of the Moisture Chart.
Tornado, June 28, 1924
–On this date, at Lorain, Ohio, there occurred a tornado which cost the lives of
nearly 100 people, and created property damage of about $12,000,000.
Temperature Chart No. 244, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson,
shows breezy Sagittarius on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Jupiter, closely
opposition windy Mercury, and in progressed semi-square with violent Mars. Windy
Virgo is on the cusp of the first, and its ruler, Mercury, as indicated, closely
opposition Jupiter. But the most ominous thing about the chart is progressed stormy
Saturn semi-sextile the Asc.
Air Movement Chart No. 245, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson, has
violent Aries on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Mars, in progressed conjunction
with stormy Saturn. Sagittarius is on the cusp of the first, but stormy Capricorn is
intercepted in the first, and its ruler, Saturn, is in progressed conjunction with violent
Mars. Progressed Sun is also square violent and windy Uranus.
Moisture Chart No. 246, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson, has
Taurus on the cusp of the fourth, with its ruler, Venus, in close conjunction with
violent Pluto, and making the progressed inconjunct with Jupiter. Stormy Capricorn
is on the cusp of the first, but the most ominous thing about the chart is progressed
Uranus sextile the Asc.
At the time the tornado struck, June 28, progressed Moon was trine the Asc. of the
Temperature Chart, progressed Mercury was opposition the Asc. of the Air
Movement Chart, and progressed Uranus was sextile the Asc. of the Moisture Chart.
Tornado, May 6, 1927
–The tornado on this date demolished the town of Poplar Bluffs, Mo., killing 80,
injuring 300, and doing property damage amounting to $2,100,000.
Temperature Chart No. 247, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson,
shows violent Neptune in the fourth house. Violent Mars is in the first house making
progressed square to windy Mercury and Jupiter. Windy Gemini is on the cusp of the
first, and its ruler, Mercury, is in progressed conjunction with Jupiter and progressed
square with Mars. Mars, ruling the sign occupied by the Sun, is in windy Gemini,
making the progressed aspects indicated, and also progressed square with violent
Pluto. This is, therefore, a very violent chart.
Air Movement Chart No. 248, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson,
also has Neptune, planet of peculiar weather, in the fourth, and Neptune is making
the progressed sextile to Venus and the progressed inconjunct to Jupiter. Windy
Gemini is on the cusp of the first. The ruler of the sign occupied by Mercury, Venus,
is in windy Gemini in the first house. This is a mild position, but there is an ominous
position, progressed Mars semi-sextile the Asc.
Moisture Chart No. 249, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson, has
windy Libra on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Venus, in windy Gemini in
progressed square to Jupiter. Wet Cancer is on the cusp of the first, and its ruler, the
Moon, is in Leo, conjunction peculiar Neptune. Only windy Mercury is in an angle.
At the time the tornado struck, May 6, progressed Uranus was sextile the Asc. of the
Temperature Chart, progressed Mars was semi-sextile the Asc. of the Air Movement
Chart, and progressed Venus was semi-sextile the Asc. of the Moisture Chart.
These ten destructive tornadoes, picked at random, all show great violence in all
three weather charts. And, as is practically always the case, at the time of the
destructive storm, there was, with the exception of one chart, a progressed aspect
within the one effective degree of perfect to the Ascendant of each of the three
weather charts. I believe, therefore, they show in sufficient detail to form a solid
foundation for further research on the part of the student, the inner-plane conditions
which precede, and which are present at the time of tornadoes. Therefore, to
complete these studies, let us make a similar brief analysis of those less common, but
sometimes even more destructive storms known as hurricanes.
Tropical Hurricane, September 28-30, 1929
–This hurricane in southern and western Florida did damage to the extent of
$678,000 to fruit, trucks, highways, telephones, small boats, buildings, power plants,
etc.Temperature Chart No. 250, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson,
shows stormy Capricorn on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Saturn, in Sagittarius,
opposition Jupiter. Windy Libra is on the cusp of the first, and windy Mercury is in
the first house, closely conjunction Mars and the Asc. The really ominous thing
about the chart is violent Mars in progressed aspect with the Ascendant. Mars and
Mercury are in close square with violent Pluto.
Air Movement Chart No. 251, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson,
shows windy Mercury conjunction violent Mars in the fourth house, with Mars
square the Moon. Windy Virgo is on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Mercury, is
in violent Aries. Violent Pluto is in the first house. Windy Gemini is on the cusp of the
first house, and as indicated, its ruler, Mercury, is heavily afflicted. Furthermore,
tending to release the indicated violence in the area for which the chart was erected,
progressed Venus is semi-sextile the Asc.
Moisture Chart No. 252, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson, shows
peculiar Neptune conjunction Venus in the fourth house and making the progressed
sextile to Moon and progressed semi-sextile to Sun. The Sun is opposition Uranus,
and the Moon makes a T-square with this opposition. Thus this chart also shows
At the time of the hurricane, September 28-30, progressed Mercury was conjunction
the Asc. of the Temperature Chart, progressed Moon was parallel the Asc. of the Air
Movement Chart, and progressed Moon was square the Asc. of the Moisture Chart.
Hurricane, August 24, 1933
This hurricane with most destruction at Norfolk, Va., brought the highest tide on
–record, with water pouring through the streets of the city, and a property damage of
Temperature Chart No. 253, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson,
shows the violent sign Aquarius on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Uranus, in
violent Aries square both violent Pluto and the wind planet Mercury. Violent Scorpio
is on the cusp of the first, and one of its rulers, Mars, is in windy Virgo, and the other
ruler, Pluto, is conjunction windy Mercury, and in progressed sextile with violent
Air Movement Chart No. 254, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson,
has Taurus on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Venus, in an angle in progressed
conjunction with violent Pluto. Both are square violent and windy Uranus. Stormy
Capricorn is on the cusp of the first, and its ruler, stormy Saturn, is in the first house in
violent Aquarius opposition to the Moon. In addition to Venus, Moon, Saturn and
Pluto, windy Mercury also is in an angle. This is a storm chart.
Moisture Chart No. 255, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson, has
wet Venus and peculiar Neptune in the fourth house. Windy Virgo is on the cusp of the
fourth, and its ruler, Mercury, is in opposition to stormy Saturn, and in progressed
inconjunct with peculiar Neptune. Windy Gemini is on the cusp of the first, and its
ruler, Mercury, has the violent aspects already indicated. But the most significant
thing about the chart is the progressed square of Venus to the Asc.
On the day of the hurricane, Aug. 24, progressed Saturn was parallel the Asc. of the
Temperature Chart, progressed Pluto was parallel the Asc. of the Air Movement
Chart, and progressed Mercury was square the Asc. of the Moisture Chart.
Hurricane, September 5, 1933
–On this date a hurricane swept southeast Texas, and at Harlingen, Texas, 53 were
killed, thousands were hurt and the town was shattered and ruined. Other towns also
were flooded, and the property loss ran into millions.
Temperature Chart No. 256, erected for Harlingen, the elements of which are given
at the front of this lesson, has the storm planet Saturn in the fourth house. Violent Aquarius
is on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Uranus, is in violent Aries square violent
Pluto and windy Mercury. Mercury, the wind planet, is in progressed conjunction
with violent Pluto. Violent Scorpio is on the cusp of the first, and one of its rulers,
Mars, is in progressed sextile with windy Mercury from the windy sign Virgo, and
also in progressed sextile with the other ruler, Pluto. This is an ominous combination,
although it needs a progressed aspect to the Asc. to release it.
Air Movement Chart No. 257, erected for Harlingen, the elements of which are given
at the front of this lesson, has Sun, windy Mercury, and peculiar Neptune in the fourth
house, progressed Sun being conjunction Neptune. As Leo is on the cusp of the
fourth, and the Sun is its ruler, this is a significant aspect. But the really ominous
thing about the chart is that progressed Sun and Neptune are also square the Asc. This
makes the chart indicate very dangerous weather.
Moisture Chart No. 258, erected for Harlingen, the elements of which are given on
pages 112-113, also has Sun conjunction peculiar Neptune in the fourth house, Leo
again on the cusp of the fourth, and both its ruler, Sun, and Neptune, opposition the
Moon. Windy Gemini is on the cusp of the first house, and its ruler, Mercury, is in the
windy sign, Virgo. Neptune, the ruler of the sign occupied by the Moon, is in windy
Virgo conjunction windy Mercury, conjunction Sun and opposition Moon.
On Sept. 5, the day of the hurricane, progressed Mars was conjunction the Asc. of the
Temperature Chart, progressed Neptune was square the Asc. of the Air Movement
Chart, and progressed Mercury was square the Asc. of the Moisture Chart.
Hurricane, September 18, 1926
–This hurricane arrived at Miami, Florida, at 3:00 a.m., on this date causing great
damage.Temperature Chart No. 259, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson,
has the Sun in the fourth house conjunction Pluto and square violent Mars. Windy
Gemini is on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Mercury, is in Cancer conjunction
violent Pluto. This accounts for ½ of the influence of the chart.
Violent Mars is in the first house conjunction windy and violent Uranus and square
the Sun. Pisces is on the cusp of the first, and its ruler, Neptune, is in Leo in
progressed square with Venus. This accounts for ¼ of the influence of the chart.
The Moon, ruling the sign occupied by the Sun, is in violent Scorpio conjunction
stormy Saturn. This accounts for 1/8 of the influence of the chart.
Of the planets in angles, Sun is calm, but Mars and Uranus are violent. This accounts
for 1/8 of the influence of the chart. However, the Moon in progressed trine with the
Asc. helps release the energy of the chart.
Air Movement Chart No. 260, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson,
has violent Mars in the fourth house. Taurus is on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler,
Venus, is in Leo closely opposition Jupiter and closely square Saturn. This accounts
for ½ of the influence of the chart.
Jupiter is in the first house square Saturn and opposition Venus. Stormy Capricorn is
on the cusp of the first, and its ruler, Saturn is square Venus, opposition Mars, and
square Jupiter. This accounts for ¼ of the influence of the chart.
Mercury, ruling the sign occupied by Mercury, is in windy Virgo making the
progressed semi-square to violent Pluto. This accounts for 1/8 of the influence of the
Of the planets in angles, Jupiter is mild, Saturn is stormy, and Mars is violent. This
accounts for 1/8 of the influence of the chart.
The most ominous thing about the chart, however, is progressed Pluto opposition the
Moisture Chart No. 161, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson, has
Sun in the fourth house in progressed sextile with stormy Saturn. Windy Virgo is on the
cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Mercury, is in windy Virgo conjunction the Sun and
in the fourth. This accounts for ½ of the influence of the chart.
The ominous thing about the chart is that progressed Sun is square the Asc., and
progressed Mars is inconjunct the Asc.
At the time the hurricane reached Miami, on Sept. 18, progressed Moon was
semi-sextile the Asc. of the Temperature Chart, progressed Pluto was opposition the
Asc. of the Air Movement Chart, and progressed Saturn was inconjunct the Asc. of
the Moisture Chart.
Probably the Greatest Hurricane Ever Recorded
–This hurricane formed near Cape Verde Islands, and raged from September 10 to
September 20, 1928, causing great loss of life and destruction of property.
Temperature Chart No. 262, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson,
shows stormy Capricorn on the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, Saturn, in Sagittarius
inconjunct violent Pluto. Windy Libra is on the cusp of the first, and its ruler, Venus,
is sextile peculiar Neptune. The most ominous thing about the chart is progressed
Mercury, planet of wind, square the Asc.
Air Movement Chart No. 263, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson,
shows violent and windy Uranus in the fourth in opposition to windy Mercury.
Venus, the ruler of the sign occupied by Mercury, is in windy Libra in opposition to
violent Uranus. Pluto and Uranus, both violent, are the only two planets in angles.
This chart, in spite of Sagittarius being on the cusp of the first, shows much violence
and wind.
Moisture Chart No. 264, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson, shows
Pluto in the fourth house in progressed semi-sextile with violent Mars. Cancer is on
the cusp of the fourth, and its ruler, the Moon, is in windy Gemini in close
conjunction with violent Mars and square violent Pluto. Violent Aries is on the cusp
of the first, and its ruler, Mars, as already indicated, is progressed sextile to Pluto, and
is conjunction the Moon and square the Sun. This also is a very violent chart.
At the time the hurricane commenced, Sept. 10, progressed Saturn was sextile the
Asc. of the Temperature Chart, progressed Moon and progressed Mars were parallel
the Asc. of the Air Movement Chart, and progressed Mercury was opposition the
Asc. of the Moisture Chart.
Hurricane, August 7-13, 1928
–This hurricane ranged for a week all the way from Florida to New Jersey,
unroofing scores of buildings, wrecking others, killing a few people, and damaging
the citrus crop. The three charts are erected for Jacksonville, Florida.
Temperature Chart No. 265, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson,
has the storm planet Saturn in the fourth in progressed inconjunct with violent Pluto.
Windy Virgo is on the cusp of the first, and its ruler, Mercury, is square Uranus and
conjunction Pluto, both violent planets. The Moon, ruler of the sign occupied by the
Sun, is in Leo conjunction peculiar Neptune.
Air Movement Chart No. 266, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson,
has windy and violent Uranus in the fourth. Pisces is on the cusp of the fourth, and its
ruler, Neptune, is in Leo closely square violent Mars. The storm planet Saturn is in
the first house making a progressed trine with the Sun. The Sun, ruler of the sign
occupied by Mercury, is in Leo thus in progressed aspect to Saturn. The most
ominous feature of the chart is that progressed and violent Uranus releases the force
of the chart by making a progressed trine to the Asc.
Moisture Chart No. 267, the elements of which are given at the front of this lesson, has the
storm sign Capricorn on the cusp of the fourth and its ruler, Saturn, in Sagittarius. The
most ominous feature of the chart is the Moon in the fourth making a progressed trine
to the Asc., and the Sun in the tenth making a progressed sextile to the Asc.
Windy Libra is on the cusp of the first, and its ruler, Venus, is in Leo making a
progressed semi-sextile to Pluto. Uranus, ruling the sign occupied by the Moon, is in
violent Aries in opposition to the Asc. The planets in angles are Sun, windy Mercury,
wet Moon and violent Pluto. In addition to the progressed aspects of Sun and Moon to
the Asc., progressed Jupiter is square both Sun and Moon and at the same time
inconjunct the Asc. Thus there are three progressed aspects to the Asc. releasing the
force of the chart.
On the date the hurricane reached Jacksonville, August 7, progressed Saturn was
square the Asc. of the Temperature Chart, progressed Uranus was trine the Asc. of
the Air Movement Chart, and progressed Jupiter was inconjunct the Asc. of the
Moisture Chart.
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I have pierced the illusion of matter and seen that I am Divine. — Zanoni
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- I Laws Of Occultism
- II Astrological Signatures
- III Spiritual Alchemy
- IV Ancient Masonry
- IX Mental Alchemy
- V Esoteric Psychology
- VI The Sacred Tarot
- VII Spiritual Astrology
- VIII Horary Astrology
- X-I Natal Astrology Delineating the Horoscope
- X-II Natal Astrology Progressing the Horoscope
- XI Divination and Character Reading
- XII-1 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Life
- XII-2 Natural Alchemy Evolution of Religion
- XIII Mundane Astrology
- XIV Occultism Applied to Daily Life
- XIX Organic Alchemy
- XV Weather Predicting
- XVI Stellar Healing
- XVII Cosmic Alchemy
- XVIII Imponderable Forces
- XX The Next Life
- XXI Personal Alchemy